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sublimetext3 - Sublime - 用于转到第一个选择 'Find in Files' 的键盘快捷键

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 13:35:27 27 4
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当我使用“在文件中查找”在 Sublime Text 中搜索关键字时,我总是必须使用鼠标单击我想要在该文件中转到的选择。有什么方法可以使用键盘来进行选择跳转吗?或者是否有任何插件可以做到这一点?

enter image description here


默认情况下,您可以使用Find > Find Results 中的菜单项或其关联的键绑定(bind)(在菜单中可见)在查找操作的所有结果之间导航。这样做时,结果会按向前或向后的顺序排列,如果有很多结果,这可能是理想的,也可能不是理想的。


import sublime
import sublime_plugin

class JumpToFindMatchCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
In a find in files result, skip the cursor to the next or previous find
match, based on the location of the first cursor in the view.
def run(self, edit, forward=True):
# Find the location of all matches and specify the one to navigate to
# if there aren't any in the location of travel.
matches = self.view.find_by_selector("constant.numeric.line-number.match")
fallback = matches[0] if forward else matches[-1]

# Get the position of the first caret.
cur = self.view.sel()[0].begin()

# Navigate the found locations and focus the first one that comes
# before or after the cursor location, if any.
pick = lambda p: (cur < p.begin()) if forward else (cur > p.begin())
for pos in matches if forward else reversed(matches):
if pick(pos):
return self.focus(pos)

# not found; Focus the fallback location.

def focus(self, location):
# Focus the found location in the window, True)

# Set the cursor to that location.

这实现了一个新命令jump_to_find_match,它采用可选参数forward来确定跳跃应该向前还是向后,并将 View 集中在下一个或上一个查找结果基于文件中第一个光标的光标位置,根据需要换行。

结合此插件,可以设置如下键绑定(bind)来使用该命令。这里我们使用 TabShift+Tab 键;每个中的上下文确保绑定(bind)仅在查找结果中处于事件状态。

"keys": ["tab"],
"command": "jump_to_find_match",
"args": {
"forward": true
"context": [
{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.find-in-files", "match_all": true },

"keys": ["shift+tab"],
"command": "jump_to_find_match",
"args": {
"forward": false
"context": [
{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.find-in-files", "match_all": true },


要通过键盘执行此操作,您可以使用 this plugin ,它实现了一个模拟双击光标位置的命令。只要光标位于查找匹配项上,如下所示的键绑定(bind)就会触发命令以响应 Enter 键:

"keys": ["enter"],
"command": "double_click_at_caret",
"context": [
{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.find-in-files", "match_all": true },

关于sublimetext3 - Sublime - 用于转到第一个选择 'Find in Files' 的键盘快捷键,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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