gpt4 book ai didi - 我是否需要一个 Web 配置文件才能在 IIS 7 上运行 hello world?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 22:02:53 25 4
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我在 IIS 服务器 7(共享主机)上上传了一个简单的 hello world。它不起作用。是否有必要添加网络配置,在这种情况下最少需要多少?



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<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<title>ASP.NET Hello World</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<p><%= "Hello World!" %></p>



个人的、特定于站点的 web.config不是 需要 为了在 IIS7 中启动和运行一个基本的“Hello World”站点,但是,没有一个站点是相当不寻常的。

与以前的版本不同,IIS7 实际上具有“内置”的 ASP.NET 工作进程组件。这允许 web.config文件不仅可以指定 ASP.NET 站点本身的配置,还可以指定托管站点的 IIS 服务器的配置方式(例如,您可以指定(例如)ASP.NET web.config 文件中的默认文档类型)。

如果您没有为 ASP.NET 站点指定单独的 web.config,IIS7 服务器将使用“默认”web.config,它通常位于 . NET 框架本身。


Working With Configuration Files in IIS 7

来自 MSDN 库的说明:

Configuration Files

Configuration exists in a physical directory in either server-level configuration files or in Web.config files. Every configuration file maps to a specific site, application, or virtual directory.

Server-level configuration is stored in the following configuration files:

  • Machine.config. This file is located in %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\framework_version\CONFIG.

  • Root Web.config for the .NET Framework. This file is located in %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\framework_version\CONFIG.

  • ApplicationHost.config. This file is located in %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config.

Site, application, and virtual and physical directory configuration can be stored in one of the following locations:

  • A server-level configuration file. When configuration for a site, application, directory, or URL is stored in a server-level configuration file, you must use a location tag to specify the site, application, directory, or URL to which the configuration applies.

  • A parent-level Web.config file. When configuration for an application, directory, or URL is stored in a parent-level configuration file, you must use a location tag to specify the child at which the configuration applies.

  • The Web.config file for the site, the application, or the directory. When you configure settings for an application, directory, or URL, the configuration is stored in the same directory as the site, application, or directory. You do not need to use location tags.

Storing configuration settings in a parent configuration file is helpful when:

  • You want to store configuration settings in a configuration file that is accessible by only certain users or groups. For example, the ApplicationHost.config file is available only to the Administrator account and to the members of the Administrators group on a specific computer, as well as to domain administrators when a computer is part of a domain.

  • You want to configure a feature at the URL-level (also known as file-level).


The new Configuration System in IIS 7


关于您收到的特定错误消息,我之前在 IIS7 服务器上看到过这个问题,结果证明该站点设置为使用的应用程序池没有“运行”。进入 IIS7 管理界面和 start应用程序池解决了这个问题。


here , here , 和 here了解更多信息。

当然,由于您正在测试共享托管环境,因此您可能无法访问 Web 服务器本身,并且很难通过您的托管服务提供商准确了解您在管理方面可以访问的内容,但是他们可能有某种界面来设置文件夹/文件的权限,所以我会先看看那里。
否则,您可能必须在“测试”站点中包含一个 web.config 文件,因为这将允许您在 IIS7 中设置您可能无法访问的配置。


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