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我正在努力处理 C11 标准的第 节,特别是发布/获取的语义。我注意到 https://preshing.com/20120913/acquire-and-release-semantics/ (除其他外)指出:
... Release semantics prevent memory reordering of the write-release with any read or write operation that precedes it in program order.
typedef struct test_struct
_Atomic(bool) ready ;
int v1 ;
int v2 ;
} test_struct_t ;
extern void
test_init(test_struct_t* ts, int v1, int v2)
ts->v1 = v1 ;
ts->v2 = v2 ;
atomic_store_explicit(&ts->ready, false, memory_order_release) ;
extern int
test_thread_1(test_struct_t* ts, int v2)
int v1 ;
while (atomic_load_explicit(&ts->ready, memory_order_acquire)) ;
ts->v2 = v2 ; // expect read to happen before store/release
v1 = ts->v1 ; // expect write to happen before store/release
atomic_store_explicit(&ts->ready, true, memory_order_release) ;
return v1 ;
extern int
test_thread_2(test_struct_t* ts, int v1)
int v2 ;
while (!atomic_load_explicit(&ts->ready, memory_order_acquire)) ;
ts->v1 = v1 ;
v2 = ts->v2 ; // expect write to happen after store/release in thread "1"
atomic_store_explicit(&ts->ready, false, memory_order_release) ;
return v2 ;
> in the "main" thread: test_struct_t ts ;
> test_init(&ts, 1, 2) ;
> start thread "2" which does: r2 = test_thread_2(&ts, 3) ;
> start thread "1" which does: r1 = test_thread_1(&ts, 4) ;
movzbl (%rdi),%eax -- atomic_load_explicit(&ts->ready, memory_order_acquire)
test $0x1,%al
jne <test_thread_1> -- while is true
mov %esi,0x8(%rdi) -- (W1) ts->v2 = v2
mov 0x4(%rdi),%eax -- (R1) v1 = ts->v1
movb $0x1,(%rdi) -- (X1) atomic_store_explicit(&ts->ready, true, memory_order_release)
movzbl (%rdi),%eax -- atomic_load_explicit(&ts->ready, memory_order_acquire)
test $0x1,%al
je <test_thread_2> -- while is false
mov %esi,0x4(%rdi) -- (W2) ts->v1 = v1
mov 0x8(%rdi),%eax -- (R2) v2 = ts->v2
movb $0x0,(%rdi) -- (X2) atomic_store_explicit(&ts->ready, false, memory_order_release)
xchg %cl,(%rdi)
x86 的内存模型基本上是顺序一致性加上存储缓冲区(带有存储转发)。所以每个商店都是一个发布商店1。这就是为什么只有 seq-cst 存储需要任何特殊指令。 ( C/C++11 atomics mappings to asm )。另外,https://stackoverflow.com/tags/x86/info有一些指向 x86 文档的链接,包括 a formal description of the x86-TSO memory model (对于大多数人来说基本上是不可读的;需要涉足很多定义)。
由于您已经阅读了 Jeff Preshing 出色的系列文章,我将向您指出另一篇更详细的文章:
x86 上允许的唯一重新排序是 StoreLoad,而不是 LoadStore ,如果我们用这些术语说话。 (如果负载仅与存储部分重叠,存储转发可以做更多有趣的事情; Globally Invisible load instructions ,尽管您永远不会在编译器生成的 stdatomic
@EOF 评论了英特尔手册中的正确引用:
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 3 (3A, 3B, 3C & 3D): System Programming Guide, Stores Are Not Reordered With Earlier Loads.
做完NT店之后。 C11/C++11 实现假定您没有使用 NT 存储。如果是,请使用
在发布操作之前,以确保它尊重您的 NT 存储。 (一般来说
don't use _mm_mfence
/ _mm_sfence
in other cases ;通常你只需要阻止编译时重新排序。或者当然只是使用 stdatomic。)
关于C11 Atomic Acquire/Release 和 x86_64 缺乏加载/存储一致性?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60138501/
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