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user-interface - 网页设计 : When (not) to use a Wizard

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 20:12:51 26 4
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有谁知道我在哪里可以找到这些规则,或者甚至是一个指导方针,描述何时何地不使用向导,甚至可能是其他 UI 元素。



Gnome HIG

An assistant is a secondary window that guides the user through an operation by breaking it into sequential steps. Assistants are useful for making complex operations less intimidating, as they restrict the information visible to the user at any given moment. [...]

Assistants do have major downsides. After using an assistant it is often hard to figure out where the individual settings aggregated into the assistant are stored. Often people will resort to re-running the assistant, re-entering many settings that they don't want to change.

Assistants are often used in situations where a better solution would be to simplify, or even better automate, the process. Before using an assistant to step people through a complex operation, consider if the operation can be fundamentally simplified so an assistant is unnecessary.

Microsoft Windows Experience Interaction Guidelines :

Consider lightweight alternatives first, such as dialog boxes, task panes, or single pages. Wizards are a heavy UI, best used for multi-step, infrequently performed task. You don't have to use wizards—you can provide helpful information and assistance in any UI.

Apple Human Interface Guidelines

For products with complex setup procedures, a setup assistant can be helpful

(在任何其他上下文中都没有提到助手,就像在其他 HIG:s 中一样,所以我认为这意味着 Apple 认为它们除了设置之外别无他处)

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