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macos - 如何确定 OSX 是否使用电池而非电源

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 16:11:02 26 4
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IOPSGetTimeRemainingEstimate function返回剩余电量。


If attached to an "Unlimited" power source, like AC power or any external source, the return value is kIOPSTimeRemainingUnlimited

If the system is on "Limited" power, like a battery or UPS, but is still calculating the time remaining, which may take several seconds after each system power event (e.g. waking from sleep, or unplugging AC Power), the return value is kIOPSTimeRemainingUnknown

Otherwise, if the system is on "Limited" power and the system has an accurate time remaining estimate, the system returns a CFTimeInterval estimate of the time remaining until the system is out of battery power.

If you require more detailed battery information, use IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo> and IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription>.


IOPSNotificationCreateRunLoopSource function可用于注册电源相关事件的回调函数。

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