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f# - F#是否了解其歧视工会的汇编表格?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 03:01:14 26 4
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type DU = A | B


using ServiceStack.Text;

JsConfig<DU.A>.SerializeFn = v => "A"; // Func<DU.A, String>
JsConfig<DU.B>.SerializeFn = v => "B"; // Func<DU.B, String>
JsConfig<DU>.DeserializeFn = s =>
if s == "A" then DU.NewA() else DU.NewB(); // Func<String, DU>

typeof<DU> // compiles
typeof<DU.A> // error FS0039: The type 'A' is not defined
typeof<A> // error FS0039: The type 'A' is not defined

open System
open ServiceStack.Text

JsConfig<DU>.RawDeserializeFn <-
Func<_, _>(fun s -> printfn "Hooked"; if s = "A" then A else B)



尽管所有行为(抽象类等)不仅是实现细节,它实际上是由规范定义的,但这些事情在F#中是 Not Acceptable -这是规范的引文

A compiled union type U has:

· One CLI static getter property U.C for each null union case C. This property gets a singleton object that represents each such case.

· One CLI nested type U.C for each non-null union case C. This type has instance properties Item1, Item2.... for each field of the union case, or a single instance property Item if there is only one field. However, a compiled union type that has only one case does not have a nested type. Instead, the union type itself plays the role of the case type.

· One CLI static method U.NewC for each non-null union case C. This method constructs an object for that case.

· One CLI instance property U.IsC for each case C. This property returns true or false for the case.

· One CLI instance property U.Tag for each case C. This property fetches or computes an integer tag corresponding to the case.

· If U has more than one case, it has one CLI nested type U.Tags. The U.Tags typecontains one integer literal for each case, in increasing order starting from zero.

· A compiled union type has the methods that are required to implement its auto-generated interfaces, in addition to any user-defined properties or methods.

These methods and properties may not be used directly from F#. However, these types have user-facing List.Empty, List.Cons, Option.None, and Option.Some properties and/or methods.


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