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typescript - Typescript能够执行简单的功能组合吗?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 23:42:51 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike




import { curry } from './curry'

type f1<a, b> = (a: a) => b
type f2_2<a, b, c> = (a: a, b: b) => c
type f2_1<a, b, c> = (a: a) => (b: b) => c
type f2<a, b, c> = f2_2<a, b, c> & f2_1<a, b, c>
type p<a> = (a: a) => boolean

type b3 = <a, b, c>(f: f1<b, c>, g: f1<a, b>, a: a) => c
type b2 = <a, b, c>(f: f1<b, c>, g: f1<a, b>) => f1<a, c>
type b1 = <a, b, c>(f: f1<b, c>) => f2<f1<a, b>, a, c>
type b = b1 & b2 & b3

// bluebird :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
const compose: b = curry((f, g, a) => f(g(a)))

type fil2 = <a>(p: p<a>, xs: a[]) => a[]
type fil1 = <a>(p: p<a>) => f1<a[], a[]>
type fil = fil1 & fil2

// filter :: (a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]
const filter: fil = curry((p, xs) => {
const len = xs.length
const r = Array()

for (let [i, j] = [0, 0]; i < len; i++) {
const v = xs[i]

if (p(v)) {
r[j++] = v

return r

type m2 = <a, b>(f1: f1<a, b>, xs: a[]) => b[]
type m1 = <a, b>(f: f1<a, b>) => f1<a[], b[]>
type m = m2 & m1

// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
const mapArr: m = curry((fn, xs) => {
const len = xs.length
const r = Array(len)

for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r[i] = fn(xs[i])

return r

type z2 = <o, k extends keyof o>(propName: k, source: o) => o[k]
type z1 = <o, k extends keyof o>(propName: k) => f1<o, o[k]>
type z = z2 & z1

// prop :: String -> a -> b
// prop :: Number -> a -> b
// prop :: Symbol -> a -> b
const prop: z = curry((propName, obj) => obj[propName])

当我将鼠标悬停在下面组成的过滤器函数上时,TS知道它将返回 data[];但是,如果我将鼠标悬停在 mappArr函数上,TS将显示输入为 unknown[],因此会为 id字段抛出错误的肯定。我究竟做错了什么?

//====[typescript test]===================================
interface data {
relationId: string
id: string

type isMine = p<data>
// isMine :: a -> Boolean
const isMine: isMine = x => x.relationId === '1'

type t = f1<data[], string[]>
const testFn: t = compose(
// @ts-ignore
//=> ^^^^^
// error TS2345: Argument of type '"id"' is not assignable to
// parameter of type 'never'.

//====[javascript test]================================
const r = testFn([
{ id: '3', relationId: '1' },
{ id: '5', relationId: '3' },
{ id: '8', relationId: '1' },

test('javascript is correct', () => {
expect(r).toEqual(['3', '8'])


const testFn: t = compose (mapArr(prop('id')))
//=> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// error TS2322: Type 'unknown[]' is not assignable to type 'f1<data[], string[]>'.
// Type 'unknown[]' provides no match for the signature '(a: data[]): string[]'.

// ================================================ =====================


同样,没有必要检查以下内容,这只是 curry的标准实现:

function isFunction (fn) {
return typeof fn === 'function'

const CURRY_SYMB = '@@curried'

function applyCurry (fn, arg) {
if (!isFunction(fn)) {
return fn

return fn.length > 1
? fn.bind(null, arg)
:, arg)

export function curry (fn) {
if (fn[CURRY_SYMB]) {
return fn

function curried (...xs) {
const args = xs.length
? xs
: [undefined]

if (args.length < fn.length) {
return curry(Function.bind.apply(fn, [null].concat(args)))

const val =
args.length === fn.length
? fn.apply(null, args)
: args.reduce(applyCurry, fn)

if (isFunction(val)) {
return curry(val)

return val

Object.defineProperty(curried, CURRY_SYMB, {
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: true,

return curried


无论我希望有多少,TypeScript都不是Haskell(或在此处插入您喜欢的类型化语言)。它的类型系统有很多漏洞,并且不能保证其类型推断算法会产生声音结果。它是not meant to be provably correct(启用惯用JavaScript更为重要)。公平地说,Haskell没有子类型,面对子类型的类型推断是more difficult。无论如何,这里的简短答案是:




type Predicate<A> = (a: A) => boolean;

declare function compose<B, C>(
f: (x: B) => C
): (<A>(g: (a: A) => B) => (a: A) => C) & (<A>(g: (a: A) => B, a: A) => C); //altered
declare function compose<A, B, C>(f: (b: B) => C, g: (a: A) => B): (a: A) => C;
declare function compose<A, B, C>(f: (b: B) => C, g: (a: A) => B, a: A): C;

declare function filter<A>(p: Predicate<A>, xs: A[]): A[];
declare function filter<A>(p: Predicate<A>): (xs: A[]) => A[];

declare function mapArr<A, B>(f1: (a: A) => B): (xs: A[]) => B[];
declare function mapArr<A, B>(f1: (a: A) => B, xs: A[]): B[];

declare function prop<K extends keyof any>(
propName: K
): <O extends Record<K, any>>(source: O) => O[K]; // altered
declare function prop<K extends keyof O, O>(propName: K, source: O): O[K];

多数只是直接重写,但我想提请您注意我所做的两个实质性更改。 compose()的第一个重载签名已从更改为

declare function compose<A, B, C>(
f: (x: B) => C
): ((g: (a: A) => B) => (a: A) => C) & ((g: (a: A) => B, a: A) => C);

declare function compose<B, C>(
f: (x: B) => C
): (<A>(g: (a: A) => B) => (a: A) => C) & (<A>(g: (a: A) => B, a: A) => C);

也就是说,不是 compose()ABC中是通用的,而是仅在 BC中是通用的,并返回在 A中的通用函数。之所以这样做,是因为在TypeScript中,通常根据传递给函数的参数的类型(而不是函数的预期返回类型)进行泛型函数类型参数的推断。是的,有 contextual typing可以从所需的输出类型推断输入类型,但是它不如普通的“时间前向”推断可靠。

当在 A中调用一个泛型函数时,如果没有任何参数充当 A的推理站点,可能会发生什么? (例如,当它只有一个类型为 (x: B) => C的参数时)编译器将为 unknown推断 Aas of TS3.5),以后您会不满意。通过将通用参数规范推迟到调用返回的函数之前,我们有更好的机会推断 A您的意图。

同样,我将 prop()的第一个重载从

declare function prop<K extends keyof O, O>(
propName: K,
): (source: O) => O[K];

declare function prop<K extends keyof any>(
propName: K
): <O extends Record<K, any>>(source: O) => O[K];

这具有相同的问题...对类似 prop("id")的调用将导致将 K推断为 "id",并且可能将 O推断为 unknown,然后由于 "id"不是已知是 keyof unknown(即 never)的一部分,您将收到错误消息。这很可能是引起您所看到的错误的原因。

无论如何,我将 O的规范推迟到调用返回函数时使用。这意味着我需要将通用约束从 K extends keyof O转换为 O extends Record<K, any> ...说类似的话,但方向相反。

很好,如果我们尝试您的 compose()测试会怎样?

//====[typescript test]===================================
interface Data {
relationId: string;
id: string;
type isMine = Predicate<Data>;
const isMine: isMine = x => x.relationId === "1";

const testFnWithFaultyContextualTyping: (a: Data[]) => string[] = compose(
mapArr(prop("id")), // error!
// Argument of type '<O extends Record<"id", any>>(source: O) => O["id"]'
// is not assignable to parameter of type '(a: unknown) => any'.

糟糕,仍然存在错误。这是一个不同的错误,但是这里的问题是,通过将返回值注释为 (a: Data[]) => string[],它触发了一些上下文类型,这些类型在正确推断 prop("id")之前逐渐消失。在这种情况下,我的本能是尝试不依赖于上下文类型,而是查看常规类型推断是否起作用:

const testFn = compose(
); // okay
// const testFn: (a: Data[]) => string[]

这样行得通。时间前向推断的行为符合预期,并且 testFn是您期望的类型。


const testFnCurriedWithFaultyContextualTyping = compose(mapArr(prop("id")))( // error!
// Argument of type '<O extends Record<"id", any>>(xs: O[]) => O["id"][]'
// is not assignable to parameter of type '(x: unknown) => any[]'.

是的,我们仍然会出现错误。尝试进行上下文类型输入又是一个问题……鉴于您打算如何调用其返回的函数,编译器实际上并不真正知道如何推断 compose()参数的类型。在这种情况下,无法通过移动通用类型来修复它。推断就不可能在这里发生。相反,我们可以依靠在 compose()函数调用中显式指定泛型类型参数:

const testFnCurried = compose<Data[], string[]>(mapArr(prop("id")))(
); // okay


无论如何,我希望能给您一些思路,尽管可能会令人失望。每当我为TypeScript的不健全和有限的类型推断功能感到难过时,我都会提醒自己有关其所有类型系统的 neat features,即 make up for it,至少是 in my opinion


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关于typescript - Typescript能够执行简单的功能组合吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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