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我正在尝试使用 this 中的方法降低气候条件文章使用R软件。我快到了,但我错过了几个步骤
对于这个例子,我上传了一些数据到 archive.org 网站来加载这个例子中使用的所需包和数据,使用以下代码:
download.file("https://archive.org/download/Downscaling/BatPatagonia.rds", "Bat.rds")
download.file("https://archive.org/download/Downscaling/TempMinPatNow.rds", "Tmin.rds")
BatPatagonia <- readRDS("Bat.rds")
TempMinPatNow <- readRDS("Tmin.rds")
Elev20 <- BatPatagonia
values(Elev20) <- ifelse(values(Elev20) <= 20, NA, values(Elev20))
Latitud <- BatPatagonia
Longitud <- BatPatagonia
data_matrix <- raster::xyFromCell(BatPatagonia, 1:ncell(BatPatagonia))
values(Latitud) <- data_matrix[, 2]
values(Longitud) <- data_matrix[, 1]
Elev20Mask <- BatPatagonia
values(Elev20Mask) <- ifelse(values(Elev20Mask) <= 20, NA, 1)
Longitud <- Elev20Mask*Longitud
Latitud <- Elev20Mask*Latitud
Preds <- stack(Elev20, Longitud, Latitud, TempMinPatNow)
names(Preds) <- c("Elev", "Longitud", "Latitud", "Tmin")
# First we establish the 25 by 25 window
w <- c(25, 25)
# Then we create the empty layers for the resulting stack
intercept <- Preds[[1]]
intercept[] <- NA
elevationEst <- intercept
latitudeEst <- intercept
longitudeEst <- intercept
for (rl in 1:nrow(Preds)) {
v <- getValuesFocal(Preds[[1:4]], row = rl, nrows = 1, ngb = w, array = FALSE)
int <- rep(NA, nrow(v[[1]]))
x1 <- rep(NA, nrow(v[[1]]))
x2 <- rep(NA, nrow(v[[1]]))
x3 <- rep(NA, nrow(v[[1]]))
x4 <- rep(NA, nrow(v[[1]]))
for (i in 1:nrow(v[[1]])) {
xy <- na.omit(data.frame(x1 = v[[1]][i, ], x2 = v[[2]][i, ], x3 = v[[3]][i,
], y = v[[4]][i, ]))
if (nrow(xy) > 170 & nrow(xy) <= 624) {
coefs <- coefficients(lm(as.numeric(xy$y) ~ as.numeric(xy$x1) +
as.numeric(xy$x2) + as.numeric(xy$x3)))
int[i] <- coefs[1]
x1[i] <- coefs[2]
x2[i] <- coefs[3]
x3[i] <- coefs[4]
} else {
int[i] <- NA
x1[i] <- NA
x2[i] <- NA
x3[i] <- NA
intercept[rl, ] <- int
elevationEst[rl, ] <- x1
longitudeEst[rl, ] <- x2
latitudeEst[rl, ] <- x3
message(paste(rl, "of", nrow(Preds), "ready"))
Coeffs <- stack(intercept, elevationEst, latitudeEst, longitudeEst, (intercept + Preds$Elev * elevationEst + Preds$Longitud * longitudeEst + Preds$Latitud *latitudeEst), Preds$Tmin)
names(Coeffs) <- c("intercept", "elevationEst", "longitudeEst", "latitudeEst", "fitted", "Observed")
MaxGlacier <- BatPatagonia
values(MaxGlacier) <- ifelse(values(MaxGlacier) < -120, NA,1)
求解泊松方程来填补空白。 NCL 语言来自
NCAR .但我想保持简单,并尝试用同一种语言来做所有事情。我也在
python 中发现了类似的功能.
回想几十年的物理本科时代,我们使用拉普拉斯松弛来解决这些类型的泊松方程问题。我不确定,但我想也可能是这样 poisson_grid_fill
作品。这个过程很简单。松弛是一个迭代过程,我们计算每个单元格 除了构成边界条件的那些作为水平或垂直相邻单元格的平均值,然后重复直到结果接近稳定解。
在您的情况下,您已经拥有值的单元格提供了您的边界条件,我们可以迭代其他单元格。像这样的东西(这里展示了截距系数 - 你可以用同样的方式做其他的):
gaps = which(is.na(intercept)[])
intercept.ext = intercept
w=matrix(c(0,0.25,0,0.25,0,0.25,0,0.25,0), nc=3, nr=3)
max.it = 1000
for (i in 1:max.it) intercept.ext[gaps] = focal(intercept.ext, w=w, na.rm=TRUE)[gaps]
intercept.ext = mask(intercept.ext, MaxGlacier)
gap.fill = function(r, max.it = 1e4, tol = 1e-2, verbose=FALSE) {
gaps = which(is.na(r)[])
r.filled = r
w = matrix(c(0,0.25,0,0.25,0,0.25,0,0.25,0), nc=3, nr=3)
i = 0
while(i < max.it) {
i = i + 1
new.vals = focal(r.filled, w=w, na.rm=TRUE)[gaps]
max.residual = suppressWarnings(max(abs(r.filled[gaps] - new.vals), na.rm = TRUE))
if (verbose) print(paste('Iteration', i, ': residual = ', max.residual))
r.filled[gaps] = new.vals
if (is.finite(max.residual) & max.residual <= tol) break
intercept.ext = gap.fill(intercept)
intercept.ext = mask(intercept.ext, MaxGlacier)
plot(stack(intercept, intercept.ext))
关于r - 如何在 R 中使用外推栅格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53653330/