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macos - 如何实现具有自动调整边距的居中项目的 NSCollectionView ?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 16:19:22 25 4
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假设我在 Collection View 中有一个项目,该项目将在 Collection View 的第一行居中。

对于多个项目,所有这些项目都将在 Collection View 中水平分布,并在它们之间留有适当的间距。

如果 Collection View 的大小发生变化,项目之间的间距将同时更改以适应 Collection View 的新大小。

NSCollectionView 的默认行为将项目左侧对齐,多个项目之间没有间距。

我应该使用 Collection View 层的layoutManager来布局项目吗?



最直接的方法是子类化NSCollectionViewFlowLayout。该布局几乎就是您想要的 - 它将始终具有与您要查找的相同的行数和每行项目数:您只希望它们居中。

主要思想是获取 NSCollectionViewFlowLayout 为每个项目提供的框架,从总宽度中减去这些宽度,然后更新框架,使它们均匀分布。


  1. 重写 prepareLayout 以计算当前布局中的列数以及每个元素(和边缘)之间所需的空白。此处完成此操作,以便我们只需计算一次值。

  2. 覆盖layoutAttributesForElementsInRect。在这里,获取给定矩形中每个项目的 NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes ,并根据项目所在的列和上面计算的网格间距调整原点的 x 位置。返回新属性。

  3. 重写 shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange 以始终返回 YES,因为我们需要在边界更改时重新计算所有内容。



// CenteredFlowLayout.m
// Created by Demitri Muna on 4/10/19.

#import "CenteredFlowLayout.h"
#import <math.h>

@interface CenteredFlowLayout()
CGFloat itemWidth; // width of item; assuming all items have the same width
NSUInteger nColumns; // number of possible columns based on item width and section insets
CGFloat gridSpacing; // after even distribution, space between each item and edges (if row full)
NSUInteger itemCount;
- (NSUInteger)columnForIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath;

#pragma mark -

@implementation CenteredFlowLayout

- (void)prepareLayout
[super prepareLayout];

id<NSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout,NSCollectionViewDataSource> delegate = (id<NSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout,NSCollectionViewDataSource>)self.collectionView.delegate;
NSCollectionView *cv = self.collectionView;

if ([delegate collectionView:cv numberOfItemsInSection:0] == 0)

itemCount = [delegate collectionView:cv numberOfItemsInSection:0];

// Determine the maximum number of items per row (i.e. number of columns)
// Get width of first item (assuming all are the same)
// Get the attributes returned by NSCollectionViewFlowLayout, not our method override.
NSUInteger indices[] = {0,0};
NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attr = [super layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes:indices length:2]];
itemWidth = attr.size.width;

NSEdgeInsets insets;
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(collectionView:layout:insetForSectionAtIndex:)])
insets = [delegate collectionView:cv layout:self insetForSectionAtIndex:0];
insets = self.sectionInset;

// calculate the number of columns that can fit excluding minimumInteritemSpacing:
nColumns = floor((cv.frame.size.width - insets.left - insets.right) / itemWidth);
// is there enough space for minimumInteritemSpacing?
while ((cv.frame.size.width
- insets.left - insets.right
- (nColumns*itemWidth)
- (nColumns-1)*self.minimumInteritemSpacing) < 0) {
if (nColumns == 1)

if (nColumns > itemCount)
nColumns = itemCount; // account for a very wide window and few items

// Calculate grid spacing
// For a centered layout, all spacing (left inset, right inset, space between items) is equal
// unless a row has fewer items than columns (but they are still aligned with that grid).
CGFloat totalWhitespace = cv.bounds.size.width - (nColumns * itemWidth);
gridSpacing = floor(totalWhitespace/(nColumns+1)); // e.g.: | [x] [x] |

- (NSUInteger)columnForIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath
// given an index path in a collection view, return which column in the grid the item appears
NSUInteger index = [indexPath indexAtPosition:1];
NSUInteger row = (NSUInteger)floor(index/nColumns);
return (index - (nColumns * row));

- (NSArray<__kindof NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes *> *)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(NSRect)rect
// We do not need to modify the number of rows/columns that NSCollectionViewFlowLayout
// determines, we just need to adjust the x position to keep them evenly distributed horizontally.

if (nColumns == 0) // prepareLayout not yet called
return [super layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:rect];

NSArray *attributes = [super layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:rect];
if (attributes.count == 0)
return attributes;

for (NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attr in attributes) {
NSUInteger col = [self columnForIndexPath:attr.indexPath]; // column number
NSRect newFrame = NSMakeRect(floor((col * itemWidth) + gridSpacing * (1 + col)),
attr.frame = newFrame;

return attributes;

- (BOOL)shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange:(NSRect)newBounds
return YES;


关于macos - 如何实现具有自动调整边距的居中项目的 NSCollectionView ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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