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我正在尝试在不使用插件的情况下指定 2 种不同的统一运费方式的运费:
if product attribute term quantity = 1
then flat rate = £19
if product attribute term quantity > 1
then flat rate = £39
1) 代码 - 您可以使用卡在 woocommerce_package_rates
中的自定义函数过滤器钩子(Hook),当购物车元素来自超过 1 个供应商时,针对“统一费率”运输方式:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'custom_flat_rate_cost_calculation', 10, 2 );
function custom_flat_rate_cost_calculation( $rates, $package )
// SET BELOW your attribute slug… always begins by "pa_"
$attribute_slug = 'pa_vendor'; // (like for "Color" attribute the slug is "pa_color")
// Iterating through each cart item to get the number of different vendors
foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) {
// The attribute value for the current cart item
$attr_value = $cart_item[ 'data' ]->get_attribute( $attribute_slug );
// We store the values in an array: Each different value will be stored only one time
$attribute_values[ $attr_value ] = $attr_value;
// We count the "different" attribute values stored
$count = count($attribute_values);
// Iterating through each shipping rate
foreach($rates as $rate_key => $rate_values){
$method_id = $rate_values->method_id;
$rate_id = $rate_values->id;
// Targeting "Flat Rate" shipping method
if ( 'flat_rate' === $method_id ) {
// For more than 1 vendor (count)
if( $count > 1 ){
// Get the original rate cost
$orig_cost = $rates[$rate_id]->cost;
// Calculate the new rate cost
$new_cost = $orig_cost + 20; // 19 + 20 = 39
// Set the new rate cost
$rates[$rate_id]->cost = $new_cost;
// Calculate the conversion rate (for below taxes)
$conversion_rate = $new_cost / $orig_cost;
// Taxes rate cost (if enabled)
foreach ($rates[$rate_id]->taxes as $key => $tax){
if( $rates[$rate_id]->taxes[$key] > 0 ){
$new_tax_cost = number_format( $rates[$rate_id]->taxes[$key]*$conversion_rate, 2 );
$rates[$rate_id]->taxes[$key] = $new_tax_cost; // set the cost
return $rates;
(19 英镑)(并节省)。
IMPORTANT: To refresh Shipping method caches you will need to disable "flat rate" then save, and enable back "flat rate" then save.
关于php - 根据 WooCommerce 中的属性值计数更改统一运费,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45658980/
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