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prolog - 如何在 Prolog 中生成谓词网格?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 02:45:38 24 4
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我正在尝试在 Prolog 中创建一个程序,但我仍然是新手,不确定在 Prolog 中生成类网格结构的最佳方法是什么。

举个例子,假设我有一个有 4 个参数的谓词 cell/4西。我想要创建的是谓词 cell/4 的 NxN 网格,该网格根据它们在网格中的位置相互连接。

例如,我可以手动创建一个 2x2 网格。期望的结果如下:

               North_1                               North_2
| |
+---------+----------+ +---------+----------+
| North | | North |
| | Interconnect_1 | |
West_1 -+ West cell/4 East +----------------+ West cell/4 East +- East_1
| | | |
| South | | South |
+---------+----------+ +---------+----------+
| |
Interconnect_2 Interconnect_3
| |
+---------+----------+ +---------+----------+
| North | | North |
| | Interconnect_4 | |
West_2 -+ West cell/4 East +----------------+ West cell/4 East +- East_2
| | | |
| South | | South |
+---------+----------+ +---------+----------+
| |
South_1 South_2
cell(North, West, South, East) :- % Processing logic.
problem(North_1, North_2, West_1, West_2, South_1, South_2, East_1, East_2) :-
cell(North_1, West_1, Interconnect_2, Interconnect_1),
cell(North_2, Interconnect_1, Interconnect_3, East_1),
cell(Interconnect_2, West_2, South_1, Interconnect_4),
cell(Interconnect_3, Interconnect_4, South_2, East_2).

所以我的问题是,如何将此过程概括为 NxN 网格?我确信可以有很好的方法来处理 problem 谓词的参数,使其成为更通用的 problem(North, West, South, East) 其中每个参数是一个列表。不过,我正在努力生成这种类似网格的结构。




cell(_, _, _, _). % Define the cell

% Access the positions
north(cell(C, _, _, _), C).
south(cell(_, C, _, _), C).
east( cell(_, _, C, _), C).
west( cell(_, _, _, C), C).


connect_horizontally(C1, C2) :-
east(C1, C), west(C2, C). % ltr Unify variables in cells
connect_vertically(C1, C2) :-
south(C1, C), north(C2, C). % top to bottom


connect_row([_|[]]). % Base case is single element
connect_row([H1, H2|T]) :-
connect_horizontally(H1, H2),

connect_column([H1, H2|T]) :-
connect_vertically(H1, H2),


connect_rows(_, []).
connect_rows(RL, Grid) :-
\+ Grid = [],
length(Row, RL), % A template row list
connect_row(Row), % Make the row and connect
append(Row, Tail, Grid), % The row appended to the tail makes the grid
connect_rows(RL, Tail). % Recurse with the tail.

connect_cols(N, Grid) :-
connect_cols(1, N, Grid). % 1 to start from first column
connect_cols(M, M, Grid) :- % This'll be the last column
get_col(M, M, Grid, Col),
connect_column(Col), !.
connect_cols(N, M, Grid) :-
get_col(N, M, Grid, Col), % Get column numbered N
connect_column(Col), % Connect them
succ(N, O),
connect_cols(O, M, Grid). % Carry on with the next column


% to make an N by N Grid
grid(N, Grid) :-
M is N*N,
length(Grid, M),
connect_rows(N, Grid),
connect_cols(N, Grid).


%! get_col(+Index, +RowWidth, +Grid, -Col)
get_col(N, W, Grid, Col) :-
N =< W,
length(Grid, L),
col_indexes(N, W, L, I), % Get a list of the column indexes for the given width and length of the whole list
maplist(nth(Grid), I, Col). % Get those cols

% nth is nth1/3 with arguments re-ordered for the sake of maplist
nth(List, N, El) :-
nth1(N, List, El).

% Indexes is a list of numbers starting from S, incremented by N, up to M.
col_indexes(S, N, M, Indexes) :-
col_indexes(N, S, M, [S|H]-H, Indexes).
col_indexes(N, A, M, Indexes-[], Indexes) :-
N + A > M, !.
col_indexes(N, A, M, Acc-[NA|H], Indexes) :-
NA is N + A,
col_indexes(N, NA, M, Acc-H, Indexes).


problem(Size, North, South, East, West) :-
grid(Size, Grid),
maplist(north, Grid, North),
maplist(south, Grid, South),
maplist(east, Grid, East),
maplist(west, Grid, West).

我尝试的另一种方法是通过一个二维列表列表传递一个连接谓词,这将在一次传递中生成所有连接,而不是这种先传递行然后传递列的方法。此方法还有一些标志表明效率低下,例如递归中的 append/3 并且可以改进列连接方法。但是,如果您了解它并且它在足够的时间内为您的用例工作,那么它就能完成工作。

关于prolog - 如何在 Prolog 中生成谓词网格?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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