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excel - Excel VBA 使用哪种随机数生成器?

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标题中的问题 - 我想确定 VBA 使用哪个随机数生成器,即在 Randomize 和 Rnd 中?根据微软的文档,Excel 本身使用 Mersenne Twister - 这显然非常好,但你不能播种。我似乎无法在 Microsoft 文档中找到 VBA 的答案。

我为此使用 Excel 365,因为我很欣赏这可能会因版本而异。


关于 Excel VBA 使用的当前(即 Excel 365)随机数生成器,我可以获得的唯一信息是 Visual Basic for Applications/A PRNG for VBA (a wikibook) ,其中指出“Microsoft 的 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA),目前在 Rnd() 函数中使用线性同余生成器 (LCG) 生成伪随机数”,并在底部“此页面最后编辑于 2020 年 4 月 16 日,06:55。”

Is Excel VBA's Rnd() really this bad?显示了如何执行此操作的示例。

作为替代方案,this显示 Excel 的 Rnd 的基本算法:

x1 = ( x0 * a + c ) MOD m
Rnd() = x1/m

Rnd() = returned value
m = modulus = (2^24)
x1 = new value
x0 = previous value (initial value 327680)
a = 1140671485
c = 12820163
Repeat length = m = (2^24) = 16,777,216

您可以实现它并将它产生的结果与 Rnd 的结果进行比较。 ,并检查它是否忠实。

参见,例如, How good is the RAND() function in Excel for Monte Carlo simulation?
特别是 2007 ( On the accuracy of statistical procedures in Microsoft Excel 2007) 和 2010 ( On the accuracy of statistical procedures in Microsoft Excel 2010) 之间的更新。

  • Mersenne Twister in BASIC
  • VBA Code - Wichmann-Hill (1982)
  • Is Excel VBA's Rnd() really this bad? (那里有答案)
  • Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator Algorithm

  • 来自以上链接的代码
  • Carmine Arturo Sangiovanni 对 Mersenne-Twister 的实现
  • ' Visual Basic Mersenne-Twister
    ' Author: Carmine Arturo Sangiovanni
    ' carmine @
    ' daygo_gaming @
    ' Aug 13,2004
    ' based on C++ code
    ' Jan 4, 2010
    ' rev1
    ' bug fixes sent by Takano Akio (aljee @
    ' look for 'rev1:' to see changes

    Option Explicit

    Const N = 624
    Const M = 397

    Global mt(0 To N) As Currency
    Global mti As Currency

    Dim MATRIX_A As Currency
    Dim UPPER_MASK As Currency
    Dim LOWER_MASK As Currency
    Dim FULL_MASK As Currency
    Dim TEMPERING_MASK_B As Currency
    Dim TEMPERING_MASK_C As Currency

    Function tempering_shift_u(ty As Currency)
    tempering_shift_u = f_and(Int(ty / 2048@), FULL_MASK)
    End Function

    Function tempering_shift_s(ty As Currency)
    tempering_shift_s = and_ffffffff(ty * 128@)
    End Function

    Function tempering_shift_t(ty As Currency)
    tempering_shift_t = and_ffffffff(ty * 32768@)
    End Function

    Function tempering_shift_l(ty As Currency)
    tempering_shift_l = f_and(Int(ty / 262144@), FULL_MASK)
    End Function

    Function f_and(p1 As Currency, p2 As Currency)
    Dim v As Currency
    Dim i As Integer

    If (p1 < UPPER_MASK) And (p2 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_and = p1 And p2
    End If

    If (p1 < UPPER_MASK) And (p2 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_and = p1 And (p2 - UPPER_MASK)
    End If

    If (p1 >= UPPER_MASK) And (p2 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_and = (p1 - UPPER_MASK) And p2
    End If

    If (p1 >= UPPER_MASK) And (p2 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_and = (p1 - UPPER_MASK) And (p2 - UPPER_MASK)
    f_and = f_and + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    End Function

    Function f_or(p1 As Currency, p2 As Currency)
    Dim v As Currency
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim f As Boolean

    If (p1 < UPPER_MASK) And (p2 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_or = p1 Or p2
    End If
    If (p1 < UPPER_MASK) And (p2 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_or = p1 Or (p2 - UPPER_MASK)
    f_or = f_or + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    If (p1 >= UPPER_MASK) And (p2 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_or = (p1 - UPPER_MASK) Or p2 'rev1: replaced 'And' with 'Or'
    f_or = f_or + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    If (p1 >= UPPER_MASK) And (p2 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_or = (p1 - UPPER_MASK) Or (p2 - UPPER_MASK) 'rev1: replaced 'And' with 'Or'
    f_or = f_or + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    End Function

    Function f_xor(p1 As Currency, p2 As Currency)
    Dim v As Currency
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim f1 As Boolean, f2 As Boolean

    If (p1 < UPPER_MASK) And (p2 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_xor = p1 Xor p2
    End If
    If (p1 < UPPER_MASK) And (p2 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_xor = p1 Xor (p2 - UPPER_MASK)
    f_xor = f_xor + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    If (p1 >= UPPER_MASK) And (p2 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_xor = (p1 - UPPER_MASK) Xor p2
    f_xor = f_xor + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    If (p1 >= UPPER_MASK) And (p2 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_xor = (p1 - UPPER_MASK) Xor (p2 - UPPER_MASK)
    End If
    End Function

    Function f_lower(ByVal p1 As Currency) 'rev1: added ByBal
    If p1 < UPPER_MASK Then
    f_lower = p1
    Exit Do
    p1 = p1 - UPPER_MASK
    End If
    End Function

    Function f_upper(ByVal p1 As Currency) 'rev1: added ByVal
    If p1 > LOWER_MASK Then
    f_upper = UPPER_MASK
    f_upper = 0
    End If
    End Function

    Function f_xor3(p1 As Currency, p2 As Currency, p3 As Currency)
    Dim v As Currency
    Dim tmp As Currency
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim f As Integer

    If (p1 < UPPER_MASK) And (p2 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    tmp = p1 Xor p2
    End If
    If (p1 < UPPER_MASK) And (p2 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    tmp = p1 Xor (p2 - UPPER_MASK)
    tmp = tmp + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    If (p1 >= UPPER_MASK) And (p2 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    tmp = (p1 - UPPER_MASK) Xor p2
    tmp = tmp + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    If (p1 >= UPPER_MASK) And (p2 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    tmp = (p1 - UPPER_MASK) Xor (p2 - UPPER_MASK)
    End If

    If (tmp < UPPER_MASK) And (p3 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_xor3 = tmp Xor p3
    End If
    If (tmp < UPPER_MASK) And (p3 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_xor3 = tmp Xor (p3 - UPPER_MASK)
    f_xor3 = f_xor3 + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    If (tmp >= UPPER_MASK) And (p3 < UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_xor3 = (tmp - UPPER_MASK) Xor p3
    f_xor3 = f_xor3 + UPPER_MASK
    End If
    If (tmp >= UPPER_MASK) And (p3 >= UPPER_MASK) Then
    f_xor3 = (tmp - UPPER_MASK) Xor (p3 - UPPER_MASK)
    End If
    End Function

    Function and_ffffffff(ByVal c As Currency) 'rev1: added ByVal
    Dim e As Currency
    Dim i As Integer

    i = 32
    e = 2 ^ (i + 16)
    Do While c >= e
    c = c - e
    i = i - 1
    Loop While i > 15
    and_ffffffff = c
    End Function

    Sub random_init(seed As Currency)
    mt(0) = and_ffffffff(seed)
    For mti = 1 To N - 1
    mt(mti) = and_ffffffff(69069 * mt(mti - 1))
    Next mti
    End Sub

    Function Mersenne_twister_random(max As Integer)

    Dim kk As Integer

    Dim ty1 As Currency
    Dim ty2 As Currency
    Dim y As Currency

    Dim mag01(0 To 1) As Currency

    MATRIX_A = 2567483615@ '&H9908b0df
    UPPER_MASK = 2147483648@ '&H80000000
    LOWER_MASK = 2147483647@ '&H7fffffff
    TEMPERING_MASK_B = 2636928640@ '&H9d2c5680
    TEMPERING_MASK_C = 4022730752@ '&Hefc60000

    mag01(0) = 0@
    mag01(1) = MATRIX_A

    If mti >= N Then
    If mti = N + 1 Then
    random_init 4537
    End If

    For kk = 0 To (N - M) - 1
    y = f_or(f_upper(mt(kk)), f_lower(mt(kk + 1)))
    mt(kk) = f_xor3(mt(kk + M), Int(y / 2@), mag01(f_and(y, 1)))
    Next kk

    For kk = kk To (N - 1) - 1
    y = f_or(f_upper(mt(kk)), f_lower(mt(kk + 1)))
    mt(kk) = f_xor3(mt(kk + (M - N)), Int(y / 2@), mag01(f_and(y, 1)))
    Next kk

    y = f_or(f_upper(mt(N - 1)), f_lower(mt(0)))
    mt(N - 1) = f_xor3(mt(M - 1), Int(y / 2@), mag01(f_and(y, 1)))
    mti = 0
    End If

    y = mt(mti): mti = mti + 1

    y = f_xor(y, tempering_shift_u(y))

    ty1 = f_and(tempering_shift_s(y), TEMPERING_MASK_B)
    y = f_xor(y, ty1)

    ty1 = f_and(tempering_shift_t(y), TEMPERING_MASK_C)
    y = f_xor(y, ty1)

    y = f_xor(y, tempering_shift_l(y))

    If max = 0 Then
    Mersenne_twister_random = 0
    Mersenne_twister_random = Int(y / 32) Mod max
    End If
    End Function
  • 此处的代码应保存为 Excel 中的单独标准模块。
  • Option Explicit
    Dim nSamples As Long
    Dim nX As Long, nY As Long, nZ As Long

    Sub TestRndX()
    'run this to obtain RndX() samples
    'Wichmann, Brian; Hill, David (1982), Algorithm AS183:
    'An Efficient and Portable Pseudo-Random Number Generator,
    'Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C
    Dim n As Long

    'reset module variables
    nX = 0: nY = 0: nZ = 0

    For n = 1 To 10
    Debug.Print RndX()
    MsgBox RndX()
    Next n

    'reset module variables
    nX = 0: nY = 0: nZ = 0

    End Sub

    Sub TestScatterChartOfPRNG()
    'run this to make a point scatter chart
    'using samples from RndX

    Dim vA As Variant, n As Long
    Dim nS As Long, nR As Double

    'remove any other charts

    'reset module variables
    nX = 0: nY = 0: nZ = 0

    'set number of samples here
    nSamples = 1000
    ReDim vA(1 To 2, 1 To nSamples) 'dimension array

    'load array with PRNG samples
    For n = 1 To nSamples
    nR = RndX()
    vA(1, n) = n 'x axis data - sample numbers
    vA(2, n) = nR 'y axis data - prng values
    Next n

    'make scatter point chart from array
    ChartScatterPoints vA, 1, 2, nSamples & " Samples of RndX()", _
    "Sample Numbers", "PRNG Values [0,1]"

    'reset module work variables
    nX = 0: nY = 0: nZ = 0

    End Sub

    Sub RandomizeX(Optional ByVal nSeed As Variant)
    'sets variables for PRNG procedure RndX()

    Const MaxLong As Double = 2 ^ 31 - 1
    Dim nS As Long
    Dim nN As Double

    'make multiplier
    If IsMissing(nSeed) Then
    nS = Timer * 60
    nN = Abs(Int(Val(nSeed)))
    If nN > MaxLong Then 'no overflow
    nN = nN - Int(nN / MaxLong) * MaxLong
    End If
    nS = nN
    End If

    'update variables
    nX = (nS Mod 30269)
    nY = (nS Mod 30307)
    nZ = (nS Mod 30323)

    'avoid zero state
    If nX = 0 Then nX = 171
    If nY = 0 Then nY = 172
    If nZ = 0 Then nZ = 170

    End Sub

    Function RndX(Optional ByVal nSeed As Long = 1) As Double
    'PRNG - gets pseudo random number - use with RandomizeX
    'Wichmann-Hill algorithm of 1982

    Dim nResult As Double

    'initialize variables
    If nX = 0 Then
    nX = 171
    nY = 172
    nZ = 170
    End If

    'first update variables
    If nSeed <> 0 Then
    If nSeed < 0 Then RandomizeX (nSeed)
    nX = (171 * nX) Mod 30269
    nY = (172 * nY) Mod 30307
    nZ = (170 * nZ) Mod 30323
    End If

    'use variables to calculate output
    nResult = nX / 30269# + nY / 30307# + nZ / 30323#
    RndX = nResult - Int(nResult)

    End Function

    Sub ChartScatterPoints(ByVal vA As Variant, RowX As Long, RowY As Long, _
    Optional sTitle As String = "", Optional sXAxis As String, _
    Optional sYAxis As String)

    'array input must contain two data rows for x and y data
    'parameters for user title, x axis and y axis labels
    'makes a simple point scatter chart

    Dim LBC As Long, UBC As Long, LBR As Long, UBR As Long, n As Long, bOptLim As Boolean
    Dim X As Variant, Y As Variant, sX As String, sY As String, sT As String, oC As Chart

    LBR = LBound(vA, 1): UBR = UBound(vA, 1)
    LBC = LBound(vA, 2): UBC = UBound(vA, 2)
    ReDim X(LBC To UBC)
    ReDim Y(LBC To UBC)

    'labels for specific charts
    If sTitle = "" Then sT = "Title Goes Here" Else sT = sTitle
    If sXAxis = "" Then sX = "X Axis Label Goes Here" Else sX = sXAxis
    If sYAxis = "" Then sY = "Y Axis Label Goes Here" Else sY = sYAxis

    If RowX < LBR Or RowX > UBR Or RowY < LBC Or RowY > UBC Then
    MsgBox "Parameter data rows out of range in ChartColumns - closing"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'transfer data to chart arrays
    For n = LBC To UBC
    X(n) = vA(RowX, n) 'x axis data
    Y(n) = vA(RowY, n) 'y axis data
    Next n

    'make chart

    'set chart type
    ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter 'point scatter chart

    'remove unwanted series
    With ActiveChart
    Do Until .SeriesCollection.Count = 0
    End With

    'assign the data and labels to a series
    With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection
    If .Count = 0 Then .NewSeries
    If Val(Application.Version) >= 12 Then
    .Item(1).Values = Y
    .Item(1).XValues = X
    Names.Add "_", X
    ExecuteExcel4Macro "series.x(!_)"
    Names.Add "_", Y
    ExecuteExcel4Macro "series.y(,!_)"
    End If
    End With

    'apply title string, x and y axis strings, and delete legend
    With ActiveChart
    .HasTitle = True
    .ChartTitle.Text = sT
    .SetElement (msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleAdjacentToAxis) 'X
    .Axes(xlCategory).AxisTitle.Text = sX
    .SetElement (msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleRotated) 'Y
    .Axes(xlValue).AxisTitle.Text = sY
    End With

    'trim axes to suit
    With ActiveChart
    'X Axis
    .Axes(xlCategory).MinimumScale = 0
    .Axes(xlCategory).MaximumScale = nSamples
    .Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnit = 500
    .Axes(xlCategory).MinorUnit = 100
    Selection.TickLabelPosition = xlLow

    'Y Axis
    .Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = -0.2
    .Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = 1.2
    .Axes(xlValue).MajorUnit = 0.1
    .Axes(xlValue).MinorUnit = 0.05
    End With


    Set oC = Nothing

    End Sub

    Sub DeleteAllCharts5()
    'run this to delete all ThisWorkbook charts

    Dim oC

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    For Each oC In ThisWorkbook.Charts
    Next oC

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    End Sub
  • 这是一个 SO 链接。
  • 这是一个供下载的工作簿。
  • 关于excel - Excel VBA 使用哪种随机数生成器?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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