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haskell - 广度优先树和深度优先树的 Traversable 是否不同?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-04 01:07:36 28 4
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我有一个玫瑰树结构,我想写一个 Traversable 例如。所以我从以下几点开始:

data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] deriving (Show)

instance Functor Tree where
fmap f (Tree x subs) = Tree (f x) (fmap (fmap f) subs)


newtype Depth a = Depth (Tree a) deriving (Show)

depth :: Tree a -> [a]
depth (Tree x subs) = x : concatMap depth subs

instance Functor Depth where
fmap f (Depth t) = Depth $ fmap f t

instance Foldable Depth where
foldMap f (Depth t) = mconcat $ f <$> depth t

instance Traversable Depth where
traverse f (Depth t) = Depth <$> go t
where go (Tree x subs) = Tree <$> f x <*> traverse go subs


newtype Breadth a = Breadth (Tree a) deriving (Show)

breadth :: Tree a -> [a]
breadth tree = go [tree]
go [] = []
go (Tree x subs:q) = x : go (q <> subs)

instance Functor Breadth where
fmap f (Breadth t) = Breadth $ fmap f t

instance Foldable Breadth where
foldMap f (Breadth t) = mconcat $ f <$> breadth t

instance Traversable Breadth where
traverse f (Breadth t) = ???

我意识到 Traversable 的广度和深度优先变体因为这应该是一样的。是这种情况吗?我不相信我真的在任何地方读过这个,但遍历与元素的顺序无关?

如果是这样,这就有点奇怪了,因为 Traversable然后可以直接为 Tree 实现,这意味着 Foldable需要为 Tree 实现,但显然有多种方式 Foldable可以实现。


Traversable不得不同意 Foldable .具体来说,如果 Monoid m ,然后 Applicative (Const m) ,导致一致性规律 foldMap f = getConst . traverse (Const . f) .因此 Breadth 是不可能的和 Depth分享一个Traversable . Traversable Breadth 有不同的实现同意其 Foldable ,或者根本没有。我可以制定一个我认为确实同意的实现方案,但我还没有验证其他法律。

instance Traversable Breadth where
traverse f (Breadth t) = Breadth <$> head <$> go [t]
go [] = pure []
go ts = zipWith Tree <$> traverse f rs
<*> (fmap (rebuild css) $ go $ concat css)
(rs, css) = unzip $ map (\(Tree r cs) -> (r, cs)) ts
-- rebuild s d = evalState (traverse (state splitAt') d) s
-- I think, but let's keep the dependencies down, shall we?
rebuild [] [] = []
rebuild (struct : structs) destruct
= let (cs, destruct') = splitAt' struct destruct
in cs : rebuild structs destruct'
-- ignoring the as in a [a] makes it look like a number
splitAt' [] xs = ([], xs)
splitAt' (_ : n) (x : xs)
= let (pre, suf) = splitAt' n xs
in (x : pre, suf)


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