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迪杰斯特拉 "Software Engineering"

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 11:01:17 25 4
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12 年前关闭。

Edsger Dijkstra 有时可能有点粗鲁(他称“卡尔弗里德里希高斯,数学家王子,但也有点懦夫”)在他的文章“关于真正教授计算科学的残酷性”(EWD1036)中说:

A number of these phenomena have been bundled under the name "SoftwareEngineering". As economics is known as "The Miserable Science", softwareengineering should be known as "The Doomed Discipline", doomed becauseit cannot even approach its goal since its goal is self-contradictory.Software engineering, of course, presents itself as another worthycause, but that is eyewash: if you carefully read its literature andanalyse what its devotees actually do, you will discover that softwareengineering has accepted as its charter "How to program if you cannot.".



我有点好奇- some older discusions on this quote .


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