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#include <windows.h>
HBITMAP createImageMask(HBITMAP bitmapHandle, const COLORREF transparencyColor) {
// For getting information about the bitmap's height and width in this context
BITMAP bitmap;
// Create the device contexts for the bitmap and its mask
HDC bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
HDC bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
// For the device contexts to re-select the initial object they initialized with
// and de-select the bitmap and mask
HGDIOBJ bitmapDummyObject;
HGDIOBJ bitmapMaskDummyObject;
// The actual mask
HBITMAP bitmapMaskHandle;
// 1. Generate the mask.
GetObject(bitmapHandle, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap);
bitmapMaskHandle = CreateBitmap(bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, 1, 1, NULL);
// 2. Setup the device context for the mask (and the bitmap)
// — also get the initial selected objects in the device contexts.
bitmapDummyObject = SelectObject(bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, (HGDIOBJ) (HBITMAP) bitmapHandle);
bitmapMaskDummyObject = SelectObject(bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext, (HGDIOBJ) (HBITMAP) bitmapMaskHandle);
// 3. Set the background color of the mask.
SetBkColor(bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, transparencyColor);
// 4. Copy the bitmap to the mask and invert it so it blends with the background color.
BitBlt(bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext, 0, 0, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
BitBlt(bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, 0, 0, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
// 5. Select the bitmaps out before deleting the device contexts to avoid any issues.
SelectObject(bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, bitmapDummyObject);
SelectObject(bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext, bitmapMaskDummyObject);
// Clean-up
// Voila!
return bitmapMaskHandle;
RGB(255, 0, 0)
该代码的作用是设置两个位图,以供一种旧的Win32技术使用,以绘制一个 Sprite ,其中您使用不同的光栅操作代码对BitBlt进行两次调用,一个调用一个蒙版,另一个绘制该 Sprite ,以使 Sprite 的背景将不会被绘制。请注意,它既在创建掩码,也在更改源位图。 (“const HBITMAP bitmapHandle”中的“const”实际上并没有做任何事情。位图句柄就像资源ID一样,指的是Windows所管理的位图,而C++对此一无所知。如果您查看代码,最终的BitBlit将变为源位图,而不是掩码。该调用的作用是使源位图中的键色变黑,这是使用rop代码和两次blit绘制sprite所必需的。
顺便说一句,这项技术是一种非常古老的实现方法,在将MaskBlt引入API之前,该方法将在一次调用中完成您想做的事情。但更进一步,MaskBlt在这一点上已经过时了。您可能想为游戏或类似游戏的游戏绘制 Sprite 。几乎可以肯定,您真正想要的是使用每个像素的Alpha加载PNG,并使用Alpha合成对其进行绘制。您可以使用GDI+或开放源代码图形库(例如FreeImage)来执行此操作。
#include <windows.h>
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
HBITMAP g_bmp;
HBITMAP g_bmpMask;
HBITMAP createImageMask( HBITMAP bitmapHandle, const COLORREF transparencyColor) {
// For getting information about the bitmap's height and width in this context
BITMAP bitmap;
// Create the device contexts for the bitmap and its mask
HDC bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
HDC bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
// The actual mask
HBITMAP bitmapMaskHandle;
// 1. Generate the mask.
GetObject(bitmapHandle, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap);
bitmapMaskHandle = CreateBitmap(bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, 1, 1, NULL);
// 2. Setup the device context for the mask (and the bitmap).
SelectObject(bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, bitmapHandle);
SelectObject(bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext, bitmapMaskHandle);
// 3. Set the background color of the mask.
SetBkColor(bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, transparencyColor);
// 4. Copy the bitmap to the mask and invert it so it blends with the background color.
BitBlt(bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext, 0, 0, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
BitBlt(bitmapGraphicsDeviceContext, 0, 0, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, bitmapMaskGraphicsDeviceContext, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
// Clean-up
// Voila!
return bitmapMaskHandle;
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
MSG msg = { 0 };
WNDCLASS wc = { 0 };
wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BACKGROUND);
wc.lpszClassName = L"minwindowsapp";
g_bmp = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(hInstance, L"D:\\test\\hex_badge.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
g_bmpMask = createImageMask(g_bmp, RGB(255, 0, 0));
if (!RegisterClass(&wc))
return 1;
if (!CreateWindow(wc.lpszClassName,
L"Minimal Windows Application",
0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, hInstance, NULL))
return 2;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) {
return 0;
LRESULT HandleWmPaint(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
HDC hdcScr = GetDC(NULL);
HDC hdcBmp = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScr);
HBITMAP hbmOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcBmp, g_bmp);
HDC hdcMask = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScr);
HBITMAP hbmOldMask = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcMask, g_bmpMask );
HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, 184, 184, hdcMask, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
BitBlt(hdc, 184, 0, 184, 184, hdcBmp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
SelectObject(hdcMask, hbmOldMask);
SelectObject(hdcBmp, hbmOld);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcScr);
return 0;
switch (message)
case WM_CLOSE:
case WM_PAINT:
return HandleWmPaint(hWnd, wParam, lParam);
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
关于c - 从位图和透明度颜色创建蒙版-Windows GDI,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59422456/
这两个库之间有什么区别吗? 最佳答案 根据the wikipedia article on GDI : With the introduction of Windows XP, GDI was dep
我喜欢 GDI+,因为它具有高性能并且包含在 Windows XP 中。但是,它的模糊类和效果类仅在 GDI+ 1.1 中可用,后者仅随 Windows Vista 或更高版本提供。尽管微软计划很快放
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是否可以在用户模式下创建自定义 GDI 设备?我们的想法是创建一个设备上下文 (HDC),我们可以将其传递给不透明的组件,这样当组件调用 GDI 函数(如 TextOut)时,我们可以获得实际的文本字
我想知道是否可以枚举所有桌面可见窗口以创建它们的位图并将所有位图组合成一个以便获得桌面的完整屏幕截图? 最有可能使用 GDI/GD+,但也欢迎使用任何外部库。首选语言C\C++。 提前致谢。 最佳答案
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我在同时使用 GDI 和 GDI+ 进行绘图时遇到问题。页面转换——尤其是缩放——似乎在两者之间有点偏离。除了 SetViewportExt 和 SetWindowExt 之外,GDI 上下文的哪些属
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关闭。这个问题是opinion-based .它目前不接受答案。 想改善这个问题吗?更新问题,以便可以通过 editing this post 用事实和引文回答问题. 4年前关闭。 Improve t
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