gpt4 book ai didi

python - Pandas xlsxwriter 将数据框写入 excel 并实现列宽和边框相关格式

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 16:24:12 35 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

背景 :

我正在使用 Pandas 并且有一个 数据框“df”我打算将其写入 Excel 工作表。我使用下面的代码并获得输出 Excel 表,如附加快照 中所示'现在.JPG' : Present.JPG

import pandas as pd
import xlsxwriter

writer = pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')

我想将数据框写入 Excel 并合并以下更改。

3) 绘制粗边框 A1 到 C4、D1 到 F4 和 G 列

最后,我希望 Excel 工作表看起来像快照 中所示。 'Desired.JPG' : Desired.JPG

writer = pd.ExcelWriter("output.xlsx", engine='xlsxwriter')
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')
worksheet= writer.sheets['Sheet1']

full_border = workbook.add_format({"border":1,"border_color": "#000000"})
link_format = workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True})

worksheet.write("D3", None, full_border)
worksheet.write("E1", None, link_format)



import xlsxwriter
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
'Class': ['A', 'A', 'A'],
'Type': ['Mary', 'John', 'Michael'],
'JoinDate YYYY-MM-DD': ['2018-12-12', '2018-12-12', '2018-12-15'],
'Weight': [150, 139, 162],
'Height': [166.4, 160, 143],
'Marks': [96, 89, 71],
'LastDate YYYY-MM-DD': ['2020-01-17', '2020-01-17', '2020-01-17']

with pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
# remove the index by setting the kwarg 'index' to False
df.to_excel(excel_writer=writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False)

workbook =
worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']

# dynamically set column width
for i, col in enumerate(df.columns):
column_len = max(df[col].astype(str).str.len().max(), len(col) + 2)
worksheet.set_column(i, i, column_len)

# wrap the text in all cells
wrap_format = workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True, 'align': 'center'})
worksheet.set_column(0, len(df.columns) - 1, cell_format=wrap_format)

# mimic the default pandas header format for use later
hdr_fmt = workbook.add_format({
'bold': True,
'border': 1,
'text_wrap': True,
'align': 'center'

def update_format(curr_frmt, new_prprty, wrkbk):
Update a cell's existing format with new properties
new_frmt = curr_frmt.__dict__.copy()

for k, v in new_prprty.items():
new_frmt[k] = v

new_frmt = {
k: v
for k, v in new_frmt.items()
if (v != 0) and (v is not None) and (v != {}) and (k != 'escapes')

return wrkbk.add_format(new_frmt)

# create new border formats
header_right_thick = update_format(hdr_fmt, {'right': 2}, workbook)
normal_right_thick = update_format(wrap_format, {'right': 2}, workbook)
normal_bottom_thick = update_format(wrap_format, {'bottom': 2}, workbook)
normal_corner_thick = update_format(wrap_format, {
'right': 2,
'bottom': 2
}, workbook)

# list the 0-based indices where you want bold vertical border lines
vert_indices = [2, 5, 6]

# create vertical bold border lines
for i in vert_indices:
# header vertical bold line
worksheet.conditional_format(0, i, 0, i, {
'type': 'formula',
'criteria': 'True',
'format': header_right_thick
# body vertical bold line
worksheet.conditional_format(1, i,
len(df.index) - 1, i, {
'type': 'formula',
'criteria': 'True',
'format': normal_right_thick
# bottom corner bold lines
worksheet.conditional_format(len(df.index), i, len(df.index), i, {
'type': 'formula',
'criteria': 'True',
'format': normal_corner_thick
# create bottom bold border line
for i in [i for i in range(len(df.columns) - 1) if i not in vert_indices]:
worksheet.conditional_format(len(df.index), i, len(df.index), i, {
'type': 'formula',
'criteria': 'True',
'format': normal_bottom_thick

关于python - Pandas xlsxwriter 将数据框写入 excel 并实现列宽和边框相关格式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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