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coq - Coq归纳定义中的非严格正发生问题

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 01:31:46 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


Inductive forces : nat -> Prop :=
| KM_cond (n : nat) : ~ forces 0 ->
forces n.


Inductive forces (M : Kripke_model) (x : world) : prop -> Prop :=
| KM_cond (A B : prop) : set_In x (worlds M) ->
(forall y, (rel M) x y -> (~ forces M y A \/ forces M y B)) ->
forces M x (A then B).


Non strictly positive occurrence of "forces"


Inductive forces (M : Kripke_model) (x : world) : prop -> Prop :=
| KM_cond (A B : prop) : set_In x (worlds M) ->
(forall y, (rel M) x y -> (forces M y A \/ forces M y B)) ->
forces M x (A then B).

但是 -> 也存在问题

Inductive forces (M : Kripke_model) (x : world) : prop -> Prop :=
| KM_cond (A B : prop) : set_In x (worlds M) ->
(forall y, (rel M) x y -> (forces M y A -> forces M y B)) ->
forces M x (A then B).

我不明白如果我定义这个 Inductive 东西可能会出什么问题,我也想不出任何其他方法来实现这个定义。



From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
From Coq Require Import Lists.ListSet.
From Coq Require Import Relations.
Import ListNotations.

Definition var := nat.

Inductive prop : Type :=
| bot
| atom (p : var)
| conj (A B : prop)
| disj (A B : prop)
| cond (A B : prop).

Notation "A 'and' B" := (conj A B) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation "A 'or' B" := (disj A B) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation "A 'then' B" := (cond A B) (at level 60, no associativity).

Definition world := nat.

Definition preorder {X : Type} (R : relation X) : Prop :=
(forall x : X, R x x) /\ (forall x y z : X, R x y -> R y z -> R x z).

Inductive Kripke_model : Type :=
| Kripke (W : set world) (R : relation world) (v : var -> world -> bool)
(HW : W <> empty_set world)
(HR : preorder R)
(Hv : forall x y p, In x W -> In y W ->
R x y -> (v p x) = true -> (v p y) = true).

Definition worlds (M : Kripke_model) :=
match M with
| Kripke W _ _ _ _ _ => W

Definition rel (M : Kripke_model) :=
match M with
| Kripke _ R _ _ _ _ => R

Definition val (M : Kripke_model) :=
match M with
| Kripke _ _ v _ _ _ => v



Fixpoint forces (M : Kripke_model) (x : world) (p : prop) : Prop :=
match p with
| bot => False
| atom p => val M p x = true
| conj p q => forces M x p /\ forces M x q
| disj p q => forces M x p \/ forces M x q
| cond p q => forall y, rel M x y -> forces M y p -> forces M y q


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