gpt4 book ai didi

excel - VBA AES CBC 加密

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 03:56:44 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在 中提到了加密下面是我最终得到的代码

Function Min(a, b)
Min = a
If b < a Then Min = b
End Function

Function B64Encode(bytes)
Dim result As String
Dim b64Block() As Byte
Dim b64Enc As Object
Dim utf8 As Object
Dim Offset, Length, BlockSize As Integer

Set b64Enc = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform")
Set utf8 = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
BlockSize = b64Enc.InputBlockSize
For Offset = 0 To LenB(bytes) - 1 Step BlockSize
Length = Min(BlockSize, UBound(bytes) - Offset)
b64Block = b64Enc.TransformFinalBlock((bytes), Offset, Length)
result = result & utf8.GetString((b64Block))
B64Encode = result
End Function

Function B64Decode(b64Str)
Dim utf8 As Object
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim b64Dec As Object

Set utf8 = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
Set b64Dec = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64Transform")
bytes = utf8.GetBytes_4(b64Str)
B64Decode = b64Dec.TransformFinalBlock((bytes), 0, UBound(bytes))
End Function

Function Encrypt(plaintext, aesKey)
Dim cipherBytes, aesKeyBytes, ivKeyBytes, plainBytes() As Byte

Dim utf8, AES, aesEnc As Object
Dim aesIV() As Byte
Set AES = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged")
Set utf8 = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
'Set cipherMode = GetObject("System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode")
AES.KeySize = 256
AES.Mode = 1
AES.Key = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding").GetBytes_4("V$ry300DP3r$0NM3")
AES.IV = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding").GetBytes_4("HR$2pIjHR$2pIjPa")
plainBytes = utf8.GetBytes_4(plaintext)
'Set aesEnc = AES.CreateEncryptor_2((aesKeyBytes), (ivKeyBytes))
cipherBytes = AES.TransformFinalBlock((plainBytes), 0, UBound(plainBytes))

Encrypt = B64Encode(cipherBytes)
End Function

现在上面的代码告诉我“指定的初始化向量 (iv) 与该算法的 block 大小不匹配”

我们不能设置 IV 动态吗?


Function Min(a, b)
Min = a
If b < a Then Min = b
End Function

Function B64Encode(bytes)
Dim result As String
Dim b64Block() As Byte
Dim b64Enc As Object
Dim utf8 As Object
Dim Offset, Length, BlockSize As Integer

Set b64Enc = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform")
Set utf8 = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
BlockSize = b64Enc.InputBlockSize
For Offset = 0 To LenB(bytes) - 1 Step BlockSize
Length = Min(BlockSize, UBound(bytes) - Offset)
b64Block = b64Enc.TransformFinalBlock((bytes), Offset, Length)
result = result & utf8.GetString((b64Block))
B64Encode = result
End Function

Function B64Decode(b64Str)
Dim utf8 As Object
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim b64Dec As Object

Set utf8 = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
Set b64Dec = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64Transform")
bytes = utf8.GetBytes_4(b64Str)
B64Decode = b64Dec.TransformFinalBlock((bytes), 0, UBound(bytes))
End Function

Function Encrypt(plaintext, aesKey)
Dim cipherBytes, aesKeyBytes, ivKeyBytes, plainBytes() As Byte

Dim utf8, AES, aesEnc, cipherMode As Object
Dim aesIV() As Byte

Set AES = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged")
Set utf8 = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
'Set cipherMode = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode")

AES.KeySize = 256
AES.BlockSize = 256
AES.Mode = 1
AES.Padding = 2
AES.Key = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding").GetBytes_4("ThirtyTwoBytes3$ThirtyTwoBytes3$")
AES.IV = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding").GetBytes_4("3$ThreeTwoBytes3$ThreeTwoBytes3$")
'plainBytes = utf8.GetBytes_4(plaintext)
plainBytes = B64Decode(plaintext)
'Set aesEnc = AES.CreateEncryptor_2((aesKeyBytes), (ivKeyBytes))
cipherBytes = AES.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock((plainBytes), 0, UBound(plainBytes))

Encrypt = B64Encode(cipherBytes)
End Function

Sub encrypt_hell()
Debug.Print Encrypt("Hello", "PattamuthuArumug")
End Sub

我使用的是 AES CBC 256 位,因此必须使用 32 字节的 key 和 IV

关于excel - VBA AES CBC 加密,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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