gpt4 book ai didi

javascript - 如何有效地将预定义大小的大块分割成较小的 block ,这些 block 是 JavaScript 中大小的因素?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 16:57:46 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


// 16 bins
let BIN_OF_BINS = [
[], // 128 bits each chunk
[], // 256
[], // 512
[], // 1024
[], // 2048
[], // 4096
[], // 8192
[], // 16384
[], // 32768
[], // 65536
[], // 131072
[], // 262144
[], // 524288
[], // 1048576
[], // 2097152
[{ start: 0, count: 100 }], // 4194304
BIN_OF_BINS 中的每个 bin保存一组代表内存中插槽的节点。 n+1 bin 包含两倍于 n bin 大小的节点。所以第一个 bin 保存 128 位值,下一个保存 256 位值,下一个 512 等等。一个 bin 中包含的值可以是连续的,所以我们可能在“256 位值 bin”中有一个 1024 位的连续 block ,所以这将表示为:
bin2 = [{ count: 4, addressStartsAt: 0 }]
如果它有两个不连续的 1024 block ,它将是:
bin2 = [
{ count: 4, addressStartsAt: 0 },
{ count: 4, addressStartsAt: 4096 /* let's say */ }
原则上,您可以在使用和释放内存时从这些 bin 中添加和删除。但是对于这个问题,我们只关心使用释放的内存(即我们不关心为这个问题释放内存)。
所以当 BIN_OF_BINS开始时,只有顶部的 bin 有 100 个值。所以我们从这个开始:
// 16 bins
let BIN_OF_BINS = [
[], // 128 bits each chunk
[], // 256
[], // 512
[], // 1024
[], // 2048
[], // 4096
[], // 8192
[], // 16384
[], // 32768
[], // 65536
[], // 131072
[], // 262144
[], // 524288
[], // 1048576
[], // 2097152
[{ start: 0, count: 100 }], // 4194304
现在,当我们去获取一个 256 位的值时,我们发现没有,所以它遍历列表到更大的 bin,并将它分成两半(或者做一些其他的事情,我会谈到)。因此,如果我们从全新的 BIN_OF_BINS 请求 1 256 值,我们不断地往上爬,直到我们到达顶峰才发现没有。然后我们迭代划分。从 4194304 开始,下面是它的运行方式(在我们已经遍历空白的到达顶部之后):
// step 0
[{ start: 0, count: 100 }], // 4194304, bin 16

// step 1
[{ start: 4194304, count: 99 }], // 4194304, bin 16
[{ start: 0, count: 2 }], // 2097152, bin 15

// step 2
[{ start: 4194304, count: 99 }], // 4194304, bin 16
[{ start: 2097152, count: 1 }], // 2097152, bin 15
[{ start: 0, count: 2 }], // 1048576, bin 14

// step 3
[{ start: 4194304, count: 99 }], // 4194304, bin 16
[{ start: 2097152, count: 1 }], // 2097152, bin 15
[{ start: 1048576, count: 1 }], // 1048576, bin 14
[{ start: 0, count: 2 }] // 524288, bin 13

// etc.
[{ start: 0, count: 2 }] // 256, bin 2
现在我们可以从这个“bin 2”中获取一个“256 位内存槽”,只需执行以下操作:
node.start += 256
[{ start: 256, count: 1 }] // 256, bin 2
  • 当获取一个大小(这将只是前 4 个 bin 之一)时,如果不存在,请尝试从父级获取并分成两半。
  • 如果父级没有,则分割其父级。

  • 基本上就是这样。这是我到目前为止所拥有的。我想在没有递归的情况下执行此操作(仅使用带有循环的迭代方法),因为它将在没有递归的地方使用。

    // 16 bins
    let BINS = [
    [], // 4 32-bit values, so 128 bits each chunk
    [], // 8 32-bit values, so 256
    [], // 16 32-bit values, so 512
    [], // 32 32-bit values, so 1024
    [], // 2048
    [], // 4096
    [], // 8192
    [], // 16384
    [], // 32768
    [], // 65536
    [], // 131072
    [], // 262144
    [], // 524288
    [], // 1048576
    [], // 2097152
    [{ start: 0, count: 100 }], // 4194304

    function fetchBlockWithAllocation(i) {
    let block = fetchBlock(i)
    if (!block) prepareBlocks(i)
    return fetchBlock(i)

    function fetchBlock(i) {
    if (!BINS[i].length) {
    return -1

    let bin = BINS[i]
    let node = bin[0]
    let address = node.start
    node.start += i * 32
    if (!node.count) {
    return address

    function prepareBlocks(index, howMany = 1024) {
    let startBinIndex = index + 1
    let scaleFactor = 1
    while (startBinIndex < 16) {
    let bin = BINS[startBinIndex++]
    if (bin.length) {
    for (let k = 0, n = bin.length; k < n; k++) {
    let node = bin[k]
    while (node.count) {
    howMany -= scaleFactor
    // starting to get lost
    } else {


    堆栈/迭代方面让我绊倒了。似乎我缺少一些简单的东西来创建一个优雅的解决方案,而我正在偏离轨道。我有 prepareBlocks预先分配一堆 block ,所以当它没有找到时,它会批量执行,作为一种优化。理想情况下,它无需创建任何其他临时数组即可执行此操作。
    • Bring down the next level.
    • How many do we have left?
    • Bring down the next level.
    • How many do we have left?

    let BINS = [
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 4 32-bit values, so 128 bits each chunk
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 8 32-bit values, so 256
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 16 32-bit values, so 512
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 32 32-bit values, so 1024
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 2048
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 4096
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 8192
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 16384
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 32768
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 65536
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 131072
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 262144
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 524288
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 1048576
    { count: 0, array: [] }, // 2097152
    { count: 0, array: [ { start: 0, count: 100 }] }, // 4194304

    function prepareBlocks(index, minHowMany = 1024) {
    let bin = BINS[index]
    if (bin.count === 0) {
    return prepareBlocks(index + 1, Math.ceil(minHowMany / 2))
    } else {
    let diff = Math.max(0, bin.count - minHowMany)
    if (diff <= 0) {
    return prepareBlocks(index + 1, Math.ceil(minHowMany / 2))
    } else {
    for (let k = 0, n = bin.length; k < n; k++) {
    let node = bin[k]
    if (node.count >= minHowMany) {
    node.count -= minHowMany
    } else {
    // getting lost at same point
    function allocateBunch(base, size, count) {
    let desiredBits = size * count
    let totalBits = 0
    for bin, i in bins
    let blockBits = 128 << i
    while (bin.length)
    block = bin[0]
    let k = 0
    let totalNewBits = block.count * blockBits
    let totalWithNewBits = totalBits + totalNewBits
    let diff = Math.floor(totalNewBits - desiredBits / blockBits)
    block.count -= diff
    let newChildBlock = { count: diff * (2 ** i) }
    totalWithNewBits >= desiredBits
    注意:在寻找一个时它预先分配多少并不重要,我会说最大 4096 或其他东西,因为它看起来足够合理。因此,在尝试获取一个 block 时,只需从最近的任何地方划分,一直向下,这样您就可以获得更多所需大小的 block 。如果还不够,那就重复这个过程。只是不知道怎么做。
    另请注意,如果您考虑如何在此系统中“释放内存”,您可以在与奇数配对时合并每个节点,并将它们合并起来,这样您就会得到越来越大的 block 。也许这会影响您如何实现这一点,只是想指出。
    Bounty 将转到最优化的版本(在执行步骤、无递归等方面),这也很简单。


    function allocate(bits) {
    if ((bits & (bits - 1)) != 0) {
    throw "Parameter is not a power of 2";

    if (bits < 128 || bits > 4194304) {
    throw "Bits required out of range";

    var startBinIndex = Math.log2(bits >> 7);
    var lastBin = BIN_OF_BINS.length - 1;

    for (var binIndex = 0; binIndex <= lastBin ; binIndex++) {
    var bin = BIN_OF_BINS[binIndex];

    // We have found a bin that is not empty...
    if (bin.length != 0) {
    // Calculate amount of memory this bin takes up
    var thisBinMemorySize = (128 << binIndex);
    var enoughMemory = thisBinMemorySize >= bits;

    if (!enoughMemory) {
    // This bin is too small, but it may have continuous blocks, so lets find a continuous block big enough to accomodate the size we want...
    for (var b = 0; b < bin.length; b++) {
    var blockOfInterest = bin[b];
    var blockSize = blockOfInterest.count * thisBinMemorySize;
    // We've found a continous block in the lower size bin that fits the amount we want
    if (blockSize >= bits) {
    // We are going to return this block
    var allocatedMemoryBlock = {start : blockOfInterest.start, count : 1};
    // Perfect size, we are simply going to delete the whole block
    if (blockSize == bits) {
    else {
    // Otherwise we'll take what we need and adjust the count and adjust the start address
    blockOfInterest.start += bits;
    blockOfInterest.count -= bits / thisBinMemorySize; // because we are working in power of 2 we'll never get remainder

    return allocatedMemoryBlock;
    // Failed to find a block big enough so keep searching
    else {
    // This big enough even with just 1 block...

    // We are going to return this block
    var lastBinOfBinsIndex = bin.length - 1;
    var binBlock = bin[lastBinOfBinsIndex];
    var memoryAddress = binBlock.start;

    // We are going to return this block
    var allocatedMemoryBlock = {start : memoryAddress, count : 1};

    // Before we return the above block, we need to remove the block if count is 1 otherwise decrease count and adjust memory start pointer by bin size
    if (binBlock.count == 1) {
    else {
    binBlock.start += thisBinMemorySize;

    // if we want 1024 bits and it takes it from bin 15, we simply subtract 1024 from 4194304 which gives us 4193280
    // if we then populate bin 3 (1024 bits) onward, until bin 14, the exact number we end up populating those bins with is 4183280
    var remainingUnsedMemory = thisBinMemorySize - bits;
    var adjustmentSize = bits;
    while (remainingUnsedMemory != 0) {
    memoryAddress += adjustmentSize;

    BIN_OF_BINS[startBinIndex].push({start : memoryAddress, count : 1});
    remainingUnsedMemory -= bits;
    adjustmentSize = bits;
    bits <<= 1;

    return allocatedMemoryBlock;
    return null; // out of memory...

    console.log("Memory returned:", allocate((128 << 1)));
    for (i = 0; i < BIN_OF_BINS.length; i++) {
    分配 4096 x 128 block
    // Allocate 524288 bytes...
    var memorySize = 128 << 12;
    var memoryAllocated = allocate(memorySize);

    // Adjust the count to 524288 / 128 to give 4096 blocks of 128
    memoryAllocated.count = (memorySize / 128);

    // Put the allocated memory back on the BIN_OF_BINS stack

    for (i = 0; i < BIN_OF_BINS.length; i++) {
    function allocate(bits) {
    if ((bits & (bits - 1)) != 0) {
    throw "Parameter is not a power of 2";

    if (bits < 128 || bits > 4194304) {
    throw "Bits required out of range";

    var startBinIndex = Math.log2(bits >> 7);
    var lastBin = BIN_OF_BINS.length - 1;

    for (var binIndex = startBinIndex; binIndex <= lastBin ; binIndex++) {
    var bin = BIN_OF_BINS[binIndex];

    // We have found a bin that is not empty...
    if (bin.length != 0) {
    // Calculate amount of memory this bin takes up
    var thisBinMemorySize = (128 << binIndex);
    var lastBinOfBinsIndex = bin.length - 1;
    var binBlock = bin[lastBinOfBinsIndex];
    var memoryAddress = binBlock.start;

    // We are going to return this block
    var allocatedMemoryBlock = {start : memoryAddress, count : 1};

    // Before we return the above block, we need to remove the block if count is 1 otherwise decrease count and adjust memory start pointer by bin size
    if (binBlock.count == 1) {
    else {
    binBlock.start += thisBinMemorySize;

    // if we want 1024 bits and it takes it from bin 15, we simply subtract 1024 from 4194304 which gives us 4193280
    // if we then populate bin 3 (1024 bits) onward, until bin 14, the exact number we end up populating those bins with is 4183280
    var remainingUnsedMemory = thisBinMemorySize - bits;
    var adjustmentSize = bits;
    while (remainingUnsedMemory != 0) {
    memoryAddress += adjustmentSize;

    BIN_OF_BINS[startBinIndex].push({start : memoryAddress, count : 1});
    remainingUnsedMemory -= bits;
    adjustmentSize = bits;
    bits <<= 1;

    return allocatedMemoryBlock;
    return null; // out of memory...

    关于javascript - 如何有效地将预定义大小的大块分割成较小的 block ,这些 block 是 JavaScript 中大小的因素?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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