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generics - 特征对象如何使用通用方法作为参数来接受特征?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 11:41:32 31 4
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fn main() {}

// some abstracted thing
trait Required {
fn f(&mut self, simple: i32);

// this trait doesn't know that it's going to be used by DynTrait
// it just takes Required as an argument
// nothing special
trait UsedByDyn {
// this generic method doesn't allow this trait to be dyn itself
// no dyn here: we don't know about DynTrait in this scope
fn f(&mut self, another: impl Required);

// this trait needs to use UsedByDyn as a function argument
trait DynTrait {
// since UsedByDyn uses generic methods it can't be dyn itself
// the trait `UsedByDyn` cannot be made into an object
//fn f(&mut self, used: Box<dyn UsedByDyn>);

// we can't use UsedByDyn without dyn either otherwise Holder can't use us as dyn
// the trait `DynTrait` cannot be made into an object
// fn f(&mut self, used: impl UsedByDyn);

// how to use UsedByDyn here?

struct Holder {
CanBeDyn: Box<dyn DynTrait>,


Which means that for each trait I have to decide beforehand if it can be used as an object at all and use dyn in there everywhere instead of impl.

trait Serialize {
/// Serialize self to the given IO sink
fn serialize(&self, sink: &mut impl io::Write);
该特征不能用作特征对象,因为它(大概是为了确保最大效率)具有通用方法。但这并不需要阻止您的代码使用trait对象访问trait的功能。假设您需要将 Serialize值装箱以将其保存在向量中,然后将其保存到文件中:
// won't compile
struct Pool {
objs: Vec<Box<dyn Serialize>>,

impl Pool {
fn add(&mut self, obj: impl Serialize + 'static) {
self.objs.push(Box::new(obj) as Box<dyn Serialize>);

fn save(&self, file: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut file = io::BufWriter::new(std::fs::File::create(file)?);
for obj in self.objs.iter() {
obj.serialize(&mut file);
上面的代码无法编译,因为 Serialize不是对象安全的。但是-您可以轻松定义一个满足 Pool需求的新的对象安全特征:
// object-safe trait, Pool's implementation detail
trait SerializeFile {
fn serialize(&self, sink: &mut io::BufWriter<std::fs::File>);

// Implement `SerializeFile` for any T that implements Serialize
impl<T> SerializeFile for T
T: Serialize,
fn serialize(&self, sink: &mut io::BufWriter<std::fs::File>) {
// here we can access `Serialize` because `T` is a concrete type
Serialize::serialize(self, sink);
现在, Pool几乎可以使用 dyn SerializeFile( playground)起作用:
struct Pool {
objs: Vec<Box<dyn SerializeFile>>,

impl Pool {
fn add(&mut self, obj: impl Serialize + 'static) {
self.objs.push(Box::new(obj) as Box<dyn SerializeFile>);

// save() defined the same as before

关于generics - 特征对象如何使用通用方法作为参数来接受特征?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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