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firebase - 理解 Firestore 安全规则 - 只允许更新某些字段

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 17:11:53 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试使用 Firestore 安全规则来编辑一些数据,如下所示,带有 交易在 flutter 中:

  Future sendRequest(uidSend, uidRec, pid, title) async {
final crSend = ChatRequest(uid: uidRec, pid: pid, title: title);
var _lsSend = List();

final crRec = ChatRequest(uid: uidSend, pid: pid, title: title);
var _lsRec = List();

final uMSendDocref = userMetadataCollection.document(uidSend);
final uMRecDocref = userMetadataCollection.document(uidRec);

Firestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
await transaction.update(uMSendDocref, <String, dynamic>{
"sentRequests": FieldValue.arrayUnion(
await transaction.update(uMRecDocref, <String, dynamic>{
"receivedRequests": FieldValue.arrayUnion(

请注意,用户 1 正在尝试更新他/她自己的数据以及用户 2 的数据。但是,我只希望 user1 能够更新 user2 的这个单个字段。我制定了我的 Firestore 规则:
    match /userMetadata/{uid} {
allow read: if uid == request.auth.uid || uid == 'PREVIEW';
allow write: if uid == request.auth.uid && uid != 'PREVIEW';
match /receivedRequests {
allow read: if uid == request.auth.uid;
allow write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid != 'PREVIEW';
match /sentRequests {
allow read: if uid == request.auth.uid;
allow write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid != 'PREVIEW';
receivedRequests (和 sentRequests )只要求用户具有非空的编辑权限,即任何用户都应该能够编辑。但是,在运行我的事务时出现权限错误。这是为什么?也许我误解了 Firestore 规则?也许事务正在尝试读取?有什么想法吗?


  Future sendRequest(uidSend, uidRec, pid, title) async {
//update own uM with post
//update other uM with user

final crSend = ChatRequest(uid: uidRec, pid: pid, title: title);
var _lsSend = List();

final crRec = ChatRequest(uid: uidSend, pid: pid, title: title);
var _lsRec = List();

final uMSendDocref = userMetadataCollection.document(uidSend);
final uMRecDocref = userMetadataCollection.document(uidRec);

var batch = Firestore.instance.batch();

batch.updateData(uMSendDocref, <String, dynamic>{
"sentRequests": FieldValue.arrayUnion(

batch.updateData(uMRecDocref, <String, dynamic>{
"receivedRequests": FieldValue.arrayUnion(

return await batch.commit();

仍然不起作用。 Firestore 的某些东西要么非常不直观,要么存在严重的错误。

另一件要注意的事情:一些 userMetadata 当前可能没有正在更新的字段。


I only want user1 to be able to update this single field of user2's.

允许仅更新某些字段的一般方法是检查 的差异。与 .

需要更新的示例文档有 3 个字段:name、city、standingBalance。我们希望任何人都可以更改standingBalance,但只有相应的用户可以更改他的姓名和城市。

下面的例子考虑到 user1 应该有完整的 write访问 user1's sendRequest & 仅 single field update访问 user2's receivedRequests ,其他场景不会有太大变化。
match /userMetadata/{uid} {
allow read: if uid == request.auth.uid || uid == 'PREVIEW';
allow write: if uid == request.auth.uid && uid != 'PREVIEW';
match /receivedRequests/{req} {
allow read: if uid == request.auth.uid;
allow write: if uid == request.auth.uid;
allow update: if uid == request.auth.uid
|| (['name','city','standingBalance'])
&& ==
&& ==
&& !=
&& request.auth.uid != null
match /sentRequests/{req} {
allow read: if uid == request.auth.uid;
allow write: if request.auth != request.auth.uid || request.auth.uid != 'PREVIEW';

hasOnly 核对确保没有其他 key 添加到文档中。另外,我不知道什么是“预览”,所以请自己验证规则。

有一个 fieldsChanged Firestore 规则中的变量将是一个很好的功能请求;)

关于firebase - 理解 Firestore 安全规则 - 只允许更新某些字段,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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