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indexeddb - 检查 indexedDB 索引是否已经存在

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 22:58:07 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我想在 onupgradeneeded 中更新我的 indexeddb 数据库的对象库之一。我想检查一下,如果这个索引存在于这个对象存储中,那么就不需要做任何更改。但如果不是,我想更新它的索引。


    var request =;
request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
// Get the IDBDatabase connection
var db =;

// This is the implied IDBTransaction instance available when
// upgrading, it is type versionchange, and is similar to
// readwrite.
var tx =;

// Get the store from the transaction. This assumes of course that
// you know the store exists, otherwise use
// db.objectStoreNames.contains to check first.
var store = tx.objectStore('myStore');

// Now check if the index exists
if(store.indexNames.contains('myIndex')) {
// The store contains an index with that name
console.log('The index myIndex exists on store myStore');

// You can also access the index and ensure it has the right
// properties you want. If you want to change the properties you
// will need to delete the index then recreate it.
var index = store.index('myIndex');

// For example
if(index.multiEntry) {
console.log('myIndex is flagged as a multi-entry index');

if(index.unique) {
console.log('myIndex is flagged with the unique constraint');

} else {
// The store does not contain an index with that name
console.log('The index myIndex does not exist on store myStore');

// Can create it here if you want
store.createIndex('myIndex', ...);


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