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delphi - 类标题中的关键字 `constructor` 是什么意思?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 15:30:40 25 4
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MyCollection<T: TBaseCopyable, constructor> = class




这是一个 generic constraint .

Constraints can be associated with a type parameter of a generic. Constraints declare items that must be supported by any particular type passed to that parameter in a construction of the generic type.

这个特定的约束是 constructor constraint :

A type parameter may be constrained by zero or one instance of the reserved word "constructor". This means that the actual argument type must be a class that defines a default constructor (a public parameterless constructor), so that methods within the generic type may construct instances of the argument type using the argument type's default constructor, without knowing anything about the argument type itself (no minimum base type requirements).

In a constraint declaration, you can mix "constructor" in any order with interface or class type constraints.



有一种众所周知的技术允许通用容器实例化成员,此处讨论:Generics constructor with parameter constraint?

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