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google-chrome - 调用谷歌的 "match patterns"API?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 01:42:47 27 4
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Can I allow the extension user to choose matching domains?

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Chrome JavaScript API 使用 match patterns在各个地方。在 Chrome 扩展程序中,有没有办法手动调用谷歌用来测试 URL 是否遵守给定匹配模式的任何函数?我有一堆要测试的 URL。



这是一个实现。它检查匹配模式的正常限制,但不检查主机模式/测试 URL 主机的有效性。

function patternToRegExp(pattern){
if(pattern == "<all_urls>") return /^(?:http|https|file|ftp):\/\/.*/;

var split = /^(\*|http|https|file|ftp):\/\/(.*)$/.exec(pattern);
if(!split) throw Error("Invalid schema in " + pattern);
var schema = split[1];
var fullpath = split[2];

var split = /^([^\/]*)\/(.*)$/.exec(fullpath);
if(!split) throw Error("No path specified in " + pattern);
var host = split[1];
var path = split[2];

// File
if(schema == "file" && host != "")
throw Error("Non-empty host for file schema in " + pattern);

if(schema != "file" && host == "")
throw Error("No host specified in " + pattern);

throw Error("Illegal wildcard in host in " + pattern);

var reString = "^";
reString += (schema == "*") ? "https*" : schema;
reString += ":\\/\\/";
// Not overly concerned with intricacies
// of domain name restrictions and IDN
// as we're not testing domain validity
reString += host.replace(/\*\.?/, "[^\\/]*");
reString += "(:\\d+)?";
reString += "\\/";
reString += path.replace("*", ".*");
reString += "$";

return RegExp(reString);

// Usage example
// Precompile the expression for performance reasons
var re = patternToRegExp("*://**.css");
// Test against it
re.test(""); // false
re.test(""); // true
re.test(""); // true

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