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javascript - 在没有 JQuery 的情况下使用响应式图像映射

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 10:56:21 29 4
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我最近一直在想如何制作响应式图像 map 。听起来不可能,但我确实找到了一种方法

如果你查看源代码,你就能看到一切。它没有附加 JQuery 或 Ruby,或者人们推荐的任何插件来执行此操作。

但是,当我尝试在我的代码中实现这个 JS 时,它不起作用。我日夜寻找,却一无所获。



GLOBAL_AREAS = new Array();

function scaleXY(elementid, scale) {
// avoid problems with 0 scales and image becoming so small it does not change size
// I think something breaks in firefox(1) when you shrink so much that all values in an coords= become 0
// I think something breaks in iexplore(1) when you shrink so much that all values in an coords= become 0

myscale = Math.max(0, scale);
oldwidth = document.getElementById(elementid).width
oldheight = document.getElementById(elementid).height
newwidth = Math.round(Math.max(oldwidth * myscale, 1));
newheight = Math.round(Math.max(oldheight * myscale, 1));

if(oldwidth == newwidth) newwidth =+ 1;
if(oldheight == newheight) newheight =+ 1;

document.getElementById(elementid).width = newwidth;
document.getElementById(elementid).height = newheight;

// Assuming one image map in document.
// Assuming coordinates are comma-delimited in AREA COORDS= string.
// Assuming the same zoom factor for the height as for the width of the image.

function getglobal() { // place original AREA coordinate strings into a global array, called at load
var arrayAreas = document.body.getElementsByTagName("AREA");
GLOBAL_WIDTH = document.getElementById("myimage").width; // get original width
for(var i = 0; i < arrayAreas.length; i++) {
GLOBAL_AREAS[i]= arrayAreas[i].coords;

function scaleArea() { // using values stored at load, recalculate new values for the current size
var arrayAreas = document.body.getElementsByTagName("AREA");
for(var i = 0; i < arrayAreas.length; i++) {
ii = i+1;
rescale = document.getElementById("myimage").width/GLOBAL_WIDTH ;
sarray = GLOBAL_AREAS[i].split(","); // convert coordinates to a numeric array assuming comma-delimited values
var rarray =new Array();
for(var j = 0; j < sarray.length; j++) {
rarray[j] = parseInt(sarray[j])*rescale; // rescale the values
rarray[j] = Math.round(rarray[j]);
} //alert( "GLOBAL " + GLOBAL_AREAS[i] + ":" + sarray.length + " SPLIT=" + sarray +rarray.length);
arrayAreas[i].coords = rarray.join(","); // put the values back into a string


<body onload="getglobal();" >
<input type="button" onclick="scaleXY('myimage',1.0/1.13);" value="scaled smaller" />
<input type="button" onclick="scaleXY('myimage',1.13);" value="scaled bigger" />
<img id="myimage" src="hcopy.gif" alt="Round buttons" usemap="#circles" height="839" width="586" />
<map id="circles" name="circles" >
<area target="_blank" title="CYAN AREA" alt="CYAN" shape="circle" coords="50,50,20" href="#CYAN" />
<area target="_blank" title="BLUE AREA" alt="BLUE" shape="circle" coords="25,25,20" href="#BLUE" />
<area target="_blank" title="RED AREA" alt="RED" shape="circle" coords="25,75,20" href="#RED" />
<area target="_blank" title="MAGENTA AREA" alt="MAGENTA" shape="circle" coords="75,25,20" href="#MAGENTA" />
<area target="_blank" title="GREEN AREA" alt="GREEN" shape="circle" coords="75,75,20" href="#GREEN" />
<area target="_blank" title="YELLOW AREA" alt="YELLOW" shape="rect" coords="0,0,100,100" href="#YELLOW" />




<form onload="getglobal()">
<input type="button" onclick="scaleImageDown()" value="scaled smaller" />
<input type="button" onclick="scaleImageUp()" value="scaled bigger" />
<img src="" usemap="#circles" id="myimage" width="839" height"586" >
<map name="circles" id="circles">
<area shape="circle" coords="-264,320,442" href="" title="Sun">
<area shape="circle" coords="244,79,13" href="" title="Mercury">
<area shape="circle" coords="307,122,24" href="" title="Venus">
<area shape="circle" coords="382,187,29" href="" title="Earth">
<area shape="circle" coords="414,149,14" href="" title="The Moon">
<area shape="circle" coords="432,232,16" href="" title="Mars">
<area shape="circle" coords="408,249,8" href="" title="Deimos">
<area shape="circle" coords="456,217,8" href="" title="Phobos">
<area shape="rect" coords="413,261,486,292" href="" title="Asteroids">
<area shape="circle" coords="563,337,85" href="" title="Jupiter">
<area shape="circle" coords="430,421,14" href="" title="Europa">
<area shape="circle" coords="463,395,18" href="" title="Ganymede">
<area shape="circle" coords="653,245,17" href="" title="Callisto">
<area shape="circle" coords="690,220,13" href="" title="Io">
<area shape="circle" coords="668,431,41" href="" title="Saturn">
<area shape="circle" coords="727,397,11" href="" title="Titan">
<area shape="circle" coords="734,487,21" href="" title="Uranus">
<area shape="circle" coords="684,525,10" href="" title="Umbriel">
<area shape="circle" coords="702,512,10" href="" title="Miranda">
<area shape="circle" coords="769,460,10" href="" title="Ariel">
<area shape="circle" coords="785,445,10" href="" title="Titania">
<area shape="circle" coords="802,430,10" href="" title="Oberon">
<area shape="circle" coords="784,536,27" href="" title="Neptune">
<area shape="circle" coords="757,565,10" href="" title="Triton">
<area shape="circle" coords="816,574,10" href="" title="Pluto">


GLOBAL_AREAS = new Array();
eid = "myimage";

function scaleImageDown() {
// avoid problems with 0 scales and image becoming so small it does not change size
// I think something breaks in firefox(1) when you shrink so much that all values in an coords= become 0
// I think something breaks in iexplore(1) when you shrink so much that all values in an coords= become 0
var myscale = 0.5;
var oldwidth = document.getElementById(eid).width;
var oldheight = document.getElementById(eid).height;
var newwidth = oldwidth * myscale;
var newheight = oldheight * myscale;

if(oldwidth == newwidth) {
newwidth =+ 1

if(oldheight == newheight) {
newheight =+ 1

document.getElementById(eid).width = newwidth;
document.getElementById(eid).height = newheight;

function scaleImageUp() {
var myscale = 2;
var oldwidth = document.getElementById(eid).width;
var oldheight = document.getElementById(eid).height;
var newwidth = oldwidth * myscale;
var newheight = oldheight * myscale;

if(oldwidth == newwidth) {
newwidth =+ 1

if(oldheight == newheight) {
newheight =+ 1

document.getElementById(eid).width = newwidth;
document.getElementById(eid).height = newheight;

// Assuming one image map in document.
// Assuming coordinates are comma-delimited in AREA COORDS= string.
// Assuming the same zoom factor for the height as for the width of the image.

function getglobal(){ // place original AREA coordinate strings into a global array, called at load
var arrayAreas = document.body.getElementsByTagName("area");
GLOBAL_WIDTH = document.getElementById(eid).width; // get original width
for(var i = 0; i < arrayAreas.length; i++) {
GLOBAL_AREAS[i]= arrayAreas[i].coords;

function scaleArea() { // using values stored at load, recalculate new values for the current size
var arrayAreas = document.body.getElementsByTagName("area");
for(var i = 0; i < arrayAreas.length; i++) {
var ii = i + 1;
var rescale = document.getElementById(eid).width/GLOBAL_WIDTH ;
var sarray = GLOBAL_AREAS[i].split(","); // convert coordinates to a numeric array assuming comma-delimited values
var rarray = new Array();
for(var j = 0; j < sarray.length; j++) {
rarray[j] = parseInt(sarray[j]) * rescale; // rescale the values
rarray[j] = Math.round(rarray[j]);
} //alert( "GLOBAL " + GLOBAL_AREAS[i] + ":" + sarray.length + " SPLIT=" + sarray +rarray.length);
arrayAreas[i].coords=rarray.join(","); // put the values back into a string

如您所见,它们几乎相同。唯一的区别是顶部的 onw 可以工作,而底部的则不行。请帮忙。感谢您对其工作原理的任何解释(当然,除了基础知识之外)。谢谢!


一个<form>元素没有自然发生的“加载”事件,因此 getglobal()在您的代码版本中未调用。

尝试恢复 <body onload="getglobal();">

或者,找到其他方法来导致 getglobal()被调用 - 例如响应某些用户事件。


首先,HTML 导致 DOM 填充:

  • 一个<form>包含两个按钮的元素
  • <img>元素
  • <map>包含多个区域的元素

该文档的 <body>元素有getglobal()作为 onload 处理程序附加到它,这会导致设置几个全局变量:

  • GLOBAL_WIDTH :<img>元素的初始宽度。
  • GLOBAL_AREAS :图像贴图初始区域坐标的数组,“-264,320,442”等。
  • GLOBAL_COUNT :已设置但未使用。

通过一次设置这些全局变量,每次重新缩放图像及其 map 时要做的事情就会少很多。

通过附加 onclick 处理程序,这两个表单按钮均被赋予“单击”操作:

  • “缩小”- onclick="scaleImageDown()"
  • “放大”- onclick="scaleImageUp()"

两个函数scaleImageDown()scaleImageUp() :

  • 将图像重新缩放 0.5 或 2 倍。
  • 循环GLOBAL_AREAS数组并操作区域节点'coords属性,使得每个坐标除以或乘以 2。这具有重新缩放整个 map 的预期效果。

效用函数scaleArea()存在是为了避免 scaleImageDown() 中的代码重复和scaleImageUp() .

关于javascript - 在没有 JQuery 的情况下使用响应式图像映射,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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