gpt4 book ai didi

performance - 如何在 Haskell 中将大数据 block 解析到内存中?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 16:51:08 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

回想起来,整个问题可以归结为更简洁的东西。我正在寻找一个 Haskell 数据结构

  • 看起来像一个列表
  • 有 O(1) 查找
  • 有 O(1) 元素替换或 O(1) 元素追加(或前置......如果是这种情况,我可以反转我的索引查找)。我总是可以考虑其中一种或另一种来编写我以后的算法。
  • 内存开销非常小

  • 我正在尝试构建图像文件解析器。文件格式是基本的 8 位彩色 ppm 文件,但我打算支持 16 位彩色文件以及 PNG 和 JPEG 文件。现有的 Netpbm 库,尽管有很多拆箱注释,但在尝试加载我使用的文件时实际上会消耗所有可用内存:


    现在,我无法理解 Netpbm 代码中的优化,所以我决定自己尝试一下。这是一个简单的文件格式...

    import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
    data PixelMap = RGB8 {
    width :: Int
    , height :: Int
    , redChannel :: Vector Word8
    , greenChannel :: Vector Word8
    , blueChannel :: Vector Word8

    import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
    data Progress = Progress {
    addr :: Int
    , size :: Int
    , redC :: Vector Word8
    , greenC :: Vector Word8
    , blueC :: Vector Word8

    parseColorBinary :: Progress -> Parser Progress
    parseColorBinary progress@Progress{..}
    | addr == size = return progress
    | addr < size = do
    !redV <- anyWord8
    !greenV <- anyWord8
    !blueV <- anyWord8
    parseColorBinary progress { addr = addr + 1
    , redC = redC V.// [(addr, redV)]
    , greenC = greenC V.// [(addr, greenV)]
    , blueC = blueC V.// [(addr, blueV)] }

    在解析器结束时,我像这样构造 RGB8:
    Progress{..} <- parseColorBinary $ ...
    return $ RGB8 width height redC greenC blueC

    像这样写的程序,加载这些 45MB 图像中的一个,将消耗 5GB 或更多的内存。如果我更改 Progress 的定义这样 redC , greenC , 和 blueC都是 !(Vector Word8) ,然后程序保持在合理的内存范围内,但是加载单个文件需要很长时间,以至于我不允许它实际完成。最后,如果我用标准列表替换这里的向量,我的内存使用量会回升到每个文件 5GB(我假设......我实际上在点击之前用完了空间),加载时间大约为 6 秒. Ubuntu 的预览应用程序一旦启动,就会几乎立即加载和呈现文件。

    根据每次调用 V.//实际上每次都完全复制向量的理论,我尝试切换到 Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable ,但是...我什至无法进行类型检查。文档不存在,理解数据类型在做什么也需要与多个其他库进行斗争。而且我什至不知道它是否能解决问题,所以我什至都不愿意尝试。




    为了完整起见,完整的代码(BSD3 许可)位于 中的 bitbucket 上。 . performance分支包含一个严格版本的解析器,可以通过快速更改 Progress 使其成为非严格版本。 Codec.Image.Netpbm 的数据结构.

    ulimit -Sv 6000000 -- set a ulimit of 6GB, or change to whatever makes sense for you
    cabal build
    dist/build/perf-test/perf-test +RTS -p -sstderr




    chunksOf3 :: [a] -> [(a, a, a)]
    chunksOf3 (a:b:c:xs) = (a, b, c) : chunksOf3 xs
    chunksOf3 _ = []

    parseRGB :: Int -> Atto.Parser (Vector Word8, Vector Word8, Vector Word8)
    parseRGB size = do
    input <- Atto.take (size * 3)
    let (rs, gs, bs) = unzip3 $ chunksOf3 $ B.unpack input
    return (V.fromList rs, V.fromList gs, V.fromList bs)

    然后用一个 45 Mb 的随机字节文件对其进行测试。我承认我很惊讶这段代码导致了千兆字节的 RAM 使用。我很好奇空间究竟在哪里泄漏。

    不过,可变向量效果很好。以下代码使用 133 Mb RAM,Criterion 将其基准测试为包含 60 ms 的文件读取。我在评论中加入了一些解释。在 ST monad 和 SO 和其他地方的可变向量上也有充足的 Material (我同意图书馆文档对初学者不友好)。
    import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)
    import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

    import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
    import qualified Data.ByteString as B
    import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV

    import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
    import Data.Word
    import Control.Monad
    import Control.DeepSeq

    -- benchmarking stuff
    import Criterion.Main (defaultMainWith, bench, whnfIO)
    import Criterion.Config (defaultConfig, Config(..), ljust)

    -- This is just the part that parses the three vectors for the colors.
    -- Of course, you can embed this into an Attoparsec computation by taking
    -- the current input, feeding it to parseRGB, or you can just take the right
    -- sized chunk in the parser and omit the "Maybe" test from the code below.
    parseRGB :: Int -> ByteString -> Maybe (Vector Word8, Vector Word8, Vector Word8)
    parseRGB size input
    | 3* size > B.length input = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just $ runST $ do

    -- We are allocating three mutable vectors of size "size"
    -- This is usually a bit of pain for new users, because we have to
    -- specify the correct type somewhere, and it's not an exactly simple type.
    -- In the ST monad there is always an "s" type parameter that labels the
    -- state of the action. A type of "ST s something" is a bit similar to
    -- "IO something", except that the inner type often also contains "s" as
    -- parameter. The purpose of that "s" is to statically disallow mutable
    -- variables from escaping the ST action.
    [r, g, b] <- replicateM 3 $ size :: ST s [MV.MVector s Word8]

    -- forM_ = flip mapM_
    -- In ST code forM_ is a nicer looking approximation of the usual
    -- imperative loop.
    forM_ [0..size - 1] $ \i -> do
    let i' = 3 * i
    MV.unsafeWrite r i (B.index input $ i' )
    MV.unsafeWrite g i (B.index input $ i' + 1)
    MV.unsafeWrite b i (B.index input $ i' + 2)

    -- freeze converts a mutable vector living in the ST monad into
    -- a regular vector, which can be then returned from the action
    -- since its type no longer depends on that pesky "s".
    -- unsafeFreeze does the conversion in place without copying.
    -- This implies that the original mutable vector should not be used after
    -- unsafeFreezing.
    [r, g, b] <- mapM V.unsafeFreeze [r, g, b]
    return (r, g, b)

    -- I prepared a file with 3 * 15 million random bytes.
    inputSize = 15000000
    benchConf = defaultConfig {cfgSamples = ljust 10}

    main = do
    defaultMainWith benchConf (return ()) $ [
    bench "parseRGB test" $ whnfIO $ do
    input <- B.readFile "randomInp.dat"
    force (parseRGB inputSize input) `seq` putStrLn "done"

    关于performance - 如何在 Haskell 中将大数据 block 解析到内存中?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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