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r - R中var-covar矩阵的高效计算

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 20:13:52 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在寻找随着时间的推移从各个测量值计算(自动)协方差矩阵的效率增益 tt, t-1 , 等等..


# simulate data
periods <- 70L
ind <- 90000L
mat <- sapply(rep(ind, periods), rnorm)

下面是我想出的(丑陋的)代码来获取测量/滞后测量的协方差矩阵。运行大约需要 4 秒。我确信通过移动到 data.table ,多思考而不依赖循环,我可以大大减少时间。但是由于协方差矩阵无处不在,我怀疑在 R 中已经存在一种标准(且有效)的方法来做到这一点,我应该首先了解它。
# Get variance covariance matrix for 0-5 lags    
n_lags <- 5L # Number of lags
vcov <- matrix(0, nrow = n_lags + 1L, ncol = n_lags + 1)
for (i in 0L:n_lags) {
for (j in i:n_lags) {
vcov[j + 1L, i + 1L] <-
sum(mat[, (1L + (j - i)):(periods - i)] *
mat[, 1L:(periods - j)]) /
(ind * (periods - j) - 1)
round(vcov, 3)

[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 1.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
[2,] 0.000 1.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
[3,] 0.000 0.000 1.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
[4,] 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.001 0.000 0.000
[5,] -0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.001 0.000
[6,] 0.000 -0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.001


@F。 Privé's Rcpp实现是一个很好的起点,但我们可以做得更好。您会注意到在 OP 提供的主要算法中,有许多重复的相当昂贵的计算。观察:

OPalgo <- function(m, p, ind1, n) {
vcov <- matrix(0, nrow = n + 1L, ncol = n + 1)
for (i in 0L:n) {
for (j in i:n) {
## lower and upper range for the first & second multiplicand
print(paste(c((1L + (j - i)),":",(periods - i),"
",1L,":",(periods - j)), collapse = ""))

vcov[j + 1L, i + 1L] <-
sum(mat[, (1L + (j - i)):(periods - i)] *
mat[, 1L:(periods - j)]) /
(ind * (periods - j) - 1)

OPalgo(mat, periods, ind, n_lags)
[1] "1:70 1:70" ## contains "1:65 1:65"
[1] "2:70 1:69"
[1] "3:70 1:68"
[1] "4:70 1:67"
[1] "5:70 1:66"
[1] "6:70 1:65"
[1] "1:69 1:69" ## contains "1:65 1:65"
[1] "2:69 1:68"
[1] "3:69 1:67"
[1] "4:69 1:66"
[1] "5:69 1:65"
[1] "1:68 1:68" ## contains "1:65 1:65"
[1] "2:68 1:67"
[1] "3:68 1:66"
[1] "4:68 1:65"
[1] "1:67 1:67" ## contains "1:65 1:65"
[1] "2:67 1:66"
[1] "3:67 1:65"
[1] "1:66 1:66" ## contains "1:65 1:65"
[1] "2:66 1:65"
[1] "1:65 1:65"

如您所见,产品 mat[,1:65] * mat[,1:65]以上执行6次。第一次出现和最后一次出现之间的唯一区别是第一次出现有额外的 5 列。因此,而不是计算:
sum(mat[ , 1:70] * mat[ , 1:70])
sum(mat[ , 1:69] * mat[ , 1:69])
sum(mat[ , 1:68] * mat[ , 1:68])
sum(mat[ , 1:67] * mat[ , 1:67])
sum(mat[ , 1:66] * mat[ , 1:66])
sum(mat[ , 1:65] * mat[ , 1:65])

我们可以计算 preCalc[1] <- sum(mat[ , 1:65] * mat[ , 1:65])一次并在其他 5 次计算中使用它,如下所示:
preCalc[1] + sum(mat[ , 66:70] * mat[ , 66:70])
preCalc[1] + sum(mat[ , 66:69] * mat[ , 66:69])
preCalc[1] + sum(mat[ , 66:68] * mat[ , 66:68])
preCalc[1] + sum(mat[ , 66:67] * mat[ , 66:67])
preCalc[1] + sum(mat[ , 66:66] * mat[ , 66:66])

在上面的每一个中,我们都减少了乘法次数 90000 * 65 = 5,850,000和增加的数量 5,850,000 - 1 = 5,849,99911,699,999算术运算已保存。下面的函数实现了这一点。
fasterAlgo <- function(m, p, ind1, n) {
vcov <- matrix(0, nrow = n + 1L, ncol = n + 1)
preCals <- vapply(1:(n + 1L), function(x) sum(m[ , x:(p - n + x - 2L)] *
m[ , 1L:(p - n - 1L)]), 42.42)
for (i in 0L:n) {
for (j in i:n) {
myNum <- preCals[1L + j - i] + sum(m[, (p - n + j - i):(p - i)] * m[, (p - n):(p - j)])
vcov[j + 1L, i + 1L] <- myNum / (ind * (p - j) - 1)

## outputs same results
all.equal(OPalgo(mat, periods, ind, n_lags), fasterAlgo(mat, periods, ind, n_lags))
[1] TRUE

## I commented out the print statements of the OPalgo before benchmarking
microbenchmark(OP = OPalgo(mat, periods, ind, n_lags),
fasterBase = fasterAlgo(mat, periods, ind, n_lags),
RcppOrig = compute_vcov(mat, n_lags), times = 5)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
OP 2775.6110 2780.7207 2843.6012 2784.976 2899.7621 2976.9356 5 c
fasterBase 863.3897 863.9681 865.5576 865.593 866.7962 868.0409 5 b
RcppOrig 160.1040 161.8922 162.0153 162.235 162.4756 163.3697 5 a

如您所见,通过此修改,我们看到了至少 3 倍的改进,但 Rcpp仍然要快得多。让我们在 Rcpp 中实现上述概念.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix compute_vcov2(const NumericMatrix& mat, int n_lags) {

NumericMatrix vcov(n_lags + 1, n_lags + 1);
std::vector<double> preCalcs;
preCalcs.reserve(n_lags + 1);
double myCov;

int i, j, k1, k2, l;
int n = mat.nrow();
int m = mat.ncol();

for (i = 0; i <= n_lags; i++) {
myCov = 0;
for (k1 = i, k2 = 0; k2 < (m - n_lags - 1); k1++, k2++) {
for (l = 0; l < n; l++) {
myCov += mat(l, k1) * mat(l, k2);

for (i = 0; i <= n_lags; i++) {
for (j = i; j <= n_lags; j++) {
myCov = preCalcs[j - i];
for (k1 = m - n_lags + j - i - 1, k2 = m - n_lags - 1; k2 < (m - j); k1++, k2++) {
for (l = 0; l < n; l++) {
myCov += mat(l, k1) * mat(l, k2);
myCov /= n * (m - j) - 1;
vcov(i, j) = vcov(j, i) = myCov;

return vcov;

## gives same results
all.equal(compute_vcov2(mat, n_lags), compute_vcov(mat, n_lags))
[1] TRUE

microbenchmark(OP = OPalgo(mat, periods, ind, n_lags),
fasterBase = fasterAlgo(mat, periods, ind, n_lags),
RcppOrig = compute_vcov(mat, n_lags),
RcppModified = compute_vcov2(mat, n_lags), times = 5)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
OP 2785.4789 2786.67683 2811.02528 2789.37719 2809.61270 2883.98073 5 d
fasterBase 866.5601 868.25555 888.64418 869.31796 870.92308 968.16417 5 c
RcppOrig 160.3467 161.37992 162.74899 161.73009 164.38653 165.90174 5 b
RcppModified 51.1641 51.67149 52.87447 52.56067 53.06273 55.91334 5 a

现在增强 Rcpp解决方案比原始解决方案快 3 倍左右 Rcpp解决方案,并且比 OP 提供的原始算法快 50 倍左右。


我们还可以做得更好。我们可以反转索引 i/j 的范围以不断更新 preCalcs .这允许每次迭代最多只计算一个新列的乘积。这真的很重要,因为 n_lags增加。观察:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix compute_vcov3(const NumericMatrix& mat, int n_lags) {

NumericMatrix vcov(n_lags + 1, n_lags + 1);
std::vector<double> preCalcs;
preCalcs.reserve(n_lags + 1);

int i, j, k1, k2, l;
int n = mat.nrow();
int m = mat.ncol();

for (i = 0; i <= n_lags; i++) {
for (k1 = i, k2 = 0; k2 < (m - n_lags); k1++, k2++) {
for (l = 0; l < n; l++) {
preCalcs[i] += mat(l, k1) * mat(l, k2);

for (i = n_lags; i >= 0; i--) { ## reverse range
for (j = n_lags; j >= i; j--) { ## reverse range
vcov(i, j) = vcov(j, i) = preCalcs[j - i] / (n * (m - j) - 1);
if (i > 0 && i > 0) {
for (k1 = m - i, k2 = m - j; k2 <= (m - j); k1++, k2++) {
for (l = 0; l < n; l++) {
## updating preCalcs vector
preCalcs[j - i] += mat(l, k1) * mat(l, k2);

return vcov;

all.equal(compute_vcov(mat, n_lags), compute_vcov3(mat, n_lags))
[1] TRUE
n_lags <- 50L
microbenchmark(RcppOrig = compute_vcov(mat, n_lags),
RcppModified = compute_vcov2(mat, n_lags),
RcppExtreme = compute_vcov3(mat, n_lags), times = 5)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
RcppOrig 7035.7920 7069.7761 7083.4961 7070.3395 7119.028 7122.5446 5 c
RcppModified 3608.8986 3645.8585 3653.0029 3654.7209 3663.716 3691.8202 5 b
RcppExtreme 324.8252 330.7381 332.9657 333.5919 335.168 340.5054 5 a

最新的实现现在比原来的快 20 倍以上 Rcppn-lags 时,版本比原始算法快 300 倍以上。很大。

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