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arrays - 如何创建二维以上的 Pandas 数据框?

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我希望能够创建n-dimensional数据框。 我听说过一种在panels中使用pandas的3D数据框的方法,但是,如果可能的话,我想通过将不同的数据集组合成一个超数据框来将尺寸扩展到3个暗角以上

Constructing 3D Pandas DataFrame

另外,这对我的情况没有帮助-> Pandas Dataframe or Panel to 3d numpy array


有人知道如何创建带有标签的N维 Pandas 数据框吗?



#Set 3 axis labels/dims
axis_1 = np.arange(2000,2010) #Years
axis_2 = np.arange(0,20) #Samples
axis_3 = np.array(["patient_%d" % i for i in range(0,3)]) #Patients

#Create random 3D array to simulate data from dims above
A_3D = np.random.random((years.size, samples.size, len(patients))) #(10, 20, 3)

#Create empty list to store 2D dataframes (axis_2=rows, axis_3=columns) along axis_1

#Iterate through all of the year indices
for i in range(axis_1.size):
#Create dataframe of (samples, patients)
DF_slice = pd.DataFrame(A_3D[i,:,:],index=axis_2,columns=axis_3)
# print(DF_slice) #preview of the 2D dataframes "slice" of the 3D array
# patient_0 patient_1 patient_2
# 0 0.727753 0.154701 0.205916
# 1 0.796355 0.597207 0.897153
# 2 0.603955 0.469707 0.580368
# 3 0.365432 0.852758 0.293725
# 4 0.906906 0.355509 0.994513
# 5 0.576911 0.336848 0.265967
# ...
# 19 0.583495 0.400417 0.020099

# DF_3D = pd.DataFrame(list_of_dataframes,index=axis_2, columns=axis_1)
# Error
# Shape of passed values is (1, 10), indices imply (10, 20)

DF = pd.DataFrame(axis_3,columns=axis_2) 
#Shape of passed values is (1, 3), indices imply (20, 3)

# p={}
# for i in axis_1:
# p[i]=DF
# panel= pd.Panel(p)

我猜我可以做这样的事情,但是我真的很喜欢 pandas,如果存在,宁愿使用它们的一种方法:
#Set data for query
query_year = 2007
query_sample = 15
query_patient = "patient_1"

#Index based on query
(axis_1 == query_year).argmax(),
(axis_2 == query_sample).argmax(),
(axis_3 == query_patient).argmax()

#Where DF_3D[query_year] would give a list of 2D arrays (row=sample, col=patient)
# DF_3D[query_year][query_sample] would give a 1D vector/list of patient data for a particular year, of a particular sample.
# and DF_3D[query_year][query_sample][query_patient] would be a particular sample of a particular patient of a particular year





#Set 3 axis labels/dims
years = np.arange(2000,2010) #Years
samples = np.arange(0,20) #Samples
patients = np.array(["patient_%d" % i for i in range(0,3)]) #Patients

#Create random 3D array to simulate data from dims above
A_3D = np.random.random((years.size, samples.size, len(patients))) #(10, 20, 3)

# Create the MultiIndex from years, samples and patients.
midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([years, samples, patients])

# Create sample data for each patient, and add the MultiIndex.
patient_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(midx), 3), index = midx)

>>> patient_data.head()
0 1 2
2000 0 patient_0 -0.128005 0.371413 -0.078591
patient_1 -0.378728 -2.003226 -0.024424
patient_2 1.339083 0.408708 1.724094
1 patient_0 -0.997879 -0.251789 -0.976275
patient_1 0.131380 -0.901092 1.456144

>>> patient_data.unstack(level=0).head()  # Years.
0 ... 2
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ... 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
0 patient_0 -0.128005 0.051558 1.251120 0.666061 -1.048103 0.259231 1.535370 0.156281 -0.609149 0.360219 ... -0.078591 -2.305314 -2.253770 0.865997 0.458720 1.479144 -0.214834 -0.791904 0.800452 0.235016
patient_1 -0.378728 -0.117470 -0.306892 0.810256 2.702960 -0.748132 -1.449984 -0.195038 1.151445 0.301487 ... -0.024424 0.114843 0.143700 1.732072 0.602326 1.465946 -1.215020 0.648420 0.844932 -1.261558
patient_2 1.339083 -0.915771 0.246077 0.820608 -0.935617 -0.449514 -1.105256 -0.051772 -0.671971 0.213349 ... 1.724094 0.835418 0.000819 1.149556 -0.318513 -0.450519 -0.694412 -1.535343 1.035295 0.627757
1 patient_0 -0.997879 -0.242597 1.028464 2.093807 1.380361 0.691210 -2.420800 1.593001 0.925579 0.540447 ... -0.976275 1.928454 -0.626332 -0.049824 -0.912860 0.225834 0.277991 0.326982 -0.520260 0.788685
patient_1 0.131380 0.398155 -1.671873 -1.329554 -0.298208 -0.525148 0.897745 -0.125233 -0.450068 -0.688240 ... 1.456144 -0.503815 -1.329334 0.475751 -0.201466 0.604806 -0.640869 -1.381123 0.524899 0.041983

为了选择数据,请引用 MultiIndexing的文档。

关于arrays - 如何创建二维以上的 Pandas 数据框?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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