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oauth-2.0 - IDX10501 : Signature validation failed. 无法匹配 key

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 13:40:36 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我的任务是使用来自外部应用程序的 ADFS token 对 API 进行身份验证,因此我创建了两个应用程序,一个是 MVC 应用程序,可以说 它使用 SSO 凭据进行身份验证,另一个是 WEB API 应用程序,可以说 ,所以在这里从 A,我正在使用 A 的 ADFS token 调用 B 的 API,但是,我收到错误消息。有没有人帮我解决这个问题?

以下是应用程序中 WEB API 中的代码

           ConfigurationManager<OpenIdConnectConfiguration> configManager =
new ConfigurationManager<OpenIdConnectConfiguration>(openIdConfig, new

OpenIdConnectConfiguration config =
result.EmailId = Claims.FirstOrDefault(claim => claim.Type == "upn").Value;
result.WindowsNTId = Claims.FirstOrDefault(claim => claim.Type == "unique_name").Value;
var utc0 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
result.TokenCreatedOn = utc0.AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt64((Claims.FirstOrDefault(claim =>
claim.Type == "iat").Value)));
result.TokenExpiresOn = utc0.AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt64((Claims.FirstOrDefault(claim =>
claim.Type == "exp").Value)));

// Use System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt library to validate the token
JwtSecurityTokenHandler tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

var tokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidIssuer = config.Issuer,
IssuerSigningKeys = config.SigningKeys,
ValidateAudience = true,
ValidAudience = expectedAudience

SecurityToken validatedToken;

var claimsPrincipal = tokenHandler.ValidateToken(RawData, tokenValidationParameters,
out validatedToken);

catch (Exception ex)


    IDX10501: Signature validation failed. Unable to match key: 
kid: 'System.String'.
Exceptions caught:System.Text.StringBuilder'.
token: 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityToken'.


当解码的 key (kid) 不是有效 key (可能是旧 key ,因为证书 key 通常会更改)时,就会发生这种情况。

if (kidExists)
if (kidMatched)
throw LogHelper.LogExceptionMessage(new SecurityTokenInvalidSignatureException(LogHelper.FormatInvariant(TokenLogMessages.IDX10511, keysAttempted, jwtToken.Kid, exceptionStrings, jwtToken)));

throw LogHelper.LogExceptionMessage(new SecurityTokenSignatureKeyNotFoundException(LogHelper.FormatInvariant(TokenLogMessages.IDX10501, jwtToken.Kid, exceptionStrings, jwtToken)));
就我而言,问题的原因是 key 模数中存在空的第一个字节。解决方案是删除第一个空字节。
var configManager = new ConfigurationManager<OpenIdConnectConfiguration>(configFileUrl, new OpenIdConnectConfigurationRetriever());
var openIdConfig = configManager.GetConfigurationAsync().Result; #region workaround for "Error validating identity token : IDX10511"
//The issue you are facing is caused by the null first byte.
//This is contrary to the JWA (
//.NET Core will account for the null byte and .NET framework, apparently, won't.
List<SecurityKey> keys = new List<SecurityKey>();
foreach (var key in openIdConfig.SigningKeys)
if (key.CryptoProviderFactory.IsSupportedAlgorithm("SHA256"))
var modulus = ((RsaSecurityKey)key).Parameters.Modulus;
var exponent = ((RsaSecurityKey)key).Parameters.Exponent;

if (modulus.Length == 257 && modulus[0] == 0)
var newModulus = new byte[256];
Array.Copy(modulus, 1, newModulus, 0, 256);
modulus = newModulus;
RSAParameters rsaParams = new RSAParameters();
rsaParams.Modulus = modulus;
rsaParams.Exponent = exponent;

keys.Add(new RsaSecurityKey(rsaParams));

TokenValidationParameters validationParameters =
new TokenValidationParameters
// Validate the JWT Issuer (iss) claim
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidIssuer = issuer,

//// Validate the JWT Audience (aud) claim
ValidateAudience = true,
ValidAudience = audience,

ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
IssuerSigningKeys = keys,

RequireExpirationTime = true,
ValidateLifetime = true,
RequireSignedTokens = true,

// Now validate the token. If the token is not valid for any reason, an exception will be thrown by the method
SecurityToken validatedToken;
JwtSecurityTokenHandler handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

var claimsPrincipal = handler.ValidateToken(idToken, validationParameters, out validatedToken);

关于oauth-2.0 - IDX10501 : Signature validation failed. 无法匹配 key ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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