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c# - 如何一次性或手动或本地安装 C# 依赖项以在没有 VS-code 的互联网连接的情况下脱机工作?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 14:32:52 26 4
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我不需要每次重新打开我的项目时都下载 C# 依赖项的包,它会消耗时间。此外,当您像我这样的互联网连接速度较慢时,将很难继续。
我在搜索解决方案时得到的是 .vsix 解决方案,但它没有帮助。

Installing C# dependencies...
Platform: win32, x86_64

Downloading package 'OmniSharp for Windows (.NET 4.6 / x64)' (33778 KB).................... Done!
Validating download...
Integrity Check succeeded.
Installing package 'OmniSharp for Windows (.NET 4.6 / x64)'

Downloading package '.NET Core Debugger (Windows / x64)' (47489 KB).................... Done!
Validating download...
Integrity Check succeeded.
Installing package '.NET Core Debugger (Windows / x64)'

Downloading package 'Razor Language Server (Windows / x64)' (59571 KB).................... Done!
Installing package 'Razor Language Server (Windows / x64)'

Screenshot of downloading package after opening the project
我需要的是在不重新下载 C# 依赖包的情况下打开 core 2.2 项目。


Lex Li mentions in a comment:

I said that because I have an extension that does the same (same code from Omnisharp). Ever since VSCode started to auto update extensions, you as an end user might never realize how often an extension has been updated, and each update will trigger a full download of the dependencies (how VSCode works). So your personal feeling/understanding is far from the truth. Like I said, if you disable auto update, then those dependencies will be well cached, and you can update the extension while you have a good connection to download those dependencies again.

我已经禁用了扩展的 VSCode 自动更新,以避免它自动下载位并且它运行良好。

关于c# - 如何一次性或手动或本地安装 C# 依赖项以在没有 VS-code 的互联网连接的情况下脱机工作?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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