gpt4 book ai didi

ssas - OLAP - 包括计算径流三角形、样本数据和立方体 (PostgreSQL/Mondrian)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 02:26:35 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我们确实有一份项目 list 。在每个项目中都有很多帐户。您可以对每个帐户执行很多操作。我确实定义了以下维度和事实表(简化):

Dimensions and attributes:
Fact Table and attributes:

              Distance in Months
Project name| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Project1 | 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Project2 | 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
Project3 | 2 5 8 11 14 20 25 30
Project4 | 0 2 5 10 18 23 40
Project5 | 5 12 18 20 21 30

有按行计算的 Action 总和。以月为单位的距离显示了行动日期和项目开始日期之间的距离。您显然可以使用四分之一的距离(或距离维度中定义的任何其他周期)创建类似的三角形。

您还可以为项目维度中的不同层次结构创建三角形,例如行业(项目 1-项目 3 = 行业 1,项目 4-项目 5 = 行业 2):
              Distance in Months
Project name| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Industry1 | 14 29 44 59 74 92 109 126 108 50
Industry2 | 5 14 23 30 39 53 40

Project_name number_of_accounts  
Project1 100
Project2 100
Project3 100
Project4 100
Project5 200

              Distance in Months
Project | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Project1 | .05 .01 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50
Project2 | .7 .14 .21 .28 .35 .42 .49 .56 .63
Project3 | .2 .5 .8 .11 .14 .20 .25 .30
Project4 | .0 .2 .5 .10 .18 .23 .40
Project5 | .05 .06 .09 .10 .105 .15


问题是是否可以在 OLAP 中创建这样的计算。我在想我可以在项目表中使用 number_of_accounts ,但我想不通。另一种选择是聚合帐户维度中的数据。我也无法使用谷歌找到任何东西,也许是因为我问错了问题。


(我们使用的是PostgreSQL,Saiku,Cubes是在Schema Workbench中定义的)

测试数据(PostgreSQL 语法,如果您需要其他内容,请告诉我)
--drop table if exists project cascade;
create table project (
project_key int primary key,
project_name character varying,
industry character varying,
number_of_accounts int

--drop table if exists distance cascade;
create table distance (
distance_key int primary key,
distance_in_months int,
distance_in_quarters int);

--drop table if exists account cascade;
create table account (
account_key int primary key,
project_key int references project (project_key)

--drop table if exists action_fact_table cascade;
create table action_fact_table (
project_key int references project (project_key),
distance_key int references distance (distance_key),
account_key int references account (account_key),
action_id int

-- project data
insert into project values (1,'Project1','Industry1',100);
insert into project values (2,'Project2','Industry1',100);
insert into project values (3,'Project3','Industry1',100);
insert into project values (4,'Project4','Industry2',100);
insert into project values (5,'Project5','Industry2',200);

-- distance data
insert into distance values(1,1,1);
insert into distance values(2,2,1);
insert into distance values(3,3,1);
insert into distance values(4,4,2);
insert into distance values(5,5,2);
insert into distance values(6,6,2);
insert into distance values(7,7,3);
insert into distance values(8,8,3);
insert into distance values(9,9,3);
insert into distance values(10,10,4);
insert into distance values(11,11,4);
insert into distance values(12,12,4);

-- account data
/* let me know if you need insert statement for every row */
insert into account (
select generate_series (1,100), 1 union all
select generate_series (101,200), 2 union all
select generate_series (201,300), 3 union all
select generate_series (301,400), 4 union all
select generate_series (401,600), 5

insert into action_fact_table values(1,1,90,10001);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,1,32,10002);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,1,41,10003);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,1,54,10004);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,1,45,10005);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,2,22,10006);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,2,29,10007);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,2,41,10008);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,2,89,10009);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,2,15,10010);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,3,32,10011);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,3,100,10012);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,3,72,10013);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,3,80,10014);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,3,10,10015);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,4,12,10016);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,4,45,10017);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,4,83,10018);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,4,42,10019);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,4,33,10020);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,5,22,10021);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,5,27,10022);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,5,59,10023);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,5,32,10024);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,5,70,10025);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,6,32,10026);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,6,5,10027);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,6,15,10028);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,6,70,10029);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,6,43,10030);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,7,59,10031);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,7,9,10032);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,7,99,10033);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,7,79,10034);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,7,31,10035);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,8,56,10036);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,8,34,10037);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,8,48,10038);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,8,79,10039);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,8,42,10040);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,9,10,10041);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,9,10,10042);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,9,49,10043);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,9,61,10044);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,9,49,10045);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,10,99,10046);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,10,69,10047);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,10,84,10048);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,10,99,10049);
insert into action_fact_table values(1,10,3,10050);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,1,182,10051);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,1,127,10052);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,1,197,10053);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,1,174,10054);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,1,187,10055);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,1,144,10056);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,1,160,10057);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,2,155,10058);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,2,153,10059);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,2,119,10060);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,2,188,10061);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,2,125,10062);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,2,147,10063);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,2,123,10064);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,3,136,10065);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,3,163,10066);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,3,187,10067);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,3,138,10068);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,3,168,10069);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,3,132,10070);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,3,138,10071);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,4,158,10072);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,4,171,10073);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,4,153,10074);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,4,141,10075);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,4,182,10076);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,4,165,10077);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,4,143,10078);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,5,190,10079);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,5,181,10080);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,5,163,10081);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,5,134,10082);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,5,145,10083);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,5,190,10084);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,5,198,10085);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,6,137,10086);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,6,133,10087);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,6,135,10088);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,6,103,10089);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,6,187,10090);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,6,127,10091);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,6,117,10092);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,7,116,10093);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,7,139,10094);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,7,111,10095);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,7,150,10096);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,7,151,10097);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,7,181,10098);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,7,109,10099);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,8,102,10100);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,8,101,10101);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,8,118,10102);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,8,147,10103);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,8,186,10104);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,8,136,10105);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,8,160,10106);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,9,149,10107);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,9,119,10108);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,9,169,10109);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,9,176,10110);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,9,195,10111);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,9,183,10112);
insert into action_fact_table values(2,9,140,10113);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,1,224,10114);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,1,241,10115);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,2,295,10116);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,2,249,10117);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,2,260,10118);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,3,298,10119);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,3,267,10120);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,3,297,10121);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,4,211,10122);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,4,253,10123);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,4,214,10124);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,5,248,10125);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,5,223,10126);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,5,288,10127);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,6,207,10128);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,6,296,10129);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,6,221,10130);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,6,201,10131);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,6,227,10132);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,6,209,10133);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,7,267,10134);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,7,282,10135);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,7,215,10136);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,7,285,10137);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,7,212,10138);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,8,239,10139);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,8,294,10140);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,8,296,10141);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,8,251,10142);
insert into action_fact_table values(3,8,281,10143);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,2,392,10144);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,2,347,10145);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,3,318,10146);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,3,400,10147);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,3,378,10148);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,4,315,10149);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,4,318,10150);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,4,394,10151);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,4,382,10152);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,4,317,10153);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,5,314,10154);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,5,354,10155);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,5,338,10156);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,5,375,10157);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,5,317,10158);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,5,329,10159);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,5,342,10160);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,5,380,10161);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,6,313,10162);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,6,311,10163);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,6,336,10164);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,6,380,10165);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,6,355,10166);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,386,10167);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,322,10168);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,311,10169);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,367,10170);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,350,10171);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,384,10172);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,391,10173);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,331,10174);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,373,10175);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,314,10176);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,305,10177);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,331,10178);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,350,10179);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,376,10180);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,387,10181);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,312,10182);
insert into action_fact_table values(4,7,397,10183);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,1,404,10184);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,1,562,10185);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,1,511,10186);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,1,594,10187);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,1,541,10188);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,2,506,10189);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,2,427,10190);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,2,481,10191);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,2,463,10192);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,2,579,10193);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,2,455,10194);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,2,527,10195);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,3,465,10196);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,3,562,10197);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,3,434,10198);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,3,401,10199);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,3,464,10200);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,3,500,10201);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,4,554,10202);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,4,600,10203);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,5,483,10204);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,552,10205);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,565,10206);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,586,10207);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,544,10208);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,436,10209);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,531,10210);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,409,10211);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,524,10212);
insert into action_fact_table values(5,6,564,10213);

sample 立方体(蒙德里安):
<Schema name="RunoffTriangleSchema">
<Cube name="RunoffTriangleCube" visible="true" cache="true" enabled="true">
<Table name="action_fact_table" schema="public">
<Dimension type="StandardDimension" visible="true" foreignKey="project_key" name="Project">
<Hierarchy name="Project" visible="true" hasAll="true">
<Table name="project" schema="public" alias="">
<Level name="Industry" visible="true" column="industry" uniqueMembers="false">
<Level name="Project Name" visible="true" column="project_name" uniqueMembers="false">
<Dimension type="StandardDimension" visible="true" foreignKey="distance_key" name="Distance">
<Hierarchy name="Distance" visible="true" hasAll="true">
<Table name="distance" schema="public" alias="">
<Level name="Distance In Quarters" visible="true" column="distance_in_quarters" uniqueMembers="false">
<Level name="Distance In Months" visible="true" column="distance_in_months" uniqueMembers="false">
<Dimension type="StandardDimension" visible="true" foreignKey="account_key" name="Account">
<Hierarchy name="Account" visible="true" hasAll="true">
<Table name="account" schema="public">
<Level name="Account Key" visible="true" column="account_key" uniqueMembers="false">
<Measure name="CountActions" column="action_id" aggregator="count" visible="true">


两次赏金,没有答案,我很惊讶。我找到了一个变通解决方案 - 使用 SQL 和 BIRT 引擎,我现在接近我正在寻找的东西。我仍然希望有人可以为OLAP解决这个问题。


  • 自定义函数返回动态选择的列
  • SQL 根据选定列计算径流三角形数据
  • BIRT 2.6.1 中的报表显示结果并提供参数选择界面

  • 动态返回列
        CREATE or replace FUNCTION bizdata.getColumns(_column1 text, _column2 text, _column3 text, _column4 text, _table text, _rqdl text)
    RETURNS TABLE(cmf1 text, cmf2 text, cmf3 text, outval numeric, rqdl text) AS $$
    'SELECT '
    || case when _column1 = 'None' then quote_literal('None') else quote_ident(_column1) end || '::text as cmf1,'
    || case when _column2 = 'None' then quote_literal('None') else quote_ident(_column2) end || '::text as cmf2,'
    || case when _column3 = 'None' then quote_literal('None') else quote_ident(_column3) end || '::text as cmf3,'
    || quote_ident(_column4) || '::numeric as baseline,'
    || case when _rqdl = 'None' then 0::text else quote_ident(_rqdl)::text end || '::text as rqdl'
    ' FROM '
    || 'bizdata.' || _table;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    Thi function takes the following as input variables:

    - _column1 - common mapping field number 1
    - _column2 - common mapping field number 2
    - _column3 - common mapping field number 3
    - _column4 - column used for aggregation (sum)
    - _table - table used for getting data
    - _rqdl - requested distance level

    Using bizdata.getColumns() function I can calculate triangle data using the following statement:


    params as (
    select 'cmf1'::varchar as prm_name, 'project_owner_name_short'::varchar as prm_value union all
    select 'cmf2'::varchar as prm_name, 'project_source_name_short'::varchar as prm_value union all
    select 'cmf3'::varchar as prm_name, 'None'::varchar as prm_value union all
    select 'fact'::varchar as prm_name, 'amount'::varchar as prm_value union all
    select 'fact_table'::varchar as prm_name, 'dwv_daily_allocation_fact'::varchar as prm_value union all
    select 'baseline'::varchar as prm_name, 'tmp_nominal_value'::varchar as prm_value union all
    select 'baseline_table'::varchar as prm_name, 'dw_project'::varchar as prm_value union all
    select 'rqdl'::varchar as prm_name, 'year_distance'::varchar as prm_value

    ,baseline_data as (
    sum(coalesce(outval,0)) as baseline
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'cmf1'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'cmf2'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'cmf3'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'baseline'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'baseline_table'::text),
    group by


    ,fact_data as (
    rqdl::int as rqdl,
    sum(coalesce(outval,0)) as fact
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'cmf1'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'cmf2'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'cmf3'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'fact'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'fact_table'::text),
    (select prm_value from params where prm_name = 'rqdl'::text)
    group by


    case when cmf1 = 'None' then null else cmf1 end as cmf1,
    case when cmf2 = 'None' then null else cmf1 end as cmf,
    case when cmf3 = 'None' then null else cmf1 end as cmf1,
    sum(fact) over (partition by cmf1, cmf2, cmf3 order by rqdl) as cfact,
    sum(fact) over (partition by cmf1, cmf2, cmf3 order by rqdl) / baseline as cfactpct
    join baseline_data using (cmf1, cmf2, cmf3)

    您可以看到我最多可以使用 3 个分组变量(cmf1、cmf2、cmf3)并选择任何距离属性(只要该属性在 dwv_daily_allocation_fact 中可用。分组变量应该在基线表和事实表中都可用(以获得普通组级别)


    最后一步是在 BIRT (2.6.1) 中创建报表,其中 SQL 的 params 部分中的参数被数据集参数替换并链接到报表参数。使用 BIRT 的人可能明白,其他人必须另谋出路。

    Parameters selection GUI

    enter image description here


    编辑:我已经想出了在 BIRT 交叉表中排序,现在它看起来像真正的三角形:

    enter image description here


    关于ssas - OLAP - 包括计算径流三角形、样本数据和立方体 (PostgreSQL/Mondrian),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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