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assembly - x86 程序集 (NASM) : Floating Point Exception, 未除以 0?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 22:45:34 25 4
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我正在尝试计算表达式 A * B + ( A + B ) / ( A - B ) ,其中 A 和 B 是用户输入的整数。我在 linux 内核上使用 ALong32 库。

%include ""

section .data
msg1 db 'Enter A: ', 0
msg2 db 'Enter B: ', 0
msg3 db 'Result: ' , 0
err db 'Error: cannot divide by 0', 0
A resb 4
B resb 4

section .text

global main

mov edx, msg1
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov [A], eax ; move the input into A

mov edx, msg2
call WriteString
call ReadInt ; move the next number into eax

cmp eax, [A] ; compare A and eax (B)

je error ; if A and B are equal, error

mov [B], eax ; move eax into B

mov eax, [A]
add eax, [B]
mov ebx, eax ; ebx = A + B

mov eax, [A]
sub eax, [B] ; eax = A - B

div ebx

mov ebx, eax ; ebx = (A + B) / (A - B)

mov ecx, [B]
mov eax, [A]
mul ecx
mov ecx, eax ; ecx = A * B

add eax, ecx ; eax = A * B + (A + B) / (A - B)

mov edx, msg3
call WriteString
call WriteInt

jmp end

mov edx, err
call WriteString
jmp end

mov eax, 1
int 0x80


当我运行这段代码时,在我输入两个数字后,我得到一个 floating point exception ,程序退出。

为什么会这样?我检查除以 0。



  • div ebx指令使用 EDX:EAX 作为被除数,你没有设置它。只需插入一个 xor edx,edx
    xor   edx, edx ; <--------------------------------- Add this !
    div ebx
    mov ebx, eax ; ebx = (A + B) / (A - B)
  • 除法后,您将商存储在 EBX 中,但您再也不会拿起它来显示结果!
    mov   ecx, [B]
    mov eax, [A]
    mul ecx
    mov ecx, eax ; ecx = A * B
    mov eax, ebx ; <--------------------------------- Add this !
    add eax, ecx ; eax = A * B + (A + B) / (A - B)

  • 第二个问题可以用更短的方式解决:
    mov   ecx, [B]
    mov eax, [A]
    mul ecx
    add eax, ebx ; eax = A * B + (A + B) / (A - B)

    编辑 (晚了,抱歉)

    I check for division by 0.

    A * B + ( A + B ) / ( A - B )

    您的检查基于分隔符 (A - B)并因此退出如果 A等于 B .
    正确,但程序代码计算错误 (A - B) / (A + B)所以正在使用 (A + B)作为分隔符!

    这是我的计算版本 A * B + ( A + B ) / ( A - B ) :
    mov     ebx, [A]
    sub ebx, [B] ; EBX = (A - B)
    jz error ; Guard against division by zero!

    mov eax, [A]
    add eax, [B] ; EAX = (A + B)

    xor edx, edx ; EDX:EAX = (A + B)
    div ebx ; EAX = (A + B) / (A - B)

    mov ebx, [A]
    imul ebx, [B] ; EBX = A * B

    add eax, ebx ; EAX = A * B + (A + B) / (A - B)

    关于assembly - x86 程序集 (NASM) : Floating Point Exception, 未除以 0?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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