gpt4 book ai didi

reactjs - 对象类型中缺少流属性

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 14:31:33 38 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我的组件有以下 Flow Props 类型:

type Props = {
// <...>
update: ({ dates?: DateRange }) => void


export type SearchContextType = {
// <...>
update: ({ dates?: DateRange, location?: Location }) => void

当我尝试使用第二种类型将 Prop 传递给第一个组件时,出现以下错误:

Error:(99, 23) Cannot create MyComponent element because property location is missing in object type 1 but exists in object type [2] in the first argument of property update.




首先 - 我们将简化示例:

type SubType = { dates?: string, location?: string };
type Foo = (arg: SubType) => void;

type SuperType = { dates?: string };
type Bar = (arg: SuperType) => void;

function convert (arg: Foo): Bar {
return arg;
// ^ Cannot return `arg` because property `location` is missing in `SuperType` [1] but exists in `SubType` [2] in the first argument.

换句话说,我们只是使用类型转换将 Foo 转换为 Bar:

const anyObj = ({}: any);

((anyObj: Foo): Bar);
// ^ Cannot cast object literal to `Bar` because property `location` is missing in `SuperType` [1] but exists in `SubType` [2] in the first argument.

或者我们可以说我们将 SuperType 转换为 SubType

((anyObj: SuperType): SubType);
// ^ Cannot cast `anyObj` to `SubType` because property `location` is missing in `SuperType` [1] but exists in `SubType` [2].


Copies the shape of the type supplied, but marks every field optional.

// Correct
((anyObj: SuperType): $Shape<SubType>);


export type SearchContextType = {
dates: DateRange,
location: GoogleMapPosition,
update: ($Shape<{ dates?: DateRange, location?: GoogleMapPosition }>) => void
// ^ add `$Shape`

Corrected Example

关于reactjs - 对象类型中缺少流属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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