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webforms - 是否有等同于 Webforms 的 MvcBuildViews?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 23:35:58 26 4
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是否有等同于 Webforms 的 MvcBuildViews?



另一种方法是将构建后操作添加到 Visual Studio 项目并让它运行 aspnet_compiler.exe “就地编译应用程序”。

Compiling an Application in Place

The ASP.NET Compilation tool can compile an application in place, that is, it mimics the behavior of making multiple requests to the application, thus causing regular compilation. Users of a precompiled site will not experience a delay caused by compiling the page on first request.

Note that if you are using an impersonated account, both the account and the logon user account must have write access to the target for precompilation to succeed.

When you precompile a site in place, the following items apply:

  • The site retains its files and directory structure.

  • You must have compilers for all programming languages used by the site on the server.

  • If any file fails compilation, the entire site fails compilation.

You can also recompile an application in place after adding new source files to it. The tool compiles only the new or changed files unless you include the -c option.

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