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我在一个小型 IT 部门工作,我正在插入从我们当前的 TFS 实现转移到 Visual Studio Online。拥有最终决定权的我的老板犹豫不决,因为 “如果 Microsoft 决定停止提供服务,恕不另行通知,或者他们的服务器发生故障,我们将如何获得我们的代码”。虽然我发现这种情况不太可能发生,但我们的 TFS 服务器在没有备份/错误备份的情况下崩溃和燃烧的情况更有可能发生。我仍然需要解决他的问题。
有谁知道“备份”远程 TFS 实现的方法吗?到目前为止,我唯一想出的办法是每晚拉取 Visual Studio Online 并将其提交到本地存储库,感觉很老套,感觉不对。
查看关于这个 StackOverflow 问题的讨论:Is There A Way To Backup Visual Studio Team Services Projects?
There's no out of the box backup ability.
Now, if you are only referring to source control, and not work items, pull requests, builds, test plans or anything else that the service offers, then I'd suggest you migrate your code over to git.
With git every developer will have a complete copy of the source repository, including all history and commit comments. From there, it's a simple task to push the git repository to a different git hoster (such as bitbucket or github) and make them your new centrally hosted git repository.
On a historical note, Visual Studio Online at one point offered a data export for a period of time. You might want to add a vote or three to this related UserVoice idea to help raise the importance of the feature with Microsoft.
Side comment: The business risks in using Visual Studio Online will come from either Microsoft shutting down the Visual Studio Online service or that the underlying Azure infrastructure has such a catastrophic failure that your Visual Studio Online account is unrecoverable. Both of those are extremely low risk, and very likely lower than the risks you'd have running TFS on-premises, in your own data centre, unless of course, your infrastructure and staff are better than Microsoft's :-)
我同意理查德的观点。 Visual Studio Online 不会去任何地方 :) 您还可以使用 OpsHub、TaskTop 和 Kovair 等工具来设置双向同步,或者如果您真的想要一个选项,则可以使用 TFS 集成平台来做同样的事情。如果您使用的是 Git 存储库,则可以将存储库克隆到其他位置以维护多个副本。所有这些选项都需要努力。
关于visual-studio - Visual Studio 在线本地备份?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27231567/
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