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python - wxPython 渲染问题,很慢而且崩溃,不知道为什么

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 16:13:49 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我一直在创建一个简单的基于瓷砖的游戏来帮助我学习 python 和 wx python。对于初学者,我想创建自己的“世界”并测试我制作的简单 map 生成器,我绑定(bind)了返回键以生成新 map 并显示它。
那是我遇到这个问题的时候。每次单击返回时它都会减慢很多,逐行渲染每个图 block (这显然很慢且效率低下)并最终卡住。

我是一个新手程序员,从来没有处理过任何形式的 GUI,所以这对我来说都是全新的,请多多包涵!我可以猜测我设置东西的方式对机器来说非常费力,也许我会导致很多递归。我根本不知道。此外,我对 OOP 不太熟悉,所以我只是按照示例来创建我的类(因此,为什么我只有 1 个处理所有事情的大型类,我不太确定所有的 '__ something__' 函数。)


import wx
import random

#main screen class, handles all events within the main screen
class MainScreen(wx.Frame):

hMap = []
tTotalX = 50
tTotalY = 50

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
#This line is equivilant to wx.Frame.__init__('stuff')
super(MainScreen, self).__init__(None, -1, 'You shouldnt see this', style = wx.SYSTEM_MENU | wx.CAPTION | wx.CLOSE_BOX)


def genMap(self,tTotalX,tTotalY):
count1 = 0
count2 = 0
self.hMap = []
while count1 < tTotalY:
count2 = 0
newrow = []
while count2 < tTotalX:
count2 += 1
count1 += 1
self.smooth(tTotalX, tTotalY)
self.smooth(tTotalX, tTotalY)

def smooth(self, tTotalX, tTotalY):
countx = 0
county = 0
while county < tTotalY:
countx = 0

while countx < tTotalX:
above = county - 1
below = int(county + 1)
east = int(countx + 1)
west = int(countx - 1)
if east >= tTotalX:
east = 0
if west < 0:
west = tTotalX -1

teast = self.hMap[county][east]
twest = self.hMap[county][west]

if above < 0 or below >= tTotalY:
smooth = (self.hMap[county][countx] + teast + twest)/3
tabove = self.hMap[above][countx]
tbelow = self.hMap[below][countx]
smooth = (self.hMap[county][countx] + tabove + tbelow + teast + twest)/5

self.hMap[countx][county] = int(smooth)
countx += 1

county += 1

def getTileType(self, coordX, coordY, totalX, totalY):
#this is the part of map creation, getting tile type based on tile attributes
tType = ''
height = self.hMap[coordX][coordY]
#the below values are all up to tweaking in order to produce the best maps
if height <= 55:
tType = 'ocean.png'

if height > 55:
tType = 'coast.png'

if height > 60:
tType = 'grassland.png'

if height > 75:
tType = 'hills.png'

if height > 80:
tType = 'mountain.png'

if tType == '':
tType = 'grassland.png'

return tType

#render the main screen so that it dislays all data
def renderScreen(self):
frameSize = 810 #Size of the game window
tTotalX = self.tTotalX #the dimensions of the tile display, setting for in-game coordinates
tTotalY = self.tTotalY
#tsTiny = 1 #ts = Tile Size
#tsSmall = 4
tsMed = 16
#tsLrg = 32
#tsXlrg = 64
tsCurrent = tsMed #the currently selected zoom level, for now fixed at tsMed
pposX = 0 #ppos = Pixel Position
pposY = 0
tposX = 0 #tpos = tile position, essentially the tile co-ordinates independent of pixel position
tposY = 0
#The below is just an example of how to map out the grid, it should be in its own function in due time

self.genMap(tTotalX, tTotalY)

while tposY < tTotalY: #loops through all y coordinates
tposX = 0
while tposX < tTotalX: #loops through all x coordinates
pposX = tposX*tsCurrent
pposY = tposY*tsCurrent
tiletype = self.getTileType(tposX,tposY,tTotalX,tTotalY)

img = wx.Image(('F:\First Pass\\' + str(tiletype)), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY).ConvertToBitmap()
wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, img, (pposX, pposY))#paints the image object (i think)

tposX += 1
tposY += 1

self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.onclick)
self.SetSize((frameSize-4, frameSize+16))
self.SetTitle('Nations First Pass')
#string = wx.StaticText(self, label = 'Welcome to Nations, First Pass', pos = (tTotalX*tsCurrent/2,tsCurrent*tTotalY/2))


def onclick(self, e):
key = e.GetKeyCode()

if key == wx.WXK_RETURN:


#game loop
def main():
app = wx.App()

if __name__ == '__main__':

您需要制作自己的“ocean.png”、“coast.png”、“grassland.png”、“hills.png”和“mountain.png”(它们需要为 16x16 像素),或者您可以从 Imgur 链接使用我的:




每次调用 renderScreen 时,您都在创建一组新的 wx.StaticBitmaps,并且在创建新组之前不会删除它们。一段时间后,您会看到一堆堆的小部件,旧的不再可见,但仍然在那里消耗资源。至少你应该改变一些东西,以便你的程序只制作一组 wx.StaticBitmaps,跟踪它们,然后在你想改变它们时调用它们的 SetBitmap 方法。

为了获得更好的性能,您应该忘记 StaticBitmaps 并自己在 EVT_PAINT 处理程序中绘制图像。 StaticBitmaps 旨在“静态”,IOW 变化不大。相反,您可以为窗口实现 EVT_PAINT 处理程序,每当需要重绘窗口时都会调用它,您只需调用窗口的 Refresh 方法即可触发新的重绘。

关于python - wxPython 渲染问题,很慢而且崩溃,不知道为什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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