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r - 强制 GAM 模型拟合为单调并通过 R mgcv 的固定点 (x0, y0)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 17:08:06 25 4
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我试图同时将 GAM 模型拟合到两个约束下的数据:(1)拟合是单调的(增加),(2)拟合经过一个固定点,例如 (x0,y0) .

  • 对于 (1),基于 mgcv::pcls() documentation examples ,通过使用 mgcv::mono.con()获得足以满足单调性的线性约束,并通过 mgcv::pcls() 估计模型系数,使用约束。
  • 对于 (2),基于 this post ,通过使用模型公式中的偏移项将节点位置 x0 处的样条值设置为 0 +。

  • 但是,我很难同时结合这两个约束。 我想一个办法是 mgcv::pcls() ,但我既不能解决 (a) 使用偏移将节点位置 x0 处的样条值设置为 0 + 的类似技巧,也不能 (b) 设置等式约束(我认为这可以产生我的(2)约束)设置)。
    我还注意到,对于我的约束条件 (2),将结点位置 x0 处的样条值设置为 0 的方法产生了奇怪的摆动结果(与不受约束的 GAM 拟合相比)——如下所示。
    x <- sort(runif(100) * 4 - 1)
    f <- exp(4*x)/(1+exp(4*x))
    y <- f + rnorm(100) * 0.1
    dat <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
    GAM 无约束(用于比较)
    k <- 13
    fit0 <- gam(y ~ s(x, k = k, bs = "cr"), data = dat)
    # predict from unconstrained GAM fit
    newdata <- data.frame(x = seq(-1, 3, length.out = 1000))
    newdata$y_pred_fit0 <- predict(fit0, newdata = newdata)
    GAM 约束:(1) 拟合是单调的(增加)
    k <- 13

    # Show regular spline fit (and save fitted object) <- gam(y~s(x,k=k,bs="cr"))

    # explicitly construct smooth term's design matrix
    sm <- smoothCon(s(x,k=k,bs="cr"),dat,knots=NULL)[[1]]
    # find linear constraints sufficient for monotonicity of a cubic regression spline
    # it assumes "cr" is the basis and its knots are provided as input
    F <- mono.con(sm$xp)

    G <- list(
    C=matrix(0,0,0), # [0 x 0] matrix (no equality constraints)$sp, # smoothing parameter estimates (taken from unconstrained model)
    p=sm$xp, # array of feasible initial parameter estimates
    w= dat$y * 0 + 1 # weights for data
    G$Ain <- F$A # matrix for the inequality constraints
    G$bin <- F$b # vector for the inequality constraints
    G$S <- sm$S # list of penalty matrices; The first parameter it penalizes is given by off[i]+1
    G$off <- 0 # Offset values locating the elements of M$S in the correct location within each penalty coefficient matrix. (Zero offset implies starting in first location)

    p <- pcls(G); # fit spline (using smoothing parameter estimates from unconstrained fit)

    # predict
    newdata$y_pred_fit2 <- Predict.matrix(sm, data.frame(x = newdata$x)) %*% p
    # plot
    plot(y ~ x, data = dat)
    lines(y_pred_fit0 ~ x, data = newdata, col = 2, lwd = 2)
    lines(y_pred_fit2 ~ x, data = newdata, col = 4, lwd = 2)
    enter image description here
    GAM 约束:(2) 装过 (x0,y0)=(-1, -0.1)
    k <- 13

    ## Create a spline basis and penalty
    ## Make sure there is a knot at the constraint point (here: -1)
    knots <- data.frame(x = seq(-1,3,length=k))
    # explicit construction of a smooth term in a GAM
    sm <- smoothCon(s(x,k=k,bs="cr"), dat, knots=knots)[[1]]

    ## 1st parameter is value of spline at knot location -1, set it to 0 by dropping
    knot_which <- which(knots$x == -1)
    X <- sm$X[, -knot_which] ## spline basis
    S <- sm$S[[1]][-knot_which, -knot_which] ## spline penalty
    off <- dat$y * 0 + (-0.1) ## offset term to force curve through (x0, y0)

    ## fit spline constrained through (x0, y0)
    gam_1 <- gam(y ~ X - 1 + offset(off), paraPen = list(X = list(S)))

    # predict (add offset of -0.1)
    newdata_tmp <- Predict.matrix(sm, data.frame(x = newdata$x))
    newdata_tmp <- newdata_tmp[, -knot_which]
    newdata$y_pred_fit1 <- (newdata_tmp %*% coef(gam_1))[, 1] + (-0.1)

    # plot
    plot(y ~ x, data = dat)
    lines(y_pred_fit0 ~ x, data = newdata, col = 2, lwd = 2)
    lines(y_pred_fit1 ~ x, data = newdata, col = 3, lwd = 2)
    # lines at cross of which the plot should go throught
    abline(v=-1, col = 3); abline(h=-0.1, col = 3)
    enter image description here


    我认为你可以增加数据向量 xy(x0, y0)然后在第一个观察值上(即在 G 列表中添加一个权重向量)赋予(真正)高权重。
    除了简单的加权策略,我们可以从初步平滑的结果开始编写二次规划问题。这在下面的第二个 R 代码中进行了说明(在这种情况下,我使用了 p 样条平滑器,参见 Eilers 和 Marx 1991)。
    希望这会有所帮助( a similar problem is discussed here )。
    Rcode 示例 1(权重策略)

    N = 100
    x <- sort(runif(N) * 4 - 1)
    f <- exp(4*x)/(1+exp(4*x))
    y <- f + rnorm(N) * 0.1
    x = c(-1, x)
    y = c(-0.1, y)
    dat = data.frame(x = x, y= y)

    k <- 13
    fit0 <- gam(y ~ s(x, k = k, bs = "cr"), data = dat)
    # predict from unconstrained GAM fit
    newdata <- data.frame(x = seq(-1, 3, length.out = 1000))
    newdata$y_pred_fit0 <- predict(fit0, newdata = newdata)

    k <- 13

    # Show regular spline fit (and save fitted object) <- gam(y~s(x,k=k,bs="cr"))

    # explicitly construct smooth term's design matrix
    sm <- smoothCon(s(x,k=k,bs="cr"),dat,knots=NULL)[[1]]
    # find linear constraints sufficient for monotonicity of a cubic regression spline
    # it assumes "cr" is the basis and its knots are provided as input
    F <- mono.con(sm$xp)

    G <- list(
    C=matrix(0,0,0), # [0 x 0] matrix (no equality constraints)$sp, # smoothing parameter estimates (taken from unconstrained model)
    p=sm$xp, # array of feasible initial parameter estimates
    w= c(1e8, 1:N * 0 + 1) # weights for data
    G$Ain <- F$A # matrix for the inequality constraints
    G$bin <- F$b # vector for the inequality constraints
    G$S <- sm$S # list of penalty matrices; The first parameter it penalizes is given by off[i]+1
    G$off <- 0 # Offset values locating the elements of M$S in the correct location within each penalty coefficient matrix. (Zero offset implies starting in first location)

    p <- pcls(G); # fit spline (using smoothing parameter estimates from unconstrained fit)

    # predict
    newdata$y_pred_fit2 <- Predict.matrix(sm, data.frame(x = newdata$x)) %*% p
    # plot
    plot(y ~ x, data = dat)
    lines(y_pred_fit0 ~ x, data = newdata, col = 2, lwd = 2)
    lines(y_pred_fit2 ~ x, data = newdata, col = 4, lwd = 2)
    abline(v = -1)
    abline(h = -0.1)
    enter image description here
    rm(list = ls())

    N = 100
    x = sort(runif(N) * 4 - 1)
    f = exp(4*x)/(1+exp(4*x))
    y = f + rnorm(N) * 0.1
    x0 = -1
    y0 = -0.1
    dat = data.frame(x = x, y= y)

    k = 50
    # Show regular spline fit (and save fitted object) = gam(y~s(x,k=k,bs="ps"))

    # explicitly construct smooth term's design matrix
    sm = smoothCon(s(x,k=k,bs="ps"), dat,knots=NULL)[[1]]

    # Build quadprog to estimate the coefficients
    scf = sapply($smooth, '[[', 'S.scale')
    lam =$sp / scf
    Xp = rbind(sm$X, sqrt(lam) *$smooth[[1]]$D)
    yp = c(dat$y, rep(0, k - 2))
    X0 = Predict.matrix(sm, data.frame(x = x0))
    sm$deriv = 1
    X1 = Predict.matrix(sm, data.frame(x = dat$x))
    coef_mono = pracma::lsqlincon(Xp, yp, Aeq = X0, beq = y0, A = -X1, b = rep(0, N))

    # fitted values
    fit = sm$X %*% coef_mono
    sm$deriv = 0
    xf = seq(-1, 3, len = 1000)
    Xf = Predict.matrix(sm, data.frame(x = xf))
    fine_fit = Xf %*% coef_mono

    # plot
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3,3,3,3))
    plot(dat$x, dat$y, pch = 1, main= 'Data and fit')
    lines(dat$x,$fitted, lwd = 2, col = 2)
    lines(dat$x, fit, col = 4, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
    lines(xf, fine_fit, col = 3, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
    abline(h = -0.1)
    abline(v = -1)

    plot(dat$x, X1 %*% coef_mono, type = 'l', main = 'Derivative of the fit', lwd = 2)
    abline(h = 0.0)
    enter image description here

    关于r - 强制 GAM 模型拟合为单调并通过 R mgcv 的固定点 (x0, y0),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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