- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
if(value != "course" || value != "module" || value != "lesson"
if(value != "course" ||
value != "module" ||
value != "lesson")
if(value != "course"
|| value != "module"
|| value != "lesson")
void some_class::some_func(const std:string s, const std::string t
void some_class::some_func(const std:string s,
const std::string t)
void some_class::some_func(const std:string s
, const std::string t)
# The style used for all options not specifically set in the configuration.
# This option is supported only in the clang-format configuration (both within -style='{...}' and the .clang-format file).
# LLVM A style complying with the LLVM coding standards
# Google A style complying with Google’s C++ style guide
# Chromium A style complying with Chromium’s style guide
# Mozilla A style complying with Mozilla’s style guide
# WebKit A style complying with WebKit’s style guide
#BasedOnStyle: Webkit
# The extra indent or outdent of access modifiers, e.g. public:.
AccessModifierOffset: -4
# If true, horizontally aligns arguments after an open bracket.
# This applies to round brackets (parentheses), angle brackets and square brackets. This will result in formattings like code someLongFunction(argument1, argument2); endcode
#AlignAfterOpenBracket: false
# If true, aligns escaped newlines as far left as possible. Otherwise puts them into the right-most column.
# If true, horizontally align operands of binary and ternary expressions.
AlignOperands: true
# If true, aligns trailing comments.
AlignTrailingComments: true
# Allow putting all parameters of a function declaration onto the next line even if BinPackParameters is false.
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
# Allows contracting simple braced statements to a single line.
# E.g., this allows if (a) { return; } to be put on a single line.
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: true
# If true, short case labels will be contracted to a single line.
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: true
# Dependent on the value, int f() { return 0; } can be put on a single line.
# SFS_None (in configuration: None) Never merge functions into a single line.
# SFS_Inline (in configuration: Inline) Only merge functions defined inside a class.
# SFS_Empty (in configuration: Empty) Only merge empty functions.
# SFS_All (in configuration: All) Merge all functions fitting on a single line.
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline
# If true, if (a) return; can be put on a single line.
#AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
# If true, while (true) continue; can be put on a single line.
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true
# If true, always break after function definition return types.
# More truthfully called ‘break before the identifier following the type in a function definition’. PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine becomes irrelevant.
AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: false
# If true, always break before multiline string literals.
AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
# If true, always break after the template<...> of a template declaration.
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
# If false, a function call’s arguments will either be all on the same line or will have one line each.
BinPackArguments: true
# If false, a function call’s arguments will either be all
# on the same line or will have one line each.
BinPackParameters: true
# The way to wrap binary operators.
# BOS_None (in configuration: None) Break after operators.
# BOS_NonAssignment (in configuration: NonAssignment) Break before operators that aren’t assignments.
# BOS_All (in configuration: All) Break before operators.
#BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
# The brace breaking style to use.
# BS_Attach (in configuration: Attach) Always attach braces to surrounding context.
# BS_Linux (in configuration: Linux) Like Attach, but break before braces on function, namespace and class definitions.
# BS_Stroustrup (in configuration: Stroustrup) Like Attach, but break before function definitions, and ‘else’.
# BS_Allman (in configuration: Allman) Always break before braces.
# BS_GNU (in configuration: GNU) Always break before braces and add an extra level of indentation to braces of control statements, not to those of class, function or other definitions.
BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
# If true, ternary operators will be placed after line breaks.
BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
# Always break constructor initializers before commas and align the commas with the colon.
BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true
# Always break constructor initializers before commas and align the commas with the colon.
BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true
# The column limit.
# A column limit of 0 means that there is no column limit. In this case, clang-format will respect the input’s line breaking decisions within statements unless they contradict other rules.
ColumnLimit: 80
# A regular expression that describes comments with special meaning, which should not be split into lines or otherwise changed.
CommentPragmas: "\/*(.*)*\/"
# If the constructor initializers don’t fit on a line, put each initializer on its own line.
#ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
# The number of characters to use for indentation of constructor initializer lists.
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 0
# Indent width for line continuations.
#ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
# If true, format braced lists as best suited for C++11 braced lists.
# Important differences: - No spaces inside the braced list. - No line break before the closing brace. - Indentation with the continuation indent, not with the block indent.
# Fundamentally, C++11 braced lists are formatted exactly like function calls would be formatted in their place. If the braced list follows a name (e.g. a type or variable name), clang-format formats as if the {} were the parentheses of a function call with that name. If there is no name, a zero-length name is assumed.
Cpp11BracedListStyle: true
# If true, analyze the formatted file for the most common alignment of & and *. Point
#DerivePointerAlignment: false
# Disables formatting at all.
#DisableFormat: false
# If true, clang-format detects whether function calls and definitions are formatted with one parameter per line.
# Each call can be bin-packed, one-per-line or inconclusive. If it is inconclusive, e.g. completely on one line, but a decision needs to be made, clang-format analyzes whether there are other bin-packed cases in the input file and act accordingly.
# NOTE: This is an experimental flag, that might go away or be renamed. Do not use this in config files, etc. Use at your own risk.
#ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
# A vector of macros that should be interpreted as foreach loops instead of as function calls.
# These are expected to be macros of the form: code FOREACH(<variable-declaration>, ...) <loop-body> endcode
# For example: BOOST_FOREACH.
#ForEachMacros (std::vector<std::string>)
# Indent case labels one level from the switch statement.
# When false, use the same indentation level as for the switch statement. Switch statement body is always indented one level more than case labels.
IndentCaseLabels: false
# The number of columns to use for indentation.
IndentWidth: 4
# Indent if a function definition or declaration is wrapped after the type.
#IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
# If true, empty lines at the start of blocks are kept.
#KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
# Language, this format style is targeted at.
# LK_None (in configuration: None) Do not use.
# LK_Cpp (in configuration: Cpp) Should be used for C, C++, ObjectiveC, ObjectiveC++.
# LK_Java (in configuration: Java) Should be used for Java.
# LK_JavaScript (in configuration: JavaScript) Should be used for JavaScript.
# LK_Proto (in configuration: Proto) Should be used for Protocol Buffers (https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/).
Language: Cpp
# The maximum number of consecutive empty lines to keep.
#MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 0
# The indentation used for namespaces.
# NI_None (in configuration: None) Don’t indent in namespaces.
# NI_Inner (in configuration: Inner) Indent only in inner namespaces (nested in other namespaces).
# NI_All (in configuration: All) Indent in all namespaces.
#NamespaceIndentation: Inner
# The number of characters to use for indentation of ObjC blocks.
#ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 4
# Add a space after @property in Objective-C, i.e. use \@property (readonly) instead of \@property(readonly).
#ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false
# Add a space in front of an Objective-C protocol list, i.e. use Foo <Protocol> instead of Foo<Protocol>.
#ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: false
# The penalty for breaking a function call after “call(”.
#PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter (unsigned)
# The penalty for each line break introduced inside a comment.
#PenaltyBreakComment (unsigned)
# The penalty for breaking before the first <<.
#PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess (unsigned)
# The penalty for each line break introduced inside a string literal.
#PenaltyBreakString (unsigned)
# The penalty for each character outside of the column limit.
#PenaltyExcessCharacter (unsigned)
# Penalty for putting the return type of a function onto its own line.
#PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine (unsigned)
# If true, analyze the formatted file for the most common alignment of & and *. PointerAlignment is then used only as fallback.
PointerAlignment: Middle
# If true, a space may be inserted after C style casts.
SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
# If false, spaces will be removed before assignment operators.
#SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
# Defines in which cases to put a space before opening parentheses.
# SBPO_Never (in configuration: Never) Never put a space before opening parentheses.
# SBPO_ControlStatements (in configuration: ControlStatements) Put a space before opening parentheses only after control statement keywords (for/if/while...).
# SBPO_Always (in configuration: Always) Always put a space before opening parentheses, except when it’s prohibited by the syntax rules (in function-like macro definitions) or when determined by other style rules (after unary operators, opening parentheses, etc.)
SpaceBeforeParens: Never
# If true, spaces may be inserted into ‘()’.
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
# The number of spaces before trailing line comments (// - comments).
# This does not affect trailing block comments (/**/ - comments) as those commonly have different usage patterns and a number of special cases.
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
# If true, spaces will be inserted after ‘<’ and before ‘>’ in template argument lists
SpacesInAngles: false
# If true, spaces may be inserted into C style casts.
SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
# If true, spaces are inserted inside container literals (e.g. ObjC and Javascript array and dict literals).
SpacesInContainerLiterals: false
# If true, spaces will be inserted after ‘(‘ and before ‘)’.
SpacesInParentheses: false
# If true, spaces will be inserted after ‘[‘ and before ‘]’.
SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
# Format compatible with this standard, e.g. use A<A<int> > instead of A<A<int>> for LS_Cpp03.
# LS_Cpp03 (in configuration: Cpp03) Use C++03-compatible syntax.
# LS_Cpp11 (in configuration: Cpp11) Use features of C++11 (e.g. A<A<int>> instead of A<A<int> >).
# LS_Auto (in configuration: Auto) Automatic detection based on the input.
Standard: Cpp11
# The number of columns used for tab stops.
#TabWidth: 4
# The way to use tab characters in the resulting file.
# UT_Never (in configuration: Never) Never use tab.
# UT_ForIndentation (in configuration: ForIndentation) Use tabs only for indentation.
# UT_Always (in configuration: Always) Use tabs whenever we need to fill whitespace that spans at least from one tab stop to the next one.
UseTab: Never
BinPackArguments: false
BinPackParameters: false
ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
关于clang-format - clang-format :如果语句溢出,则将参数和参数强制为一行-每行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29483626/
我有一个 div(蓝色框),它在父元素(红色框)内的页面上绝对定位,我需要将 overflow-y 设置为隐藏,以便它强制 Y 轴上的溢出内容切掉了,但我希望任何溢出-x 的内容都可见。 HTML:
请参阅以下帖子以获取突出显示我的问题和可能的解决方案的图片: CSS overflow-y:visible, overflow-x:scroll 但是,当您实际移动滚动条时,此策略会中断。在建议的实现
我在搜索中看到过几个类似的问题,但要么没有正确回答问题,要么没有给出答案。所以,我再问一次。 .parent { overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:visible; wid
我读过这个CSS overflow-x hidden and overflow-y visible (以及很多其他帖子)但我无法在我的具体情况下使用它。 我正在使用 slick-slider并想添加下
我有以下 Spark 作业,试图将所有内容保留在内存中: val myOutRDD = myInRDD.flatMap { fp => val tuple2List: ListBuffer[(St
我有疑问 两个16位的值加上最大值,16位机会不会溢出? 我会详细说明 unsigned short a; unsigned short b; unsigned long c; c=(unsigne
我有这个 HTML 和 CSS,但“溢出:隐藏”标签在 Firefox 中不起作用。这让我感到难过...有人知道为什么它不起作用吗?是因为A标签不支持overflow标签吗? #page_sideba
我正在开发一个程序,用于在 C++ 中分解非常大的数字(20 位或更多),并且正在使用 GMP 来处理溢出问题。我的程序对于大约 10 位或更少的数字运行良好,但是当我向它抛出一个 15 位数字时,它
我创建了一个 Canvas ,并在其中放置了一个StackPanel。 StackPanel是水平的,它接受缩略图图像的列表。 Canvas 具有固定的大小。当我放置的缩略图多于Canvas宽度不能容
当 g_array_append_val() 时会发生什么或 GLib 中的其他附加/前置函数之一,使 GArray 的长度大于 guint (unsigned int) 所能容纳的长度? 文档对此没
overflow-x:hidden 和 overflow:hidden; 有什么区别? 我所知道的是overflow-x:hidden;禁用水平滚动,但当我使用它时,它不仅仅适用于 Firefox,所
我们正在运行 Solr 来索引大量数据,但遇到了一个非常有趣的问题,我无法在任何地方找到任何帮助。 似乎 Solr 使用带符号的 32 位整数来计算索引中当前的文档数。我们刚刚达到了这个数字,我们的
这是我的查询: 从相似性中选择 COUNT(*),其中 T1Similarity = 0 或 T2Similarity = 0 结果如下: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, L
int main(void) { char x1 = 0x81; char x2 = 0x1; int a, b; a = x1
我有一个 div,其中的内容通过查询的 append() 定期附加到它。随着内容越来越长,最终会溢出div。我不希望在溢出时出现滚动条,但仍然让内容向上滚动以显示下面的新内容。 这可能吗?当我使用 o
我为 UITextField 创建了一个简单的子类,它按预期工作。我遇到的唯一问题是当文本值变得太大时,它会溢出到清除按钮中。 我似乎无法找到如何仅更改文本的右侧以具有一些填充而不与清除按钮相交的方法
我想要一个包括下拉菜单的粘性导航栏。但是,当我将鼠标悬停在它上面时,下拉菜单没有显示。 如果我删除 overflow: hidden;在无序列表中,当我向下滚动时,导航栏设法保持在顶部,但是导航栏是不
我正在研究一些按钮。我想要一个翻转状态,我在一个 div 的图像中有这个,溢出:隐藏以隐藏不活动的状态。它有时有效,但有时看起来像这样: 最奇怪的是,当我尝试使用 Chrome Web Inspect
这似乎是一个相当常见且不那么奇特的用例,但我以前没有遇到过。我设置了一支笔,但无法在那里复制它,我正在努力找出原因。 Demo Pen 左侧边栏有一个用于元素列表的自定义滚动窗口,但是虽然设置 ove