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我正在使用 Rust 制作类似 Minecraft 的游戏 Vulkano用于渲染游戏的 Vulkan API 绑定(bind)。我有一个围绕 Y 轴或 X 轴旋转的播放器,专门使用 FPS View 矩阵实现。 View 矩阵的预期输出是一个 4x4 浮点齐次矩阵 ([[f32; 4]; 4]
我尝试使用 cgmath
库和 nalgebra
库作为 FPS View 矩阵的实现,尽管我决定仅使用 手动实现它nalgebra
# cargo.toml
vulkano = "0.18.0"
vulkano-shaders = "0.13"
vulkano-win = "0.18.0"
winit = "0.22.0"
nalgebra = "0.21.1"
nalgebra-glm = "0.7.0"
extern crate nalgebra as na;
use na::{
use crate::Dimension;
type Matrix3D = [[f32; 4]; 4];
// generates the mvp matrix for meshes and other pipelines
pub fn gen_mvp(&self, dimensions: Dimension<u32>) -> (Matrix3D, Matrix3D, Matrix3D) {
let proj = Perspective3::new(dimensions.aspect() as f32, 3.14 / 2.0, 0.1, 1000.0);
let eye = &self.position;
let target: Vector3<f32> = Vector3::new(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
let up = Vector3::new(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
println!("ROT MAT: {:?}", self.rotation.euler_angles());
println!("POS MAT: {:?}", self.position.coords.data);
println!("ROT POS: {:?}", self.rotation.transform_vector(&target));
let d = self.rotation.transform_vector(&target).data;
println!("TARGET : {:?}", self.rotation.transform_vector(&target));
let roty = Rotation3::from_euler_angles(self.rotation.euler_angles().0, self.rotation.euler_angles().1, 0.0);
// let view = Isometry3::look_at_lh(eye, &(&self.position + &roty * &target), &up);
let view = Self::fpv_view(eye, &self.rotation);
// let rot = UnitQuaternion::new(Vector3::new(0.0, self.rotation.euler_angles().1, self.rotation.euler_angles().2));
// let crd = self.position.coords.data;
// let view_pos = Isometry3::from_parts(Translation3::new(crd[0], crd[1], crd[2]), UnitQuaternion::new(Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)));
// let view_rot = Isometry3::from_parts(Translation3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), rot);
// let view = view_rot * view_pos;
// let model = glm::identity::<f32, >();
let model = Matrix4::identity();
// let eye = Point3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// let target = Point3::new(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// let view = Isometry3::look_at_rh(&eye, &target, &Vector3::y());
// let model = Isometry3::identity(); // the world
// let proj = perspective (self.fov, dimensions.aspect() as f32, 0.1 , 1000.0);
// let view = Matrix4::from_angle_x(self.rotation.x) * Matrix4::from_angle_y(self.rotation.y) *
// Matrix4::look_at(Point3::new(self.position.x, self.position.y, 1.0+self.position.z), self.position.into(), Vector3::new(0.0, -1.0, 0.0));
// let world = Matrix4::identity();
let proj_matrix = proj.as_matrix();
let view_matrix = view;
let proj_cooked: &[f32] = proj_matrix.as_slice();
let view_cooked: &[f32] = view.as_slice();
let model_cooked: &[f32] = model.as_slice();
let proj_dt;
let view_dt;
let model_dt;
unsafe {
assert_eq!(proj_cooked.len(), 16);
assert_eq!(view_cooked.len(), 16);
assert_eq!(model_cooked.len(), 16);
proj_dt = *(proj_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
view_dt = *(view_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
model_dt = *(model_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
(proj_dt, view_dt, model_dt)
fn fpv_view(eye: &Point3<f32>, rot: &Rotation3<f32>) -> Matrix4<f32> {
let (roll, pitch, yaw) = rot.euler_angles();
let e = &eye.coords.data;
// -- snip --
let xrot = Matrix4::new(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, pitch.cos(),-pitch.sin(), 0.0,
0.0, pitch.sin(), pitch.cos(), 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
let yrot = Matrix4::new(
yaw.cos(), 0.0, yaw.sin(), 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-yaw.sin(), 0.0, yaw.cos(), 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
// also tried to transpose the translation matrix too
// let translation = Matrix4::new(
// 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
// 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
// 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
// -e[0], -e[1], -e[2], 1.0,
// );
let translation = Matrix4::new(
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -e[0],
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -e[1],
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -e[2],
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
// also tried inverting the view matrix
// (translation * yrot * xrot).try_inverse().unwrap()
translation * yrot * xrot
我还尝试使用传统的 look_at(eye, target, up)
结果要么是奇怪的剪裁/扭曲,要么是旋转不正确。我试图找到一些外部资源,例如 MVP 矩阵教程、问题和论坛,但解决方案总是导致出现奇怪的渲染。
我目前在游戏中构建的环境只是一个 64x64x64 block 大小的大型空心 block ,纹理仅在 block 边界上,没有启用 alpha 混合的面剔除。
这是我能得到的最接近的绕 y 轴旋转的地方,它绕着一个假想的大圆路径旋转,它应该只是围绕玩家旋转。
pub fn gen_mvp(&self, dimensions: Dimension<u32>) -> (Matrix3D, Matrix3D, Matrix3D) {
let proj = Perspective3::new(dimensions.aspect() as f32, 3.14 / 2.0, 0.1, 1000.0);
let eye = &self.position;
let target: Vector3<f32> = Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
let up = Vector3::new(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
let roty = Rotation3::from_euler_angles(self.rotation.euler_angles().0, self.rotation.euler_angles().1, 0.0);
let view = Isometry3::look_at_lh(eye, &(&self.position + (&roty * &target)), &up);
let model = Matrix4::identity();
let proj_matrix = proj.as_matrix();
let view_matrix = view.to_homogeneous();
let proj_cooked: &[f32] = proj_matrix.as_slice();
let view_cooked: &[f32] = view_matrix.as_slice();
let model_cooked: &[f32] = model.as_slice();
let proj_dt;
let view_dt;
let model_dt;
unsafe {
assert_eq!(proj_cooked.len(), 16);
assert_eq!(view_cooked.len(), 16);
assert_eq!(model_cooked.len(), 16);
proj_dt = *(proj_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
view_dt = *(view_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
model_dt = *(model_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
(proj_dt, view_dt, model_dt)
代码不起作用的主要原因是我误解了播放器转换的两个主要部分。首先,我认为模型矩阵仅用于自定义、独立于世界的转换。但我发现模型矩阵(结合世界 MVP 矩阵)也用于旋转世界 围绕 相机(它保持静态朝向 -z 方向)。其次,纯数值、数学库中使用的大多数旋转都是四元数,这意味着仅更改其中两个轴会影响第三个轴。误认为四元数,我决定唯一的方法是创建一个手动的纯欧拉角旋转矩阵。
// camera.rs
pub struct Camera {
pub position: Point3<f32>,
pub rotation: Rotation<f32>, // manual pure euler angle rotation
rot_speed: f32,
trans_speed: f32,
// fovy: Rotation<f32, Dim>,
// -- snip --
// generates the mvp matrix for meshes and other pipelines
pub fn gen_mvp(&self, dimensions: Dimension<u32>) -> (Matrix3D, Matrix3D, Matrix3D) {
let proj = Perspective3::new(dimensions.aspect() as f32, 3.14 / 2.0, 0.1, 1000.0);
let eye = Point3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
let target = Point3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
let up = Vector3::new(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
let view = Isometry3::look_at_lh(&eye, &target, &up);
let crd = &self.position.coords.data;
let model = Translation3::new(crd[0], crd[1], crd[2]);
let model = model.to_homogeneous() * self.rotation.matrix();
let proj_matrix = proj.as_matrix();
let view_matrix = view.to_homogeneous();
let model_matrix = model.try_inverse().unwrap();
let proj_cooked: &[f32] = proj_matrix.as_slice();
let view_cooked: &[f32] = view_matrix.as_slice();
let model_cooked: &[f32] = model_matrix.as_slice();
let proj_dt;
let view_dt;
let model_dt;
unsafe {
assert_eq!(proj_cooked.len(), 16);
assert_eq!(view_cooked.len(), 16);
assert_eq!(model_cooked.len(), 16);
proj_dt = *(proj_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
view_dt = *(view_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
model_dt = *(model_cooked.as_ptr() as *const Matrix3D);
(proj_dt, view_dt, model_dt)
// datatype.rs
// -- snip --
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rotation<T: Copy + Debug + PartialEq + Float> {
pub x: T,
pub y: T,
pub z: T,
impl Rotation<f32> {
pub fn new(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn matrix(&self) -> Matrix4<f32> {
let sx = self.x.sin();
let cx = self.x.cos();
let sy = self.y.sin();
let cy = self.y.cos();
let sz = self.z.sin();
let cz = self.z.cos();
Matrix4::new( // z
cz, -sz, 0.0, 0.0,
sz, cz, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
) * Matrix4::new( // y
cy, 0.0, sy, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-sy, 0.0, cy, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
) * Matrix4::new( // x
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, cx, -sx, 0.0,
0.0, sx, cx, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
感谢大家澄清模型矩阵和 nalgebra 的 Rotation3
关于rust - 您如何正确实现 View 矩阵?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62540130/
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假设我有一些 Foo 的自定义集合s: struct Bar {} struct Foo { bar: Bar } struct SubList { contents: Vec, }
代码如下: fn inner(x:&'a i32, _y:&'b i32) -> &'b i32 { x } fn main() { let a = 1; { let b
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