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r - 长转宽格式: keep row orders and use only part of row values for newly created column names

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 23:10:23 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


> print(DT)
scenario hyear P
1: flux_0_P1.0_1 2013-2014 0.14044214
2: flux_0_P1.0_1 2014-2015 0.09141671
3: flux_0_P1.0_2 2013-2014 0.69610343
4: flux_0_P1.0_2 2014-2015 0.52359157
5: flux_0_P1.0_3 2013-2014 0.89724457
6: flux_0_P1.0_3 2014-2015 0.78003786
7: flux_0_P1.0_10 2013-2014 0.73752843
8: flux_0_P1.0_10 2014-2015 0.62216371
9: flux_0_P1.0_11 2013-2014 0.14259943
10: flux_0_P1.0_11 2014-2015 0.15309200
11: flux_0_P1.0_12 2013-2014 0.81472886
12: flux_0_P1.0_12 2014-2015 0.66015071


  • 将行顺序保留在新创建的宽数据框 (data.table) 列的 scenario 列中,例如1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 不是 1, 10, 11, 12, 2, 3

  • 仅使用scenario列中行值的一部分(匹配和替换模式)作为宽数据框(data.table)中的列名称,例如从 flux_0_P1.0_1P_0_P1.0_1(P 是原始数据框中值列的名称)

      hyear     P_0_P1.0_1 P_0_P1.0_2 P_0_P1.0_3 P_0_P1.0_10 P_0_P1.0_11 P_0_P1.0_12
    1 2013-2014 0.140 0.696 0.897 0.738 0.143 0.815
    2 2014-2015 0.0914 0.524 0.780 0.622 0.153 0.660

到目前为止我的尝试:spreaddcast 都更改了 key 列的顺序

### tidyverse
DT_wide_tidyr <- tidyr::spread(DT, scenario, P)

> DT_wide_tidyr
# A tibble: 2 x 7
hyear flux_0_P1.0_1 flux_0_P1.0_10 flux_0_P1.0_11 flux_0_P1.0_12 flux_0_P1.0_2 flux_0_P1.0_3
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2013-2014 0.140 0.738 0.143 0.815 0.696 0.897
2 2014-2015 0.0914 0.622 0.153 0.660 0.524 0.780

### data.table
DT_wide_dcast <- data.table::dcast(DT, hyear ~ scenario, value.var = "P")

> DT_wide_dcast
hyear flux_0_P1.0_1 flux_0_P1.0_10 flux_0_P1.0_11 flux_0_P1.0_12 flux_0_P1.0_2 flux_0_P1.0_3
1: 2013-2014 0.14044214 0.7375284 0.1425994 0.8147289 0.6961034 0.8972446
2: 2014-2015 0.09141671 0.6221637 0.1530920 0.6601507 0.5235916 0.7800379


> dput(
structure(list(scenario = c("flux_0_P1.0_1", "flux_0_P1.0_1",
"flux_0_P1.0_2", "flux_0_P1.0_2", "flux_0_P1.0_3", "flux_0_P1.0_3",
"flux_0_P1.0_10", "flux_0_P1.0_10", "flux_0_P1.0_11", "flux_0_P1.0_11",
"flux_0_P1.0_12", "flux_0_P1.0_12"), hyear = c("2013-2014", "2014-2015",
"2013-2014", "2014-2015", "2013-2014", "2014-2015", "2013-2014",
"2014-2015", "2013-2014", "2014-2015", "2013-2014", "2014-2015"
), P = structure(c(0.140442142857143, 0.0914167142857143, 0.696103428571428,
0.523591571428571, 0.897244571428571, 0.780037857142857, 0.737528428571428,
0.622163714285714, 0.142599428571429, 0.153092, 0.814728857142857,
0.660150714285714))), .Names = c("scenario",
"hyear", "P"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -12L))




# Set row order in scenario column
DT[, scenario := factor(scenario, levels = unique(scenario))]

# tidyr
DT_wide_tidyr <- tidyr::spread(DT, scenario, P) %>%
dplyr::rename_at(vars(contains("flux")), funs(sub("flux", names(DT)[3], .)))

# data.table
DT_wide_dcast <- data.table::dcast(DT, hyear ~ scenario, value.var = names(DT)[3])
names(DT_wide_dcast) <- gsub("flux", names(DT)[3], names(DT_wide_dcast))


如果将scenario 列更改为具有所需顺序的给定级别的因子,则您的两种解决方案都将有效。

如果 DF 是问题末尾显示的输入,则使用此处显示的 DF2 代码:

DF2 <- transform(DF, scenario = factor(scenario, levels = unique(scenario)))

如果 wide 是代码的结果,那么这会将列名称中的 flux 更改为 P:

names(wide) <- sub("flux", "P", names(wide))

关于r - 长转宽格式: keep row orders and use only part of row values for newly created column names,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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