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- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
有没有办法在没有 docker 的情况下安装 OpenMapTiles 服务器?我需要在 redhat linux 上使用它,而 docker 需要是企业版才能在 redhat 上使用它。请告诉我。
您只需要手动执行它们在单独的 docker 容器中运行的所有脚本。
他们通过运行以下命令来设置 1 个数据库服务器
然后通过运行一些命令继续在几个不同的 docker 文件中下载数据,这是一个反复出现的模式,运行 Dockerfile 中的命令和所有这些子文件夹中的脚本 https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools/tree/master/docker按照它们在文档中出现的顺序
如果你在 ubuntu 上,这应该很简单。
我无法访问 redhat linux 实例,但是在翻译了那些 ubuntu 命令之后,我得到了一些可以在 centos7 上运行的东西,所以应该可以在你的 RHEL7 上运行:
(这需要一些认真的清理,我不建议在一个不错的生产系统中使用它。应该有人将这些命令打包到 rpm 中并将它们推送到存储库(我目前没有时间,我不确定如果有人真的想这样做,请告诉我您是否对这些工具的 rpm 感兴趣))
# install dependencies
# Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS
yum -y install epel-release
rpm -ivh https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/11/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-centos11-11-2.noarch.rpm
yum install postgis30_11 postgresql11-server postgis30_11-client
yum install postgresql11-devel postgis30_11-docs postgis30_11-utils pgrouting_11
# tools needed later
yum install boost169-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel protobuf-lite-devel sparsehash-devel leveldb-devel golang-bin utf8proc-devel sqlite pandoc lbzip2 vim libpng libtiff libjpeg freetype gdal cairo pycairo sqlite geos boost curl libcurl libicu bzip2-devel libpng-devel libtiff-devel zlib-devel libjpeg-devel libxml2-devel python-setuptools proj-devel proj proj-epsg proj-nad freetype-devel libicu-devel gdal-devel sqlite-devel libcurl-devel cairo-devel pycairo-devel geos-devel protobuf-devel protobuf-c-devel lua-devel cmake proj boost-thread proj-devel autoconf automake libtool pkgconfig ragel gtk-doc glib2 glib2-devel libpng libpng-devel libwebp libtool-ltdl-devel python-devel harfbuzz harfbuzz-devel harfbuzz-icu boost-devel cabextract xorg-x11-font-utils fontconfig perl-DBD-Pg mesa-libGLU-devel graphviz sqlite3 aria2 osmctools python3 wget
# GCC++ 14 standards are required for Mapnik so we shall install the Dev Toolset from the CentOS Software Collections
yum install centos-release-scl
yum install devtoolset-6
scl enable devtoolset-6 bash
export JOBS=$(nproc)
# Initialise PostgreSQL and Basic Setup
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql-11.service
cd /var/lib/pgsql/11
vim data/postgresql.conf
# Add the IP addresses on which the server should listen for connections
listen_addresses = 'localhost,'
systemctl start postgresql-11.service
vim /etc/profile.d/pgsql.sh
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgsql-11/bin:/usr/pgsql-11/lib:/usr/local/lib
source /etc/profile.d/pgsql.sh
git clone https://github.com/loretoparisi/kakasi.git
cd kakasi
./configure && make
make install
vim /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libkakasi.conf
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/openmaptiles/mapnik-german-l10n.git
cd mapnik-german-l10n
make install
su - postgres
psql --dbname="openmaptiles" <<-'EOSQL'
CREATE DATABASE template_postgis;
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'template_postgis';
# i don't find this step anywhere, but it is needed
CREATE DATABASE openmaptiles;
for db in template_postgis "openmaptiles"; do
psql --dbname="$db" <<-'EOSQL'
CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;
# these 3 commands start a docker container that downlaods data
#make import-water
#make import-natural-earth
#make import-lakelines
mkdir data
cd data
wget --quiet http://osmdata.openstreetmap.de/download/water-polygons-split-3857.zip
unzip -oj water-polygons-split-3857.zip
su - postgres
ogr2ogr -progress -f Postgresql -s_srs EPSG:3857 -t_srs EPSG:3857 -lco OVERWRITE=YES -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geometry -nln "osm_ocean_polygon" -nlt geometry --config PG_USE_COPY YES PG:"dbname=openmaptiles" "/root/data/water_polygons.shp"
wget --quiet http://naciscdn.org/naturalearth/packages/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip
unzip -oj natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip -d . '*natural_earth_vector.sqlite'
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools/master/docker/import-natural-earth/clean-natural-earth.sh
hmod +x clean-natural-earth.sh
NATURAL_EARTH_DB=./natural_earth_vector.sqlite ./clean-natural-earth.sh
ogr2ogr -progress -f Postgresql -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3857 -clipsrc -180.1 -85.0511 180.1 85.0511 -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geometry -lco OVERWRITE=YES -lco DIM=2 -nlt GEOMETRY -overwrite PG:"dbname=openmaptiles" "natural_earth_vector.sqlite"
wget https://github.com/lukasmartinelli/osm-lakelines/releases/download/v0.9/lake_centerline.geojson
ogr2ogr -progress -f Postgresql -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3857 -lco OVERWRITE=YES -overwrite -nln "lake_centerline" PG:"dbname=openmaptiles" "lake_centerline.geojson"
cd data
#get some pbf
wget https://download.geofabrik.de/europe/belgium-latest.osm.pbf
# make import-osm
export GOPATH=~/.go
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/omniscale/imposm3
#export IMPOSM_REPO="https://github.com/openmaptiles/imposm3.git"
export IMPOSM_REPO="https://github.com/omniscale/imposm3.git"
#export IMPOSM_VERSION="v2017-10-18"
export IMPOSM_VERSION="v0.8.1"
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/omniscale/imposm3
go get github.com/tools/godep
go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
git clone --quiet --depth 1 $IMPOSM_REPO -b $IMPOSM_VERSION $GOPATH/src/github.com/omniscale/imposm3
make build
/usr/local/bin/generate-imposm3 /root/openmaptiles/openmaptiles.yaml > mapping.yaml
export DIFF_DIR=~/data/import
mkdir $DIFF_DIR
export IMPOSM_CACHE_DIR=/tmp/cache
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools/master/docker/import-osm/config.json
./imposm import -connection "postgis://postgres@localhost/openmaptiles" -mapping mapping.yaml -overwritecache -diffdir "$DIFF_DIR" -cachedir "$IMPOSM_CACHE_DIR" -read "$pbf_file" -deployproduction -write $diff_flag -config "$CONFIG_JSON"
# make import-borders
git clone https://github.com/mapbox/protozero
cd protozero
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j ${JOBS}
make install
git clone https://github.com/osmcode/libosmium.git
cd libosmium
mkdir build
cmake ..
make -j ${JOBS}
make install
git clone https://github.com/pnorman/osmborder.git
cd osmborder
mkdir build
cmake ..
make -j ${JOBS}
make install
git clone https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools.git
cd openmaptiles-tools/bin
export PGHOST=localhost
export PGDATABASE=openmaptiles
export PGUSER=postgres
./import-borders ~/data/belgium-latest.osm.pbf
# make import-wikidata
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.2/Python-3.8.2.tgz
tar xf Python-3.8.2
cd Python-3.8.2
./configure --enable-optimizations
make -j ${JOBS} altinstall
cd ~/openmaptiles-tools/bin
python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.8 -m pip install -r ../requirements.txt
# workaround for asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedTableError: relation "wd_names" does not exist
# see https://github.com/openmaptiles/openmaptiles/pull/785
su - postgres
psql openmaptiles
$ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wd_names (id varchar(20) UNIQUE, page varchar(200) UNIQUE, labels hstore);
$ TRUNCATE wd_names;
$ quit
python3.8 import-wikidata --user=postgres ../../openmaptiles/openmaptiles.yaml
# openmaptiles-tools generate-tm2source openmaptiles.yaml
python3.8 generate-tm2source ../../openmaptiles/openmaptiles.yaml --port 5432 > tm2source.yaml
# openmaptiles-tools generate-sql openmaptiles.yaml
python3.8 generate-sql ../../openmaptiles/openmaptiles.yaml > openmaptiles.sql
#make import-sql
# openmaptiles-tools import-sql
export PSQL_OPTIONS=-a
export OMT_UTIL_DIR=../sql/
export VT_UTIL_DIR=../vt_util_sql/
mkdir $VT_UTIL_DIR
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openmaptiles/postgis-vt-util/master/postgis-vt-util.sql
mv postgis-vt-util.sql ../vt_util_sql/
export SQL_DIR=$PWD
# make generate-tiles
- generate-vectortiles
yum install nodejs xdg-utils
git clone git://github.com/mapnik/mapnik
cd mapnik
git checkout remotes/origin/v3.0.x
./configure BOOST_INCLUDES=/usr/include/boost169/ BOOST_LIBS=/usr/lib64/boost169/
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init
make -j ${JOBS}
make install
npm install --build-from-source=mapnik -g @mapbox/tiletype mapnik@3.7.2 @mapbox/mbtiles @mapbox/tilelive tilelive-tmsource @mapbox/tilelive-vector tilelive-bridge tilelive-mapnik
cp tm2source.yaml data.yml
sed -i "s|host: .*|host: \"localhost\"|g" data.yml
sed -i "s|port: .*|port: \"5432\"|g" data.yml
sed -i "s|dbname: .*|dbname: \"openmaptiles\"|g" data.yml
sed -i "s|user: .*|user: \"postgres\"|g" data.yml
sed -i "s|password: .*|password: \"$POSTGRES_HOST\"|g" data.yml
export BBOX="-180,-85.0511,180,85.0511"
export MIN_ZOOM=0
export MAX_ZOOM=14
tilelive-copy --scheme=pyramid --bounds=BBOX --timeout="18000000" --concurrency="10"--minzoom=MIN_ZOOM --maxzoom=MAX_ZOOM "tmsource://$PWD" "mbtiles://root/data/tiles.mbtiles"
generate-metadata ~/data/tiles.mbtiles
关于openmaptiles - 没有 docker 的 OpenMapTiles 服务器的安装过程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52844592/
我听说最好不要从您系统的 Perl 版本所在的 CPAN 安装模块。我知道如何使用命令行安装模块,我只是想知道是否有办法将 CPAN 与系统核心 Perl 分开。 我应该: 下载源代码并专门为这些模块
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我有 linux MINT 17.3 Kernel 4.4.0-81 所有更新可用。 (由于不同的原因,我无法迁移到更新版本的 ubuntu/mint) 我已经通过 PPA 安装了 FFMPEG(不是
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Studio更新至0.4.0 建筑产量为“需要1.8版Gradle”;将设置设置为1.8 bin目录; 建立 “要求1.9级”;将设置设置为1.9 bin; 建立 “要求1.8级” 啊。不知道该怎么做
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服务器操作系统为Fedora 24. 64bit。 我想安装 Git 2.6.6。 所以下载源码并安装。 此服务器离线。所以我不使用“yum”。 ./configure --prefix=/usr/l
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