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coq - 在 Coq 中形式化组的好方法

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 14:19:21 30 4
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我尝试在 Coq 中形式化组。我想尽可能地通用。我尝试做某事,但我对此并不满意。我发现了不同的实现,我不知道该选择哪一个。


(* The set of the group. *)
Parameter G : Set.

(* The binary operator. *)
Parameter f : G -> G -> G.

(* The group identity. *)
Parameter e : G.

(* The inverse operator. *)
Parameter i : G -> G.

(* For readability, we use infix <+> to stand for the binary operator. *)
Infix "<+>" := f (at level 50, left associativity).

(* The operator [f] is associative. *)
Axiom assoc : forall a b c, a <+> b <+> c = a <+> (b <+> c).

(* [e] is the right-identity for all elements [a] *)
Axiom id_r : forall a, a <+> e = a.

(* [i a] is the right-inverse of [a]. *)
Axiom inv_r : forall a, a <+> i a = e.


在 CoqArt 一书中,我发现了这个实现:
Record group : Type :=
{A : Type;
op : A→A→A;
sym : A→A;
e : A;
e_neutral_left : ∀ x:A, op e x = x;
sym_op : ∀ x:A, op (sym x) x = e;
op_assoc : ∀ x y z:A, op (op x y) z = op x (op y z)}.

关于这个定义我觉得这个定义是专门化的,因为如果我想定义monoïds,我会重新定义op_assoc或者neutre left。除此之外,
对于某些定理,我不需要使用组。例如,如果我想证明 right_inverse 与 left_inverse 相同,如果定律是结合的。

  • 使用中性元素作为公理或左中性元素
  • 使用逆元素作为公理或左逆

  • 什么是更方便的工作?


    Definition binary_operation {S:Set} := S -> S -> S.

    Definition commutative {S:Set} (dot:binary_operation) := forall (a b:S), dot a b = dot b a.

    Definition associative {S:Set} (dot:binary_operation) := forall (a b c:S), dot (dot a b) c = dot a (dot b c).

    Definition left_identity {S:Set} (dot:binary_operation) (e:S) := forall a:S, (dot e a) = a.

    Definition right_identity {S:Set} (dot:binary_operation) (e:S) := forall a:S, (dot a e) = a.

    Definition identity {S:Set} (dot: binary_operation) (e:S) := left_identity dot e /\ right_identity dot e.

    Definition left_inv {S:Set} (dot:binary_operation) (a' a e:S) := identity dot e -> dot a' a = e.

    Definition right_inv {S:Set} (dot:binary_operation) (a' a e:S) := identity dot e -> dot a a' = e.

    Definition inv {S:Set} (dot:binary_operation) (a' a e:S) := left_inv dot a' a e /\ right_inv dot a' a e.

    我在 Coq 的代码源中找到了一个实现,但我不明白为什么它是一个好的实现:




    如果您想“尽可能通用”,您可以使用 CoqArt 中的示例,或者使用 Variable 将您的组定义包装在一个部分中。而不是 Parameter .

    Section Group.
    (* The set of the group. *)
    Variable G : Set.

    (* The binary operator. *)
    Variable f : G -> G -> G.

    (* The group identity. *)
    Variable e : G.

    (* The inverse operator. *)
    Variable i : G -> G.

    (* For readability, we use infix <+> to stand for the binary operator. *)
    Infix "<+>" := f (at level 50, left associativity).

    (* The operator [f] is associative. *)
    Variable assoc : forall a b c, a <+> b <+> c = a <+> (b <+> c).

    (* [e] is the right-identity for all elements [a] *)
    Variable id_r : forall a, a <+> e = a.

    (* [i a] is the right-inverse of [a]. *)
    Variable inv_r : forall a, a <+> i a = e.

    Theorem trivial : forall a b, a <+> e <+> b = a <+> b.
    rewrite id_r.

    End Group.

    Coq 概括了它们
    Check trivial.

    trivial : forall (G : Set) (f : G -> G -> G) (e : G), (forall a : G, f a e = a) -> forall a b : G, f (f a e) b = f a b


    关于coq - 在 Coq 中形式化组的好方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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