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javascript - Watir 随机弹出窗口

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 11:50:04 26 4
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最重要的是,我正在测试这个电子商务,我得到了这个随机弹出窗口(它是一个 div),它妨碍了我的脚本,鉴于它的随机外观,我无法真正预测它何时会显示,否则,每当我看到它时,我都可以轻松地与它交互,因为它是一个简单的 div。有没有一种方法可以让我捕捉到这个弹出窗口,并在它敢于显示时做我想做的事?提前致谢

<div class="fsrFloatingMid"><div class="fsrInvite">
<div class="fsrDialogs">
<div style="margin-left: 0px;" class="fsrDialog ">
<div class="fsrLogos">
<img src="/_ui/desktop/common/foresee/sitelogo.gif" alt="" class="fsrSiteLogo">
<img src="/_ui/desktop/common/foresee/fsrlogo.gif" alt="Foresee" class="fsrCorpLogo">
<h1 class="fsrHeading">We'd welcome your feedback!</h1>
<p class="fsrBlurb">Some bullshit text</p>
<p class="fsrSubBlurb">The survey is designed to measure your entire experience, please look for it at the <u>conclusion</u> of your visit.</p>
<p class="fsrAttribution">This survey is conducted by an independent company, on behalf of the site you are visiting.</p>
<div style="" class="fsrB">
<div class="fsrAcceptButtonContainer">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="fsrAcceptButton" tabindex="2">Yes, I'll give feedback</a><span class="hidden-accessible">&nbsp;(this will launch a new window)</span>

<div class="fsrDeclineButtonContainer"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="fsrDeclineButton" tabindex="1">No, thanks</a>
<div class="fsrFooter">
<a href="http://some-bullshit-url" tabindex="5" title="Validate TRUSTe privacy certification" target="_blank" class="fsrTE"><img src="/_ui/desktop/common/foresee/truste.png" alt="TRUSTe verified" class="fsrTruste"></a>
<a href="#" role="button" tabindex="6" class="fsrCloseBtn">×<span class="hidden-accessible">Click to close.</span></a>



if browser.div(class: 'fsrDialogs').exists?
browser.a(class: 'fsrCloseBtn').click

在调用“subject”(“subject”是我们包装在 Proxy 类中的对象,在我们的例子中是浏览器)上的任何方法之前。代理设计模式在 Ruby 中实现起来非常简单,以下是我们在您的特定情况下如何实现的方法:

class WatirProxy
attr_reader :subject
def initialize(browser)
@subject = browser

def method_missing(method, *args)
puts "I am executing the code below before calling #{method} with args #{args}"
if subject.div(class: 'fsrDialogs').exists?
subject.a(class: 'fsrCloseBtn').click

subject.send(method, *args)

您可以在生产中删除 method_missing 下面的 put,但是,如果您不是 100% 清楚下面的代码是如何工作的,我建议您暂时保留它。


browser = # you can use ANY method on browser, although it's wrapped in a proxy
browser.goto ''
puts browser.text_field(name: 'q').exists?

Ruby 应输出:

I am executing the code below before calling goto with args [""]
I am executing the code below before calling text_field with args [{:name=>"q"}]
true # May change if google search box 'name' attribute changed to something other than 'q' in the future

在您的具体情况下,此弹出窗口会引发错误,因为浏览器没有预料到它,现在我们确保在调用浏览器上的任何方法之前进行检查。一本关于代理设计模式(以及 Ruby 中其他一些有用的模式)的好书是 Design Patterns in Ruby作者:拉斯·奥尔森。

关于javascript - Watir 随机弹出窗口,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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