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在Delphi XE2或XE3中,如何制作类似于Outlook 2013电子邮件列表的列表框?
或者 Outlook 2013 中的列表是其他内容?
如何在 Delphi XE2 或 XE3 中实现类似的功能?
您可以使用 TListView
。有一个使用 ListGroups
的示例在 Delphi documentation (XE4 的链接,但也适用于 XE2 和 XE3)。它不会为您提供您正在寻找的图像,但它演示了如何使用它们,您应该能够从那里获取它。
将 TListView 和 TImageList 拖放到新的 VCL 表单应用程序上。更改名称TImageList
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Group: TListGroup;
ListItem: TListItem;
Image: TBitmap;
c: Char;
{ align the list view to the form }
ListView1.Align := alClient;
{ center and stretch the form to fit the screen }
Self.Position := poScreenCenter;
Self.Height := 600;
Self.Width := 800;
change the view style of the list view
such that the icons are displayed
ListView1.ViewStyle := vsIcon;
{ enable group view }
ListView1.GroupView := True;
{ create a 32 by 32 image list }
DigitsLetters := TImageList.CreateSize(32, 32);
generate the DigitsLetters image list with the digits,
the small letters and the capital letters
GetImagesFromASCII('0', '9');
GetImagesFromASCII('a', 'z');
GetImagesFromASCII('A', 'Z');
add an empty image to the list
used to emphasize the top and bottom descriptions
of the digits group
Image := TBitmap.Create;
Image.Height := 32;
Image.Width := 32;
DigitsLetters.Add(Image, nil);
{ create a title image for the small letters category }
Image := TBitmap.Create;
Image.Height := 32;
Image.Width := 32;
Image.Canvas.Brush.Color := clYellow;
Image.Canvas.FloodFill(0, 0, clYellow, fsBorder);
Image.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Times New Roman';
Image.Canvas.Font.Size := 14;
Image.Canvas.Font.Color := clRed;
Image.Canvas.TextOut(3, 5, 'a..z');
DigitsLetters.Add(Image, nil);
{ create a title image for the capital letters category }
Image := TBitmap.Create;
Image.Height := 32;
Image.Width := 32;
Image.Canvas.Brush.Color := clYellow;
Image.Canvas.FloodFill(0, 0, clYellow, fsBorder);
Image.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Times New Roman';
Image.Canvas.Font.Size := 13;
Image.Canvas.Font.Color := clRed;
Image.Canvas.TextOut(2, 5, 'A..Z');
DigitsLetters.Add(Image, nil);
{ associate the image list with the list view }
ListView1.LargeImages := DigitsLetters;
ListView1.GroupHeaderImages := DigitsLetters;
{ set up the digits group }
Group := ListView1.Groups.Add;
Group.State := [lgsNormal, lgsCollapsible];
Group.Header := 'Digits';
Group.HeaderAlign := taCenter;
Group.Footer := 'End of the Digits category';
Group.FooterAlign := taCenter;
Group.Subtitle := 'The digits from 0 to 9';
use the empty image as the title image
to emphasize the top and bottom descriptions
Group.TitleImage := DigitsLetters.Count - 3;
{ create the actual items in the digits group }
for c := '0' to '9' do
// add a new item to the list view
ListItem := ListView1.Items.Add;
// ...customize it
ListItem.Caption := c + ' digit';
ListItem.ImageIndex := Ord(c) - Ord('0');
// ...and associate it with the digits group
ListItem.GroupID := Group.GroupID;
{ set up the small letters group }
Group := ListView1.Groups.Add;
Group.State := [lgsNormal, lgsCollapsible];
Group.Header := 'Small Letters';
Group.HeaderAlign := taRightJustify;
Group.Footer := 'End of the Small Letters category';
Group.FooterAlign := taLeftJustify;
Group.Subtitle := 'The small letters from ''a'' to ''z''';
Group.TitleImage := DigitsLetters.Count - 2;
{ create the actual items in the small letters group }
for c := 'a' to 'z' do
// add a new item to the list view
ListItem := ListView1.Items.Add;
// ...customize it
ListItem.Caption := 'letter ' + c;
ListItem.ImageIndex := Ord(c) - Ord('a') + 10;
// ...and associate it with the small letters group
ListItem.GroupID := Group.GroupID;
to see how the NextGroupID property can be used,
the following lines of code show how an item can be associated
with a group ID, prior to creating the group
{ create the actual items in the capital letters group }
for c := 'A' to 'Z' do
// add a new item to the list view
ListItem := ListView1.Items.Add;
// ...customize it
ListItem.Caption := 'letter ' + c;
ListItem.ImageIndex := Ord(c) - Ord('A') + 36;
// ...and associate it with the capital letters group
ListItem.GroupID := ListView1.Groups.NextGroupID;
{ set up the capital letters group }
Group := ListView1.Groups.Add;
Group.State := [lgsNormal, lgsCollapsible];
Group.Header := 'Capital Letters';
Group.HeaderAlign := taRightJustify;
Group.Footer := 'End of the Capital Letters category';
Group.FooterAlign := taLeftJustify;
Group.Subtitle := 'The capital letters from ''A'' to ''Z''';
Group.TitleImage := DigitsLetters.Count - 1;
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
{ remove the image list from memory }
Generates a series of images for the characters
starting with ASCII code First and ending with Last.
All images are added to the DigitsLetters variable.
procedure TForm1.GetImagesFromASCII(First, Last: Char);
Image: TBitmap;
c: Char;
for c := First to Last do
Image := TBitmap.Create;
Image.Height := 32;
Image.Width := 32;
Image.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Times New Roman';
Image.Canvas.Font.Size := 22;
Image.Canvas.TextOut((Image.Width - Image.Canvas.TextWidth(c)) div 2, 0, c);
DigitsLetters.Add(Image, nil);
结果(显示 Digits
和 Small Letters
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