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javascript - 回调函数没有被调用

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 10:56:27 25 4
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我有一个 VisualTimer 对象

function VisualTimer(customConfig) {
// Create a new Timer object
var object = this;
this.timer = new Timer(object, function(data) { this.timerUpdated(data); }, function (data) { this.timerFinished(data); });

// Set default configuration
this.config = {
// The ID's of the timer's control elements
pauseButtonId : "pause-timer",
startButtonId : "start-timer",
stopButtonId : "stop-timer",
// The ID's of the timer's display elements
hoursDisplayId : "hours-left",
minutesDisplayId : "minutes-left",
secondsDisplayId : "seconds-left",
// The ID's of the timer's input elements
hoursInputId : "hours-left",
minutesInputId : "minutes-left",
secondsInputId : "seconds-left",

// Replace the default configuration if a custom config has been provided
if (typeof(customConfig) == "object") this.config = customConfig;

它就像 Timer 对象的扩展,只是为了分离底层计时器和可视控件。正如您所看到的,我正在注入(inject)新的 Timer() “对象”以及应在每次更新时调用的 VisualTimer 函数。但是,这不起作用。


function Timer(callbackObject, updateCallback, finishedCallback) {

// Define timer variables
this.state = Timer.stateStopped;

this.callbackObject = (typeof(callbackObject) == "object") ? callbackObject : null;
this.updateCallback = (typeof(updateCallback) == "function") ? updateCallback : null;
this.finishedCallback = (typeof(finishedCallback) == "function") ? finishedCallback : null;

this.hours = 0;
this.minutes = 0;
this.seconds = 0;

// Save the values that the timer was initially set to
this.startHours = 0;
this.startMinutes = 0;
this.startSeconds = 0;

* Store the setInterval() ID that is created when the timer is started
* so that we can use this to clear it (stop the timer) later on.
this.interval = null;


Timer.prototype.tick = function(fireCallback) {
fireCallback = (typeof(fireCallback) == "boolean") ? fireCallback : true;

if (this.seconds > 0) {
// If the seconds value is bigger than 0, subtract it by 1
this.seconds -= 1;

// Fire the update callback function
console.log(this.hours + ":" + this.minutes + ":" + this.seconds);
if (fireCallback && this.updateCallback != null), this.getCurrentValues());
else if (this.minutes > 0) {
// If the seconds value is 0 but not the minutes value, subtract it by 1
this.minutes -= 1;
// And then also update the seconds value
this.seconds = 59;

// Fire the update callback function
console.log(this.hours + ":" + this.minutes + ":" + this.seconds);
if (fireCallback && this.updateCallback != null), this.getCurrentValues());
else if (this.hours > 0) {
// If neither the seconds nor the minutes value is bigger than 0 but the hours value is, subtract it by 1
this.hours -= 1;
// And then also update the minutes and the seconds values
this.minutes = 59;
this.seconds = 59;

// Fire the update callback function
console.log(this.hours + ":" + this.minutes + ":" + this.seconds);
if (fireCallback && this.updateCallback != null), this.getCurrentValues());
else {
// Stop the timer

// Fire the finished callback function
console.log("The timer has finished.");
if (fireCallback && this.finishedCallback != null), this.getInitialValues());

滴答工作得很好,所以到目前为止,代码没有任何问题,并且 console.log() 输出正确,因此计时器和滴答功能工作完美。不过,回调函数不会被触发。


这是应该在每个刻度上触发的 updateCallback 函数

VisualTimer.prototype.timerUpdated = function(timerData) {
if (typeof(timerData) == "object")
if (timerData.state == Timer.stateRunning) {
// Update the timer's display elements with new values
this.updateDisplayElements(timerData.hours, timerData.minutes, timerData.seconds);
else if (timerData.state == Timer.statePaused) {
// Make sure the correct values are displayed
this.updateDisplayElements(timerData.hours, timerData.minutes, timerData.seconds);

window.alert("The timer has been paused!");
else if (timerData.state == Timer.stateStopped) {
// Reset the timer's input and display elements

window.alert("The timer has been stopped!");

更新:所有代码现在都可以作为 JSFiddle project 提供。 .


问题解决了!问题是 state 属性从未发送到回调函数,因为本应命名为 getInitialValues() 的函数意外命名为 getCurrentValues() 因此覆盖了该函数。 getInitialValues() 不会发送状态,但 getCurrentValues() 会发送状态。更正函数名称后,一切都完美运行:)



VisualTimer.prototype.timerUpdated = function(timerData) {
if (typeof(timerData) == "object")
if (timerData.state == Timer.stateRunning) { // THIS IS ALWAYS FALSE
// Update the timer's display elements with new values
this.updateDisplayElements(timerData.hours, timerData.minutes, timerData.seconds);
else if (timerData.state == Timer.statePaused) {
// Make sure the correct values are displayed
this.updateDisplayElements(timerData.hours, timerData.minutes, timerData.seconds);

window.alert("The timer has been paused!");
else if (timerData.state == Timer.stateStopped) {
// Reset the timer's input and display elements

window.alert("The timer has been stopped!");

因为实际上 timerData 上没有 state 属性。这是您设置状态的地方。此时 this 对象就是 Timer 对象本身

    // Set the current state to running
this.state = Timer.stateRunning;

然后当你调用上面的 noop 代码时,你会:

if (fireCallback && this.updateCallback != null), this.getCurrentValues());

它将 this 设置为 this.callbackObject,而它没有 state 属性。


关于javascript - 回调函数没有被调用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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