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unit-testing - 如何将 Autofixture (v3) 与 ICustomization、ISpecimenBuilder 一起使用来处理构造函数参数?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 02:02:29 25 4
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我正在尝试克服一个场景,其中一个类具有一个字符串构造函数参数,该参数不能被 Autofixture 生成的任何旧字符串(Guid-y 外观值)所满足。

在您想简单地通过 Mark Seemann's Ploeh blog entry on Convention-based Customizations 的链接来回答之前,让我说我一直在引用它和他的其他博客条目来进行这个测试,但我无法通过。

当我单步调试时,我可以看到在某些时候构造函数参数传入了有效值,但测试仍然失败,并显示 Guid-y 颜色值。我认为这与 Autofixture 填充“颜色”参数值和“颜色”属性有关。是不是我编写了一个解决构造函数参数的 ISpecimenBuilder,但我正在测试公共(public)属性值(两个不同的东西)?

我知道所有这些对于示例来说都是多余的,但我设想了一个更复杂的场景,其中使用 Build<T>().With()方法不会是 DRY。


public void Leaf_Color_Is_Brown()
// arrange
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new LeafColorCustomization());

// act
var leaf = fixture.Create<Leaf>();

// using .Build<>.With(), test passes
//var leaf = fixture.Build<Leaf>().With(l => l.Color, "brown").CreateAnonymous();

// assert
Assert.True(leaf.Color == "brown");


    public class Leaf
public Leaf(string color)
if (color != "brown")
throw new ArgumentException(@"NO LEAF FOR YOU!");

this.Color = color;
public string Color { get; set; }

CompositeCustomization 实现 (我知道在这个例子中不需要 AutoMoqCustomization())

    public class LeafCustomization : CompositeCustomization
public LeafCustomization()
: base(
new LeafColorCustomization(),
new AutoMoqCustomization()) { }

Leaf-specific ICustomization

    public class LeafColorCustomization : ICustomization
public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
if (fixture == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("fixture");

fixture.Customizations.Add(new LeafBuilder());

特定颜色的字符串构造函数 ISpecimenBuilder

    public class LeafBuilder : ISpecimenBuilder
public object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context)
var pi = request as ParameterInfo;
if (pi == null)
return new NoSpecimen(request);

if (pi.ParameterType != typeof(string) || pi.Name != "color")
return new NoSpecimen(request);

return "brown";


解决方案一 :

注册 Color作为后处理的一部分,不应为可写属性分配任何自动值:

internal class LeafColorCustomization : ICustomization
public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
fixture.Customize<Leaf>(c => c
.Without(x => x.Color));

fixture.Customizations.Add(new LeafBuilder());

解决方案二 :

制作 Color属性只读:

public class Leaf
private readonly string color;

public Leaf(string color)
if (color != "brown")
throw new ArgumentException(@"NO LEAF FOR YOU!");

this.color = color;

public string Color
get { return this.color; }

由于 Color属性是只读的 AutoFixture 不会为其分配值。

The above solutions apply also to AutoFixture 2.

关于unit-testing - 如何将 Autofixture (v3) 与 ICustomization、ISpecimenBuilder 一起使用来处理构造函数参数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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