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• 他/她吃饭的次数和时间
• 他/她什么时候醒来并休眠
• 他/她必须服用多少药片
• 是否应该空腹吃药
• 药物是否应随餐服用/不随餐服用
• 患者是否需要在进餐和服药之间休息(它还没有显示在下面的屏幕上)
• 等等
我应该使用什么类型的模型/力学/算法来预测服药时间?回归是正确的吗?我需要预测 1,2,3,4 有时是 5 列。
How to predict multiple labels with ML.NET using regression task?
它工作正常,我可以预测超过 1 列。但是,我的问题仍然是空白单元格。当我试图从该数据中预测某些内容时,它总是显示错误的值,并且只有在所有单元格都完成后才能正常工作。
当我只预测 TimeToTakeMedicine1
当我预测 TimeToTakeMedicine1 和 TimeToTakeMedicine2 时
当我预测 TimeToTakeMedicine1、TimeToTakeMedicine2、TimeToTakeMedicine3 等时。
预测 TimeToTakeMedicine1、TimeToTakeMedicine2、TimeToTakeMedicine3 的工作代码(为了简单起见,我去掉了 OnEmptyStomach、WithMeal 和 IsPossible)
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Trainers;
namespace NextTry
class Program
static readonly string _trainDataPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "DataFolder", "DataForPredictT1T2T3.csv");
static void Main(string[] args)
MLContext mlContext = new MLContext(seed: 0);
var model = Train(mlContext, _trainDataPath);
TestSinglePrediction(mlContext, model);
public static ITransformer Train(MLContext mlContext, string dataPath)
IDataView dataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile<Medicine>(dataPath, hasHeader: true, separatorChar: ',');
var pipelineForMeal1 = mlContext.Transforms.CopyColumns(outputColumnName: "Label", inputColumnName: "TimeToTakeMedicine1")
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "MealTime1", "MealTime2", "MealTime3", "MealCount", "ActivityHoursWakeUp", "ActivityHoursSleep", "PillsCount"))
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.CopyColumns(outputColumnName: "timeToTakeMedicine1", inputColumnName: "Score"));
var pipelineForMeal2 = mlContext.Transforms.CopyColumns(outputColumnName: "Label", inputColumnName: "TimeToTakeMedicine2")
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "MealTime1", "MealTime2", "MealTime3", "MealCount", "ActivityHoursWakeUp", "ActivityHoursSleep", "PillsCount"))
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.CopyColumns(outputColumnName: "timeToTakeMedicine2", inputColumnName: "Score"));
var pipelineForMeal3 = mlContext.Transforms.CopyColumns(outputColumnName: "Label", inputColumnName: "TimeToTakeMedicine3")
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "MealTime1", "MealTime2", "MealTime3", "MealCount", "ActivityHoursWakeUp", "ActivityHoursSleep", "PillsCount"))
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.CopyColumns(outputColumnName: "timeToTakeMedicine3", inputColumnName: "Score"));
var model = pipelineForMeal1
return model;
private static void TestSinglePrediction(MLContext mlContext, ITransformer model)
var predictionFunction = mlContext.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<Medicine, MedicineTimeTakeMedicinePrediction>(model);
var medicineSample = new Medicine()
MealTime1 = 6,
MealTime2 = 12,
MealTime3 = 22,
MealCount = 3,
PillsCount = 3
var prediction = predictionFunction.Predict(medicineSample);
Console.WriteLine($"Predicted TimeToTakePill: {prediction.TimeToTakeMedicine1:0.####} ");
Console.WriteLine($"Predicted TimeToTakePill: {prediction.TimeToTakeMedicine2:0.####}");
Console.WriteLine($"Predicted TimeToTakePill: {prediction.TimeToTakeMedicine3:0.####}");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
namespace NextTry
public class Medicine
public float MealTime1 { get; set; }
public float MealTime2 { get; set; }
public float MealTime3 { get; set; }
public float MealCount { get; set; }
public float ActivityHoursWakeUp { get; set; }
public float ActivityHoursSleep { get; set; }
public float PillsCount { get; set; }
public float TimeToTakeMedicine1 { get; set; }
public float TimeToTakeMedicine2 { get; set; }
public float TimeToTakeMedicine3 { get; set; }
public class MedicineTimeTakeMedicinePrediction
public float TimeToTakeMedicine1 { get; set; }
public float TimeToTakeMedicine2 { get; set; }
public float TimeToTakeMedicine3 { get; set; }
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