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Haskell Monad Transformer 堆栈和类型签名

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 21:02:06 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试创建一堆 monad 转换器,但无法为我的函数获取正确的类型签名。 (我对 Haskell 还是很陌生)

该堆栈结合了多个 StateT 转换器,因为我需要跟踪多个状态(其中两个可以被元组化,但我会在一秒钟内完成)和一个用于日志记录的 WriterT。


module Pass1 where
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Types

data Msg = Error String
| Warning String

type Pass1 a = WriterT [Msg] (StateT Int (StateT [Line] (StateT [Address] Identity))) a

runPass1 addrs instrs msgs = runIdentity (runStateT (runStateT (runStateT (runWriterT msgs) 1) instrs) addrs)

--popLine :: (MonadState s m) => m (Maybe s)
--popLine :: (Monad m) => StateT [Line] m (Maybe Line)
popLine :: (MonadState s m) => m (Maybe Line)
popLine = do
ls <- get
case ls of
x:xs -> do
put xs
return $ Just x
[] -> return Nothing

incLineNum :: (Num s, MonadState s m) => m ()
incLineNum = do
ln <- get
put $ ln + 1

curLineNum :: (MonadState s m) => m s
curLineNum = do
ln <- get
return ln

evalr = do l <- popLine
return l

我想要 popLine弄乱 [Line]状态和 xLineNum影响 Int 的函数状态。 evalr是将传递给 runPass1 的计算.

No instance for (MonadState [t] m)
arising from a use of `get' at Pass1.hs:23:14-16
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (MonadState [t] m)
In a stmt of a 'do' expression: ls <- get
In the expression:
do ls <- get
case ls of {
x : xs -> do ...
[] -> return Nothing }
In the definition of `popLine':
popLine = do ls <- get
case ls of {
x : xs -> ...
[] -> return Nothing }

Couldn't match expected type `s' against inferred type `[Line]'
`s' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for `popLine' at Pass1.hs:21:23
When using functional dependencies to combine
MonadState [Line] m,
arising from a use of `get' at Pass1.hs:23:14-16
MonadState s m,
arising from the type signature for `popLine'
at Pass1.hs:(22,0)-(28,31)
When generalising the type(s) for `popLine'

Could not deduce (MonadState [Line] m)
from the context (MonadState s m)
arising from a use of `get' at Pass1.hs:23:14-16
Possible fix:
add (MonadState [Line] m) to the context of
the type signature for `popLine'
or add an instance declaration for (MonadState [Line] m)
In a stmt of a 'do' expression: ls <- get
In the expression:
do ls <- get
case ls of {
x : xs -> do ...
[] -> return Nothing }
In the definition of `popLine':
popLine = do ls <- get
case ls of {
x : xs -> ...
[] -> return Nothing }

没有一个签名似乎是正确的,但 popLine 是第一个函数,所以它是唯一一个立即导致错误的函数。

我尝试在类型签名中添加它所建议的内容(例如: popLine :: (MonadState [Line] m) => ...,但随后出现如下错误:
Non type-variable argument in the constraint: MonadState [Line] m
(Use -XFlexibleContexts to permit this)
In the type signature for `popLine':
popLine :: (MonadState [Line] m) => m (Maybe Line)

每当我尝试做一些不是类型变量的事情时,我似乎总是会收到这条消息。好像喜欢 (MonadState s m)好的和其他的错误,但是当我用 [a] 尝试它时而不是 s它的错误与上述类似。 (最初 [Line] 和 Int 在一个状态下进行元组处理,但我收到了这个错误,所以我想我会尝试将它们置于不同的状态)。

GHC 6.10.4,库本图

那么,谁能告诉我发生了什么并给出解释/告诉我正确的类型签名,或者有没有人知道关于这些东西的一个很好的引用(到目前为止唯一有帮助的是“Monad Transformers Step by Step” ,但只使用一个辅助状态函数和一个StateT)?


这是包含 JFT 和 Edward 建议的编译代码:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -- needed for: deriving (Functor,Monad)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -- needed for: MonadState instance
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- needed for: (MonadState PassState m) => ...

module Pass1 where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Maybe
import Types

type Lines = [Line]
type Addresses = [Address]
type LineNum = Int
type Messages = [Msg]
data Msg = Error String
| Warning String

data PassState = PassState { passLineNum :: LineNum
, passLines :: Lines
, passAddresses :: Addresses

newtype Pass1 a = Pass1 { unPass1 :: WriterT Messages (State PassState) a
deriving (Functor,Monad)

instance MonadState PassState Pass1 where
get = Pass1 . lift $ get
put s = Pass1 . lift $ put s

runPass1 :: PassState -> Pass1 a -> ((a, Messages), PassState)
runPass1 state = flip runState state .
runWriterT .

curLineNum :: (MonadState PassState m) => m LineNum
curLineNum = do
state <- get
return $ passLineNum state

nextLine :: (MonadState PassState m) => m (Maybe Line)
nextLine = do
state <- get
let c = passLineNum state
let l = passLines state
case l of
x:xs -> do
put state { passLines = xs, passLineNum = (c+1) }
return $ Just x
_ -> return Nothing

evalr :: Pass1 (Maybe Line,LineNum)
evalr = do
l <- nextLine
c <- curLineNum
--tell $ Warning "hello"
return (l,c)

我合并了 incLineNumpopLine进入 nextLine我仍然需要让 Writer monad 部分工作,但我想我知道从这里去哪里。多谢你们。



module Pass1_JFT where
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map

{- 用简单的定义替换你的导入类型 -}
--import Types
type Line = String
type Address = String
type LineNumber = Int

不是您的问题的一部分,而是我的 2 美分...
type Lines     = [Line]
type Addresses = [Address]
type Messages = [Msg]

data Msg = Error String
| Warning String

StateT Int 中的 Int 是什么?命名它更容易阅读,原因是
并改变。声明式 FTW 让我们改用 LineNumber
--type Pass1 a = WriterT [Msg] (StateT Int (StateT [Line] (StateT [Address] Identity))) a

由于 Pass1 不是单子(monad)传输,即未定义为 Pass1 m a,
没有必要将 StateT 用于最深的 StateT,即 StateT [Address] Identity
所以让我们只使用一个状态 [地址]
newtype Pass1 a = Pass1 {
unPass1 :: WriterT Messages (StateT LineNumber (StateT Lines (State Addresses))) a
deriving (Functor,Monad)

--runIdentity (runStateT (runStateT (runStateT (runWriterT msgs) 1) instrs) addrs)

请注意, runWriterT 不采取起始状态...
runPass1' :: Addresses -> Lines -> Messages -> Pass1 a ->  ((((a, Messages), LineNumber), Lines), Addresses)
runPass1' addrs instrs msgs = flip runState addrs .
flip runStateT instrs .
flip runStateT 1 .
runWriterT . -- then get process the WriterT (the second outermost)
unPass1 -- let's peel the outside Pass1

附加到 WriterT 的初始日志。
-- I keep the runStateT convention for the order of the arguments: Monad then state
runWriterT' :: (Monad m,Monoid w) => WriterT w m a -> w -> m (a,w)
runWriterT' writer log = do
(result,log') <- runWriterT writer
-- let's use the monoid generic append in case you change container...
return (result,log `mappend` log')

runPass1 :: Addresses -> Lines -> Messages -> Pass1 a -> ((((a, Messages), LineNumber), Lines), Addresses)
runPass1 addrs instrs msgs = flip runState addrs .
flip runStateT instrs .
flip runStateT 1 .
flip runWriterT' msgs . -- then get process the WriterT (the second outermost)
unPass1 -- let's peel the outside Pass1

您打算直接从 Pass1 堆栈调用 popLine 吗?
如果是这样,您需要“教” Pass1 成为“MonadState Lines”
为此,让我们派生 Pass1(这就是我们使用 newtype 声明它的原因!)
instance MonadState Lines Pass1 where
-- we need to dig inside the stack and "lift" the proper get
get = Pass1 . lift . lift $ get
put s = Pass1 . lift . lift $ put s

popLine::Pass1 (Maybe Line)
popLine :: (MonadState Lines m) => m (Maybe Line)
popLine = do
ls <- get
case ls of
x:xs -> do
put xs
return $ Just x
[] -> return Nothing

好的,现在我得到 Int => LineNumber ....
我们可以制作 Pass1 和 MonadState LineNumber 的实例,但 LineNumber
不应该被弄乱,所以我会直接编码 incLine
如果需要,将提供一个 MonadReader 实例进行咨询
check ":t incLineNum and :t curLineNum"

incLineNum = Pass1 . lift $ modify (+1)

curLineNum = Pass1 $ lift get

evalr = do l <- popLine
return l

这是一个冗长的响应,但正如你所看到的,monad 和 monad stack 一开始是具有挑战性的。我修复了代码,但我鼓励您玩并检查各种函数的类型,以了解正在发生的事情并与您的原始代码进行比较。 Haskell 的类型推断意味着通常类型注释是多余的(除非消除歧义)。一般来说,我们赋予函数的类型不像 infer 那样通用,所以最好不要键入注释。类型注释绝对是一种很好的调试技术;)


附言关于 Monad Transformer 的真实世界 Haskell 章节非常棒:

关于Haskell Monad Transformer 堆栈和类型签名,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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