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bnf - Z80 ASM BNF 结构...我在正确的轨道上吗?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 02:54:37 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试学习 BNF 并尝试组装一些 Z80 ASM 代码。由于我对这两个领域都是新手,我的问题是,我是否走在正确的轨道上?我正在尝试将 Z80 ASM 的格式编写为 EBNF,以便我可以找出从哪里开始从源代码创建机器代码。目前我有以下几点:

Assignment = Identifier, ":" ;

Instruction = Opcode, [ Operand ], [ Operand ] ;

Operand = Identifier | Something* ;

Something* = "(" , Identifier, ")" ;

Identifier = Alpha, { Numeric | Alpha } ;

Opcode = Alpha, Alpha ;

Int = [ "-" ], Numeric, { Numeric } ;

Alpha = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" |
"G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" |
"M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" |
"S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" |
"Y" | "Z" ;

Numeric = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3"| "4" |
"5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;



当汇编器语法很简单(例如总是 OPCODE REG、OPERAND)时,这工作得很好。


使用 BNF 和解析器生成器是构建现代汇编器的非常合理的方式,即使对于 Z80 等传统处理器也是如此。我已经为摩托罗拉 8 位机器(例如 6800/6809)构建了这样的汇编器,并且正准备为现代 x86 做同样的事情。我认为你正朝着正确的道路前进。

********** 编辑 ****************
OP 要求提供例如词法分析器和解析器定义。

这些摘录自 6809 汇编器的真实规范。
完整的定义是此处样本大小的 2-3 倍。


The DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit . DMS 将自动从
解析器规范包含所谓的“ pretty-print ”
声明,它允许 DMS 从 AST 重新生成源文本。
(语法的真正目的是允许我们构建代表汇编程序的 AST

基于 DMS 的规范的语法也不异常(exception)。 DMS 具有相对复杂的
EBNF 用于规则和词素的正则表达式变体。

鉴于 OP 的兴趣,他可以实现类似的词法分析器/解析器
使用任何词法分析器/解析器生成器工具,例如 FLEX/YACC,

********** LEXER ****************

-- M6809.lex: Lexical Description for M6809
-- Copyright (C) 1989,1999-2002 Ira D. Baxter

#mainmode Label

#macro digit "[0-9]"
#macro hexadecimaldigit "<digit>|[a-fA-F]"

#macro comment_body_character "[\u0009 \u0020-\u007E]" -- does not include NEWLINE

#macro blank "[\u0000 \ \u0009]"

#macro hblanks "<blank>+"

#macro newline "\u000d \u000a? \u000c? | \u000a \u000c?" -- form feed allowed only after newline

#macro bare_semicolon_comment "\; <comment_body_character>* "

#macro bare_asterisk_comment "\* <comment_body_character>* "


#macro hexadecimal_digit "<digit> | [a-fA-F]"

#macro binary_digit "[01]"

#macro squoted_character "\' [\u0021-\u007E]"

#macro string_character "[\u0009 \u0020-\u007E]"

%%Label -- (First mode) processes left hand side of line: labels, opcodes, etc.

#skip "(<blank>*<newline>)+"
#skip "(<blank>*<newline>)*<blank>+"
<< (GotoOpcodeField ?) >>

#precomment "<comment_line><newline>"

#preskip "(<blank>*<newline>)+"
#preskip "(<blank>*<newline>)*<blank>+"
<< (GotoOpcodeField ?) >>

-- Note that an apparant register name is accepted as a label in this mode
#token LABEL [STRING] "<identifier>"
<< (local (;; (= [TokenScan natural] 1) ; process all string characters
(= [TokenLength natural] ?:TokenCharacterCount)=
(= [TokenString (reference TokenBodyT)] (. ?:TokenCharacters))
(= [Result (reference string)] (. ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Value))
[ThisCharacterCode natural]
(define Ordinala #61)
(define Ordinalf #66)
(define OrdinalA #41)
(define OrdinalF #46)
(;; (= (@ Result) `') ; start with empty string
(while (<= TokenScan TokenLength)
(;; (= ThisCharacterCode (coerce natural TokenString:TokenScan))
(+= TokenScan) ; bump past character
(ifthen (>= ThisCharacterCode Ordinala)
(-= ThisCharacterCode #20) ; fold to upper case
(= (@ Result) (append (@ Result) (coerce character ThisCharacterCode)))=

(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactStringLiteralFormat 0)) ; nothing interesting in string
(GotoLabelList ?)


#skip "<hblanks>"
<< (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
<< (GotoEOLComment ?) >>

-- Opcode field tokens
#token 'ABA' "[aA][bB][aA]"
<< (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
#token 'ABX' "[aA][bB][xX]"
<< (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
#token 'ADC' "[aA][dD][cC]"
<< (GotoABregister ?) >>
#token 'ADCA' "[aA][dD][cC][aA]"
<< (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADCB' "[aA][dD][cC][bB]"
<< (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADCD' "[aA][dD][cC][dD]"
<< (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADD' "[aA][dD][dD]"
<< (GotoABregister ?) >>
#token 'ADDA' "[aA][dD][dD][aA]"
<< (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADDB' "[aA][dD][dD][bB]"
<< (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ADDD' "[aA][dD][dD][dD]"
<< (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'AND' "[aA][nN][dD]"
<< (GotoABregister ?) >>
#token 'ANDA' "[aA][nN][dD][aA]"
<< (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ANDB' "[aA][nN][dD][bB]"
<< (GotoOperand ?) >>
#token 'ANDCC' "[aA][nN][dD][cC][cC]"
<< (GotoRegister ?) >>
...[long list of opcodes snipped]

#token IDENTIFIER [STRING] "<identifier>"
<< (local (;; (= [TokenScan natural] 1) ; process all string characters
(= [TokenLength natural] ?:TokenCharacterCount)=
(= [TokenString (reference TokenBodyT)] (. ?:TokenCharacters))
(= [Result (reference string)] (. ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Value))
[ThisCharacterCode natural]
(define Ordinala #61)
(define Ordinalf #66)
(define OrdinalA #41)
(define OrdinalF #46)
(;; (= (@ Result) `') ; start with empty string
(while (<= TokenScan TokenLength)
(;; (= ThisCharacterCode (coerce natural TokenString:TokenScan))
(+= TokenScan) ; bump past character
(ifthen (>= ThisCharacterCode Ordinala)
(-= ThisCharacterCode #20) ; fold to upper case
(= (@ Result) (append (@ Result) (coerce character ThisCharacterCode)))=

(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactStringLiteralFormat 0)) ; nothing interesting in string
(GotoOperandField ?)

#token '#' "\#" -- special constant introduction (FDB)
<< (GotoDataField ?) >>

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "<decimal_number>"
<< (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
(;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertDecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 0 0))
(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))
(GotoOperandField ?)

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "\$ <hexadecimal_digit>+"
<< (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
(;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertHexadecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 1 0))
(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))
(GotoOperandField ?)

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "\% <binary_digit>+"
<< (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
(;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertBinaryTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 1 0))
(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))
(GotoOperandField ?)

#token CHARACTER [CHARACTER] "<squoted_character>"
<< (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Character:Value (TokenStringCharacter ? 2))
(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Character:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactCharacterLiteralFormat 0 0)) ; nothing special about character
(GotoOperandField ?)


#skip "<hblanks>"
<< (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
<< (GotoEOLComment ?) >>

-- Tokens signalling switch to index register modes
#token ',' "\,"
<<(GotoRegisterField ?)>>
#token '[' "\["
<<(GotoRegisterField ?)>>

-- Operators for arithmetic syntax
#token '!!' "\!\!"
#token '!' "\!"
#token '##' "\#\#"
#token '#' "\#"
#token '&' "\&"
#token '(' "\("
#token ')' "\)"
#token '*' "\*"
#token '+' "\+"
#token '-' "\-"
#token '/' "\/"
#token '//' "\/\/"
#token '<' "\<"
#token '<' "\<"
#token '<<' "\<\<"
#token '<=' "\<\="
#token '</' "\<\/"
#token '=' "\="
#token '>' "\>"
#token '>' "\>"
#token '>=' "\>\="
#token '>>' "\>\>"
#token '>/' "\>\/"
#token '\\' "\\"
#token '|' "\|"
#token '||' "\|\|"

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "<decimal_number>"
<< (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
(;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertDecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 0 0))
(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "\$ <hexadecimal_digit>+"
<< (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
(;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertHexadecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 1 0))
(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "\% <binary_digit>+"
<< (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
(;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertBinaryTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 1 0))
(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))

-- Notice that an apparent register is accepted as a label in this mode
#token IDENTIFIER [STRING] "<identifier>"
<< (local (;; (= [TokenScan natural] 1) ; process all string characters
(= [TokenLength natural] ?:TokenCharacterCount)=
(= [TokenString (reference TokenBodyT)] (. ?:TokenCharacters))
(= [Result (reference string)] (. ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Value))
[ThisCharacterCode natural]
(define Ordinala #61)
(define Ordinalf #66)
(define OrdinalA #41)
(define OrdinalF #46)
(;; (= (@ Result) `') ; start with empty string
(while (<= TokenScan TokenLength)
(;; (= ThisCharacterCode (coerce natural TokenString:TokenScan))
(+= TokenScan) ; bump past character
(ifthen (>= ThisCharacterCode Ordinala)
(-= ThisCharacterCode #20) ; fold to upper case
(= (@ Result) (append (@ Result) (coerce character ThisCharacterCode)))=

(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:String:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactStringLiteralFormat 0)) ; nothing interesting in string

%%Register -- operand field for TFR, ANDCC, ORCC, EXG opcodes

#skip "<hblanks>"
#ifnotoken << (GotoRegisterField ?) >>

%%RegisterField -- handles registers and indexing mode syntax
-- In this mode, names that look like registers are recognized as registers

#skip "<hblanks>"
<< (GotoEOLComment ?) >>
<< (GotoEOLComment ?) >>

#token '[' "\["
#token ']' "\]"
#token '--' "\-\-"
#token '++' "\+\+"

#token 'A' "[aA]"
#token 'B' "[bB]"
#token 'CC' "[cC][cC]"
#token 'DP' "[dD][pP] | [dD][pP][rR]" -- DPR shouldnt be needed, but found one instance
#token 'D' "[dD]"
#token 'Z' "[zZ]"

-- Index register designations
#token 'X' "[xX]"
#token 'Y' "[yY]"
#token 'U' "[uU]"
#token 'S' "[sS]"
#token 'PCR' "[pP][cC][rR]"
#token 'PC' "[pP][cC]"

#token ',' "\,"

-- Operators for arithmetic syntax
#token '!!' "\!\!"
#token '!' "\!"
#token '##' "\#\#"
#token '#' "\#"
#token '&' "\&"
#token '(' "\("
#token ')' "\)"
#token '*' "\*"
#token '+' "\+"
#token '-' "\-"
#token '/' "\/"
#token '<' "\<"
#token '<' "\<"
#token '<<' "\<\<"
#token '<=' "\<\="
#token '<|' "\<\|"
#token '=' "\="
#token '>' "\>"
#token '>' "\>"
#token '>=' "\>\="
#token '>>' "\>\>"
#token '>|' "\>\|"
#token '\\' "\\"
#token '|' "\|"
#token '||' "\|\|"

#token NUMBER [NATURAL] "<decimal_number>"
<< (local [format LiteralFormat:NaturalLiteralFormat]
(;; (= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Value (ConvertDecimalTokenStringToNatural (. format) ? 0 0))
(= ?:Lexeme:Literal:Natural:Format (LiteralFormat:MakeCompactNaturalLiteralFormat format))

... [snip]

%% -- end M6809.lex

**************** 解析器 ****************
-- M6809.ATG: Motorola 6809 assembly code parser
-- (C) Copyright 1989;1999-2002 Ira D. Baxter; All Rights Reserved

m6809 = sourcelines ;

sourcelines = ;
sourcelines = sourcelines sourceline EOL ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(CV(sourcelines[1]),H(sourceline,A<eol>(EOL))); }

-- leading opcode field symbol should be treated as keyword.

sourceline = ;
sourceline = labels ;
sourceline = optional_labels 'EQU' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(optional_labels,A<opcode>('EQU'),A<operand>(expression)); }
sourceline = LABEL 'SET' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<firstlabel>(LABEL),A<opcode>('SET'),A<operand>(expression)); }
sourceline = optional_label instruction ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(optional_label,instruction); }
sourceline = optional_label optlabelleddirective ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(optional_label,optlabelleddirective); }
sourceline = optional_label implicitdatadirective ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(optional_label,implicitdatadirective); }
sourceline = unlabelleddirective ;
sourceline = '?ERROR' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('?ERROR'); }

optional_label = labels ;
optional_label = LABEL ':' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<firstlabel>(LABEL),':'); }
optional_label = ;

optional_labels = ;
optional_labels = labels ;
labels = LABEL ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<firstlabel>(LABEL); }
labels = labels ',' LABEL ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(labels[1],',',A<otherlabels>(LABEL)); }

unlabelleddirective = 'END' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('END'); }
unlabelleddirective = 'END' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('END'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'IF' expression EOL conditional ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('IF'),H(A<operand>(expression),A<eol>(EOL))),CV(conditional)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'IFDEF' IDENTIFIER EOL conditional ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('IFDEF'),H(A<operand>(IDENTIFIER),A<eol>(EOL))),CV(conditional)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'IFUND' IDENTIFIER EOL conditional ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('IFUND'),H(A<operand>(IDENTIFIER),A<eol>(EOL))),CV(conditional)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'INCLUDE' FILENAME ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('INCLUDE'),A<operand>(FILENAME)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'LIST' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('LIST'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'NAME' IDENTIFIER ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('NAME'),A<operand>(IDENTIFIER)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'ORG' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ORG'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PAGE' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('PAGE'); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PAGE' HEADING ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('PAGE'),A<operand>(HEADING)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PCA' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('PCA'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PCC' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('PCC'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'PSR' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('PSR'),A<operand>(expression)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'TABS' numberlist ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('TABS'),A<operand>(numberlist)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'TITLE' HEADING ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('TITLE'),A<operand>(HEADING)); }
unlabelleddirective = 'WITH' settings ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('WITH'),A<operand>(settings)); }

settings = setting ;
settings = settings ',' setting ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
setting = 'WI' '=' NUMBER ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
setting = 'DE' '=' NUMBER ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
setting = 'M6800' ;
setting = 'M6801' ;
setting = 'M6809' ;
setting = 'M6811' ;

-- collects lines of conditional code into blocks
conditional = 'ELSEIF' expression EOL conditional ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('ELSEIF'),H(A<operand>(expression),A<eol>(EOL))),CV(conditional[1])); }
conditional = 'ELSE' EOL else ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(A<opcode>('ELSE'),A<eol>(EOL)),CV(else)); }
conditional = 'FIN' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('FIN'); }
conditional = sourceline EOL conditional ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(sourceline,A<eol>(EOL)),CV(conditional[1])); }

else = 'FIN' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('FIN'); }
else = sourceline EOL else ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { V(H(sourceline,A<eol>(EOL)),CV(else[1])); }

-- keyword-less directive, generates data tables

implicitdatadirective = implicitdatadirective ',' implicitdataitem ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
implicitdatadirective = implicitdataitem ;

implicitdataitem = '#' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(H('#',expression)); }
implicitdataitem = '+' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(H('+',expression)); }
implicitdataitem = '-' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(H('-',expression)); }
implicitdataitem = expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(expression); }
implicitdataitem = STRING ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<operand>(STRING); }

-- instructions valid for m680C (see Software Dynamics ASM manual)
instruction = 'ABA' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('ABA'); }
instruction = 'ABX' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { A<opcode>('ABX'); }

instruction = 'ADC' 'A' operandfetch ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>(H('ADC','A')),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADC' 'B' operandfetch ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>(H('ADC','B')),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADCA' operandfetch ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ADCA'),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADCB' operandfetch ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ADCB'),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADCD' operandfetch ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ADCD'),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }

instruction = 'ADD' 'A' operandfetch ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>(H('ADD','A')),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADD' 'B' operandfetch ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>(H('ADD','B')),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }
instruction = 'ADDA' operandfetch ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H(A<opcode>('ADDA'),A<operand>(operandfetch)); }


-- condition code mask for ANDCC and ORCC
conditionmask = '#' expression ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
conditionmask = expression ;

target = expression ;

operandfetch = '#' expression ; --immediate
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

operandfetch = memoryreference ;

operandstore = memoryreference ;

memoryreference = '[' indexedreference ']' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
memoryreference = indexedreference ;

indexedreference = offset ;
indexedreference = offset ',' indexregister ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' indexregister ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' '--' indexregister ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' '-' indexregister ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' indexregister '++' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
indexedreference = ',' indexregister '+' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

offset = '>' expression ; -- page zero ref
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
offset = '<' expression ; -- long reference
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
offset = expression ;
offset = 'A' ;
offset = 'B' ;
offset = 'D' ;

registerlist = registername ;
registerlist = registerlist ',' registername ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

registername = 'A' ;
registername = 'B' ;
registername = 'CC' ;
registername = 'DP' ;
registername = 'D' ;
registername = 'Z' ;
registername = indexregister ;

indexregister = 'X' ;
indexregister = 'Y' ;
indexregister = 'U' ; -- not legal on M6811
indexregister = 'S' ;
indexregister = 'PCR' ;
indexregister = 'PC' ;

expression = sum '=' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '<<' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '</' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '<=' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '<' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '>>' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '>/' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '>=' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '>' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum '#' sum ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
expression = sum ;

sum = product ;
sum = sum '+' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
sum = sum '-' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
sum = sum '!' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
sum = sum '!!' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

product = term '*' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '||' product ; -- wrong?
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '/' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '//' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '&' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term '##' product ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
product = term ;

term = '+' term ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
term = '-' term ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
term = '\\' term ; -- complement
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }
term = '&' term ; -- not

term = NUMBER ;
term = CHARACTER ;
term = '*' ;
term = '(' expression ')' ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

numberlist = NUMBER ;
numberlist = numberlist ',' NUMBER ;
<<PrettyPrinter>>: { H*; }

关于bnf - Z80 ASM BNF 结构...我在正确的轨道上吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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