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javascript - 如何更改 new Function(...) 的全局上下文?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-03 10:14:57 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


// that iframe is created via document.write to share objects 
var iFrameGlobal = myIFrameGlobal;

(function( ns ) {
var context = this; // is the iframe's global, correct!
}( iFrameGlobal ));

现在如前所述,我想完整保留该 iframe 上下文中函数的作用域:

 var realGlobal = window;// the creator source of the iframe

var iFrameGlobal = myIFrameGlobal;

(function( ns ) {

// is the iframe's global, correct!
var context = this;

// button is a custom HTML element in the iFrame, its owner document
// is correct. Its basically a custom widget, its JS has been parsed
// in that iframe as well.
var myWidget = button;

//the content of the new function
var script = "var context = window; console.dir(context); return context";

var fn = new Function("{" + script + "}");

var result = fn.apply(myWidget, _args || {});//returns realGlobal

}( iFrameGlobal ));


这是故意的吗?我还看到了这个答案 here其中提到了这种行为,但对我来说没有意义,因为“this”是正确的,并且下面的函数应该遍历到它。


  • 已针对 Firefox-29 和 Firebug 1.12 进行了测试(必须在其中运行)
  • 实际上,我想在该 iframe 中运行包含 $('#otherButton').css(...) 的“脚本”,通过 fn.apply(myWidget,...) 传递的自定义范围内;



 var realGlobal = window;// the creator source of the iframe

var iFrameGlobal = myIFrameGlobal;

(function( ns ) {

// is the iframe's global, correct!
var context = this;

// button is a custom HTML element in the iFrame, its owner document
// is correct. Its basically a custom widget, its JS has been parsed
// in that iframe as well.
var myWidget = button;

//the content of the new function
var script = "var context = window; console.dir(context); return context";

var fn = new Function("{" + script + "}").bind(this);

var result = fn.apply(myWidget, _args || {});//returns realGlobal

}( iFrameGlobal ));

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